Asylum Daily #5 unfinished

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9 Sep 2022
Two days ago I questioned why we should assume that the influential would remain faithful to thier roles, including news agencies. Of course there are moments when people of different roles do their jobs, and do it well. It is true even for authoritarian governmentss and greedy businessmen. But something like editors banning the publishing of the facts found by reporters are not unheard of. When the worry is very valid, I want to express my respect specially for the reporters who are still trying hard to safeguard the truth for us today. Many of them worked hard and even suffered a great deal just for that.
<Aternoon, writing in haste>
/**I would rather be called paranoid than no one knows what is happening.
After the Lithuanian lesson and lunch I asked the officers in the canteen if I can come for lunch at another time when there is Lithuanian classes. The officer didn't speak English. A woman in plain clothe, maybe volunteer answered me. But what she answered was where to find the pyschologist.
When I returned to my room after excising in the park including punching and kicking the sandbag, three women came and told me to go to the psychologist. Their body language suggested it had something to do with my punching and my roommate pointed at a window which seems kind of broken at the turn part. But they refused to give any reason when I asked. They did not speak English (often time when something that should be explained well, it is some people who don't speak Engliah being sent) and asked another refugeee, the one who gave me Lithuania lesson that turned into Arabic lesson last Monday, to imterpret.
This is not the first time pyschologist and pyscho are mentioned. The first time was immediately after I said that I felt under surveillance (which is still continuing) like I was in my homeland when I was still in the Pabrade Foreigners Registration Centre. Pyscho was uttered every now and then right after that. There are actually much more than just surveillance. Many of the harassments I faced in my homeland are also happening here. People intentionally mimicked some problem I faced. By mimic I mean I do not know they are actually doing the same or just acting. For example, people (the supposed fellow refugees) following me to the toilet and the shower. Everyone including the children knew what I did in my room (I had the room alone back then) with windows and the door closed which were practicing punching and kicking as well as other excises. People surrounding the food that would be distributed to me. Come to me with the same questions that I said I don't want to talk about after being harassed with, sometimes even insist to have me answer them rudely. As far as calling me mofo when I offered to talk about something else while refusing to explain. I tried to tell myself that I was thinking too much at first, I hoped it was just misunderstanding then, I hoped it was just an attempt to frighten me and have me try to escape after. But it is continuing to no end and sometimes what they do have me worries that I would be framed for something.
I don't know if it is the influence of the Chinese Communist Party or not. I don't know which is worse. If it is the CCP or if it is not.
In the recent year, I am greatly disappointed by some of the professions that used to be highly respected.
But instead of saying people of certain professions are failing the public expectation, perhaps it is more simple and appropriate to say that we together are failing humanity. We are still teaching, actually just telling, the same values to the children. However as soon as we finish speaking, we take children for fools and lie when there are some things we don't want to let them know or explain. We take trickery as cleverness. We take shameless as courageous. We dream for abusable power. We tolerate evil.

Lochard的沙龍 的其他內容
二零二二年九月八日 室友想要給我一副眼鏡。(汗 是覺得我們的度數會相同還是?
不想受注目,也沒甚麼好說的人,卻決定寫起公開的日誌。你能明白其中的原因嗎? 暫時急於尋求關注婊之道,只草草留下英文日誌連結,抱歉。
二零二二年九月八日 室友想要給我一副眼鏡。(汗 是覺得我們的度數會相同還是?
