台科大 MBA 選課分享 NTUST MBA Course Selection Sharing

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👋 嗨你好,我是 113 級的 Andrea。當時入學要選課的時候,發現網路上能找到的資訊很少,所以趁著學期結束,把修課心得整理整理,也提供給要選課的你參考。

If you're reading this, chances are you're an incoming student.

Hi there, I'm Andrea from the 113th cohort. When I was selecting courses before starting the MBA program, I realized there wasn't much information available online. So, now that the semester is over, I thought I'd organize and share my course experiences for your reference.

不過由於我認為的好課,不一定也會合你胃口,所以我會先簡介我的背景和修課方向,讓你可以更好評估。另外,開學的第一週記得去上課,聽看看老師的講課風格喜不喜歡,如果不 OK 可以在加退選期間退掉喔。

Since what I consider a good course may not necessarily match your preferences, I'll start by introducing my background and course focus to help you evaluate more carefully. Additionally, remember to attend classes during the first week to see if you like the professor's teaching style. If it's not a good fit, you can drop the course during the add/drop period.

個人背景與修課重點 Personal Background and Course Focus

我是台科企管畢業的,畢業之後先出社會工作。在入學之前,我在 SaaS 軟體產業的新創負責 B2B 行銷工作,在這之前的工作經驗也以企畫或行銷為主。希望畢業之後繼續在網路科技業發展,目標是加入外企、或能做到國際市場的生意,並且能從行銷職能拓展到策略層面。

I graduated from NTUST with a degree in Business Administration and entered the workforce after graduation. Before enrolling, I worked in a SaaS startup in the software industry, focusing on B2B marketing. My previous work experience also centered around planning and marketing roles. After completing this MBA program, I hope to continue developing my career in the internet technology industry, and possibly join a multinational company or work in international markets. Additionally, I aim to expand my expertise from marketing functions to strategic roles.

所以我會選修較多資管和科管的課,學些相關理論架構,例如資訊系統架構、創新管理等等,藉此多累積一些策略思維的基礎。除此之外,我會盡量選修個案教學為主的課程,訓練自己的思考與表達。整體來說,我會以能學到東西為主要選課方向,課涼不涼、給分甜不甜就是斟酌考量。還是會配一下課,避免太 hardcore 😅

As a result, I plan to take more courses related to information management and technology management to learn relevant theoretical frameworks, such as information system architecture and innovation management. This will help me accumulate strategic thinking skills. In addition, I'll try to choose case-based courses to improve my critical thinking and communication skills. Overall, my course selection will focus on learning opportunities. Factors like the course workload or grading leniency will be secondary considerations. That said, I'll still balance my schedule to avoid being too hardcore.

畢業學分要求 Graduation Credit Requirements

以我 113 年入學這屆的規定,畢業需要修完 45 學分,包括:

  • 核心課程:要修滿 24 學分,四類別的每一類別 6 學分,且有 18 學分要是以英語授課。課程資訊備註會標示是英語授課或 EMI 課程。另外要注意課程編碼是 MA 開頭。(延伸閱讀:台科 EMI 課程說明

  • 選修課程:除了 24 學分的核心課程,其他學分就滿彈性的,除了可以修管院研究所課程,例如工管、資管、科管、財管。也可以有 9 學分是來自台科其他系所或台大、師大的研究所課程。台科研究所課程編碼是第三碼 5 ~ 9,其他細節可以參考學校課程編碼表

For our cohort admitted in 2024 (academic year 113), the graduation requirements include completing 45 credits, which consist of:

  • Core Courses: 24 credits, with 6 credits required from each category. Additionally, 18 of these credits must be taught in English. Course descriptions will indicate whether they are English-taught or EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses. Also, please note that the course codes should start with "MA.”

  • Elective Courses: Beyond the 24 credits of core courses, the remaining credits are quite flexible. You can take courses from the graduate programs within the College of Management. Additionally, up to 9 credits can come from graduate courses offered by other departments at NTUST or even from NTU and NTNU graduate programs. NTUST graduate courses are identified by the third digit in the course code (5~9). For further details, refer to the school guidelines.

If you're an international student, please double-check the information provided by the school and the department, as I'm Taiwanese.

推薦的課和老師 Recommended Courses and Professors

我會按照核心課程分類和選修課程來分開記錄。因為只上了一學期的課,所以能夠記錄的還比較少,像是核心 A 和核心 B 都是這學期才要修課,之後學期結束會回來更新的!

