Jane reached out, fingers hovering over the space where a nose might have been, where a cheekbone struggled to emerge.
Jane drifted between worlds, a weaver of identities, a guardian of the almost-forgotten. In the archive of incomplete memories, she walked the hallways of the in-between, where portraits shimmered and dissolved, never quite forming, never quite vanishing. Her role was not to restore but to understand—to listen to the whispers of unfinished faces.
The latest arrival was soft, indistinct, as if time had hesitated to define it. Eyes barely visible, mouth forming the hint of a thought, skin blurring into the air itself. Jane reached out, fingers hovering over the space where a nose might have been, where a cheekbone struggled to emerge.
"Who are you?" she murmured, knowing there would be no answer, not yet.
In her world, faces were not lost, only waiting. Some were stolen by time, some abandoned by memory, others caught between the brushstrokes of an artist who never finished their work. Jane’s task was to give them presence, if not completion. She did not paint, nor did she sculpt—her craft was subtler. She whispered stories to them, let the echoes of names and histories breathe into their forms.
The blurred portrait before her wavered. A name surfaced, then faded. Jane closed her eyes, searching within herself, within the unseen layers of the past. A fragment of laughter. A moment of hesitation. A face that had once been clear but had dissolved into the fabric of forgetting.
"Not lost," Jane assured the portrait. "Only waiting."
And with that, she stepped back, leaving space for the face to emerge, as it always would, in its own time.