I will document my experiences separately based on core courses and elective courses. Since I've only completed one semester so far, there isn't much to record yet. For example, I'll be taking Core A and Core B courses this semester. I'll come back to update this after future semesters end!

核心 C. 智慧趨勢發展與管理 Core C. Management for Intelligence Development


  • 授課老師:資管系 朱宇倩 教授
  • 課程摘要:這堂課主要會介紹各種資訊系統,以及它們與其他資訊系統的串聯與應用。另外每週都會有一組同學上台報告兩篇指定的閱讀文章與延伸資料,這些分享內容會跟當週課程內容有關。
    期中作業是一份個人 essay,要寫 5 ~ 10 頁,不能使用 LLM 工具寫,當時花了滿多時間寫的。期末報告是小組報告,主題是從提供的題目去選,大部分題目跟 LLM 或 AI 有關。
  • 學分數:3
  • 授課語言:EMI
  • 課程心得:想修這門課是因為之前工作關係,比較多接觸的是行銷相關的系統,覺得不同職能系統之間整合的斷點多,但是當時不知道如何去思考解決方案。老師講課講得很清楚,也會融入一些案例和強調實務中「管理」的重要性,我收穫頗多,上完課以後更有資訊系統和流程的全局觀。課堂上,老師經常提問問題,也很鼓勵同學回答,是很親切的老師。而且老師英文講得很好,是不會讓人聽得吃力的 EMI 課程。之後會想要選修老師開的其他課~

Information Systems and Management

  • Teacher: Professor Yu-Qian Zhu, IM Department
  • Course Summary: This course primarily introduces the functions of various information systems and their interconnected applications with other systems. It emphasizes how to leverage technological advantages, which are closely related to organizational and management practices. Additionally, each week, a group of students presents two assigned reading articles along with supplementary materials, with the content closely tied to the week's course material.
    The midterm assignment is an individual essay of 5–10 pages, with the use of LLM tools strictly prohibited. I spent quite a lot of time working on it. The final project is a group presentation, with topics selected from a list provided by the instructor. Most of the topics are related to LLMs or AI.
  • Credits: 3
  • Language: EMI
  • Course Reflection: The professor explains concepts very clearly and incorporates case studies to emphasize the importance of management in practice. I gained a lot from this course. In class, the professor frequently asks questions and encourages students to answer. The professor is very friendly and approachable. Additionally, the professor speaks English fluently, making this an EMI course that's easy to follow. I would definitely consider taking other courses offered by this professor in the future!

另外有去旁聽幾堂企管系呂志豪教授的供應鏈管理,耳聞之前好像是開 EMI,不過 113-2 是中文授課。如果之後要朝硬體、半導體發展,又沒有相關背景,推薦可以修這門課。

I attended a few audit sessions of Professor Shih-Hao Lu's Supply Chain Management course. I heard that it used to be offered as an EMI course, but for the 113-2 semester, it's taught in Chinese. If you plan to pursue a career in hardware or semiconductors and don't have a related background, I recommend taking this course.

核心 D. 研究方法與商業分析 Core D. Methodology & Data Analysis


  • 授課老師:企管系 何建韋 專案助理教授
  • 課程摘要:這堂課算是從 0 到 1 教 Python,包括 data type、data framework 和 data structure 的基礎內容,這些教完大概就期中。有了這些基礎後,會教如何運用 Pandas 和 Numpy 模組做資料分析和資料視覺化。
    期中是紙筆測驗,不能用電腦;如果按老師的講義內容課後再完整練習,應該可以拿到不錯的分數。期末則是小組報告,自行分組和選題做數據分析,包括蒐集數據、清理資料、分析 insights 和資料視覺化。我們這學期是有一次小考,另外期末報告完後,有一篇個人閱讀心得作業。每堂課幾乎都會抽點點名算出席分數。
  • 學分數:3
  • 授課語言:EMI
  • 課程心得:每次上課教的 code 的量不會太多,也會留時間讓同學練習小題目,如果按部就班,然後課後練習,Python 基礎應該沒問題。老師不時也會複習比較容易混淆的觀念,考試時候會出現。整體而言,算是比較輕鬆的課,但是我覺得 coding 還是靠自己練,所以最後學多少還是看個人。老師人也滿 nice 的,練習過程中遇到問題,下課都可以去問他。(同學有修何老師的其他課,都說能獲得滿滿情緒價值 😆)

Big Data Analysis

  • Teacher: Assistant Professor Chien-Wei Ho, BA Department
  • Course Summary: This course starts from scratch to teach Python, covering basics like data types, data frameworks, and data structures, which are completed around midterm. With this foundation, the course moves on to teaching how to use Pandas and Numpy modules for data analysis and visualization.
    The midterm exam is a written test (no computers allowed). If you practice thoroughly with the professor’s lecture materials after class, you should be able to achieve a good score. For the final, it’s a group project where you form your own teams and select a topic for data analysis. This includes data collection, data cleaning, deriving insights, and data visualization. This semester, we had one quiz, and after the final project presentation, there was an individual reading reflection assignment. Attendance is taken randomly in almost every class.
  • Credits: 3
  • Language: EMI
  • Course Reflection: The amount of code taught in each class is manageable, and the professor leaves time for students to practice small exercises. If you follow the lessons step by step and practice after class, you should have no problem mastering Python basics. The professor also reviews concepts that are often confusing, which tend to appear on exams. Overall, this is a relatively relaxed course, but I believe coding ultimately depends on self-practice, so how much you learn will still vary by individual. The professor is very nice, and you can approach him after class to ask questions if you encounter problems during practice.

選修課程 Elective Courses

企業研究方法論 Business Research Methods

  • 授課老師:企管系 林孟彥 教授
  • 課程摘要:林老師的研方課一定會有二堂是 Word 課,之後才會進入研究方法論的內容。那個……不要先入為主覺得自己不用學 Word,我從大學時期至今,已經上了三、四遍,每次還是很有收穫,我 MBA 同學上完還說林老師用 Word 根本「變魔術」。Word 課之後的研究方法論內容,是教怎麼做研究,包括怎麼找題目、怎麼讀 paper、怎麼做筆記、怎麼寫論文,以及怎麼避開研究陷阱等等。
    林老師的研方課沒有期中期末評量,但是每週要交上課心得,然後一學期會有 2 ~ 3 次交研究計畫書。
  • 學分數:3
  • 授課語言:中文
  • 課程心得:如果不是為了畢業要交論文而寫論文,想要學習如何做研究,想要避免兩年的研究會在無意義的課題中盲目努力,非常非常非常推薦這堂課。雖然有些同學認為碩二修,對寫論文比較有幫助,但是我覺得這堂課不只是教授研究的正確觀念,更是邏輯思維的訓練,學著用宏觀與微觀的視角去理解事物和表達自己的觀點。我在這堂課收穫很多,下次林老師再開課,我還會想去旁聽!

YouTube 上有一個影片是林老師講「做一個好研究,寫一篇好論文」,也可以先看看再決定要不要選修。不過我猜看了以後,應該都會想要修這堂課(?)因為上課坐我旁邊的設計系學長,就是因為看了這個影片才慕名來的🤭

Business Research Methods

This course is taught by a retired professor from the Department of Business Administration who came back to offer it. It's highly recommended, though unfortunately, it's only taught in Chinese.

科技管理個案分析 Technology Management and Case Analysis

  • 授課老師:科管所 翁晶晶 副教授
  • 課程摘要:這堂課主要會透過個案,了解科技創新和創新模式、推向市場的時機等等主題知識。這堂課也有安排二名業師來分享科技創新的實務經驗。學期一開始會請同學交 name card,老師在每堂課上會抽 name card,請同學分享,所以上課時都滿專心的。
    期中和期末都是小組報告,另外期末要交一份個人 feedback 作業。我修課的學期遇到 3 次放假(1 次國慶、2 次颱風),所以我們沒有期中報告。
  • 學分數:3
  • 授課語言:EMI
  • 課程心得:其實第一堂課開始,我就有感覺這堂課不會太輕鬆。老師是在英國取得博士學位,講一口流利的英式英文,而且很有氣場和自信,是那種會讓人被她講話吸引的老師。她的講課風格直接明快,不留太多模糊的空間,給人一種真正在上「研究所」課程的感覺。但也因此會有些壓力,需要保持頭腦清醒。
    老師滿關注社會企業以及科技對社會的影響,課堂上除了學習教科書理論,也可以培養從社會影響力的角度思考科技創新。雖然因為假期關係而壓縮到上課次數,沒上幾堂課就到了學期末,但每一堂課都印象深刻。(不過之後似乎會用做 project 的方式上課,所以還是要去聽第一堂課、以 syllabus 為主)

Technology Management and Case Analysis

  • Teacher: Associate Professor Jingjing Weng, TM Department
  • Course Summary: This course primarily focuses on case studies to understand topics such as technological innovation and models, market entry timing, and more. The class also includes two guest lecturers who will share their practical experiences in technological innovation.
    At the beginning of the semester, students are required to submit a name card. During each class, the professor will randomly select a name card and invite the student to share their perspective, which keeps everyone engaged throughout the class.
    Both the midterm and final are group presentations, and there is an additional individual feedback assignment for the final. In the semester I took this course, we had three holidays (one for National Day and two for typhoons), so we didn't have a midterm presentation.
  • Credits: 3
  • Language: EMI
  • Course Reflection: From the very first class, I could tell that this course wouldn't be an easy one. The professor earned her PhD in the UK, speaks fluent British English, and exudes confidence and charisma. She is the kind of professor who naturally captures your attention when she speaks. Her teaching style is direct and efficient, leaving little room for ambiguity, which really gives the feeling of taking a "graduate-level" course. However, this also means there's some pressure, as you need to stay focused and engaged throughout.
    The professor is particularly passionate about social enterprises and the impact of technology on society. Beyond learning textbook theories, this course encourages thinking about technological innovation from a social impact perspective. Although the class schedule was compressed due to holidays, leaving only a few sessions before the semester ended, every class left a strong impression. It seems that future iterations of this course may involve project-based learning, so make sure to attend the first session and check the syllabus.


I'll come back to update this after the semester ends.

Wishing you a great learning experience😉

擅長 SEO 內容行銷,因為工作關係而深入研究 B2B Marketing、對話式商務相關數位行銷應用,熱愛探索各種不同領域,所以記錄自己的所見所聞所學所想,與你分享 😉
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對於對畢業之後職業規劃模糊的學生來說,有以下三個建議可供參考。 首先,建議學生主動尋求學長姐的建議。透過與前輩溝通,了解他們畢業後所從事的行業、公司及職務,例如具體是哪家公司的哪個職位。
在之前介紹過自己目前還在大學就讀中,一定會有人想問,那當初沒上大學嗎? 有喔~但並不是自己想要的科系。當時的我一心只想學韓文,所以我念半學期大學之後選擇肄業,工作之餘去上補習班考證照,當然以我的狀況考證照是沒有太多的問題。
圖 : 開南大學商學院EMBA學分班全年度招生 執行長李宗耀表示,歡迎社會精英前來就讀。(圖/開南大學提供) 【李婉如/ 報導】想在職場中不被淘汰,「終身學習」就是最好的選擇。想隨時保有戰鬥力,提升進階專業度的高階人才,自我提昇的最好方式,就是進入EMBA(Executive MBA)或MBA
https://www.technice.com.tw/new-submissions/?openExternalBrowser=1&p_code=F123966007 為了讓年輕學子能夠順利踏入科技產業、掌握職場競爭力的關鍵,科技島要開闢「學長姊帶路」專區,讓業界前輩分享求職與任職的珍貴
對於對畢業之後職業規劃模糊的學生來說,有以下三個建議可供參考。 首先,建議學生主動尋求學長姐的建議。透過與前輩溝通,了解他們畢業後所從事的行業、公司及職務,例如具體是哪家公司的哪個職位。
在之前介紹過自己目前還在大學就讀中,一定會有人想問,那當初沒上大學嗎? 有喔~但並不是自己想要的科系。當時的我一心只想學韓文,所以我念半學期大學之後選擇肄業,工作之餘去上補習班考證照,當然以我的狀況考證照是沒有太多的問題。
圖 : 開南大學商學院EMBA學分班全年度招生 執行長李宗耀表示,歡迎社會精英前來就讀。(圖/開南大學提供) 【李婉如/ 報導】想在職場中不被淘汰,「終身學習」就是最好的選擇。想隨時保有戰鬥力,提升進階專業度的高階人才,自我提昇的最好方式,就是進入EMBA(Executive MBA)或MBA
https://www.technice.com.tw/new-submissions/?openExternalBrowser=1&p_code=F123966007 為了讓年輕學子能夠順利踏入科技產業、掌握職場競爭力的關鍵,科技島要開闢「學長姊帶路」專區,讓業界前輩分享求職與任職的珍貴