不想受注目,也沒甚麼好說的人,卻決定寫起公開的日誌。你能明白其中的原因嗎? 暫時急於尋求關注婊之道,只草草留下英文日誌連結,抱歉。
Google News 追蹤
我的身邊,其實一直都沒有旁觀者。全都是加害者、共犯。同儕、父母、老師、算不上朋友的朋友,這個世界就是惡組成的。 將我推下樓的是一堆人,而不是一個人。而現在卻要求我自癒,這是多麼荒唐的事。我不想傷害他們,但希望他們也能過得很不好,體驗這種感覺,我不想透過行為傷害他們獲得心靈假釋,但我由衷希望他們過得
感覺我會社恐是一件很沒道理的事情。 雖然我是個內向的人,沒什麼朋友,但也不到完全沒朋友的程度,過去在各學生階段也是有交到朋友。 不是沒有主動和人交朋友,也有過主動出擊的時候,可我為什麼還是會社恐? 那社恐的程度已經是到一個很嚴重的程度了。
人們驚慌失措的反應,再次地讓人魔們確認他們的權力地位。為什麼你那麼害怕我?當然是因為我令人害怕、我的權力就在於我能令你產生恐懼。媒體一再對他們妖魔化的描述,都讓那些魯蛇們看到,只有透過無殺別殺人,他們才能進入那不凡的人魔世界裡。 媒體的嗜血的報導、讀者的驚惶地胡亂指責,都在鼓勵無差別的殺人行為。
我曾經走訪中國做研究透過某些人的支持秘密調查中國的社會動態,我知道一大堆在台灣媒體上與名嘴上的謊話連篇。我真的有差點死在背包客棧的時候。當時處於兩岸關係敏感時機,我差點被雙流國際機場的海關扣留,把我所有的行李箱與手機掃描一次,是否有洩漏有關於中共政權不利的消息。 這就是極權主義(英語:
我已忘記當時的代課老師究竟是甚麼時候走的,但原班導「陪伴」我們的時間肯定較長。 前幾篇提到的分組等都只是家常便飯,如果整天沒人找我聊天那還沒什麼,因為在家我也沒有人能說話。但分組簡直是這世界上最恐懼的事,這種尷尬超乎想像,如何為了湊到剛好的人數找盡各種藉口把不喜歡的人剔除、如何想辦法讓自己留下來、
昨晚輾轉難眠,惡夢連連,只因下午帶著孩子去跟幼稚園時期的玩伴去公園時,我發現對方父母很想窺探我的生活,而且問的問題都讓我很不自在。 剛好他們認識幾位我職場上的朋友,所以開始是先打聽這些人的狀況怎樣,接著問我與這些人的關係如何?回家後,我非常的不安,因為我感覺他們好像知道我的病情,但又不明說。
早前閱讀的《思想控制的技術》及《平凡的邪惡》均指出一個人若缺乏獨立思考,只聽從他人是非常危險的事。 然而現代人每天面對的網絡世界,總是充斥各種帶風向、假新聞、詭辯和偷換概念的陷阱,實在防不勝防。
什麼是平庸的邪惡?見識淺薄、沒有勇氣,面對自己惴惴不安,懼怕未知並顯得孬蠢,而且沒有仗義還漠視弱勢者的權益!對,年輕的我犯下這般的邪惡。 那一年我應徵了精神療養機構的照顧者一職,與其說照顧,不如說管理,因為至始至終都只是看管人數而已,並沒有照顧,然而多數的精神病患其實表面還是很正常甚至善良,只要有
我的身邊,其實一直都沒有旁觀者。全都是加害者、共犯。同儕、父母、老師、算不上朋友的朋友,這個世界就是惡組成的。 將我推下樓的是一堆人,而不是一個人。而現在卻要求我自癒,這是多麼荒唐的事。我不想傷害他們,但希望他們也能過得很不好,體驗這種感覺,我不想透過行為傷害他們獲得心靈假釋,但我由衷希望他們過得
感覺我會社恐是一件很沒道理的事情。 雖然我是個內向的人,沒什麼朋友,但也不到完全沒朋友的程度,過去在各學生階段也是有交到朋友。 不是沒有主動和人交朋友,也有過主動出擊的時候,可我為什麼還是會社恐? 那社恐的程度已經是到一個很嚴重的程度了。
人們驚慌失措的反應,再次地讓人魔們確認他們的權力地位。為什麼你那麼害怕我?當然是因為我令人害怕、我的權力就在於我能令你產生恐懼。媒體一再對他們妖魔化的描述,都讓那些魯蛇們看到,只有透過無殺別殺人,他們才能進入那不凡的人魔世界裡。 媒體的嗜血的報導、讀者的驚惶地胡亂指責,都在鼓勵無差別的殺人行為。
我曾經走訪中國做研究透過某些人的支持秘密調查中國的社會動態,我知道一大堆在台灣媒體上與名嘴上的謊話連篇。我真的有差點死在背包客棧的時候。當時處於兩岸關係敏感時機,我差點被雙流國際機場的海關扣留,把我所有的行李箱與手機掃描一次,是否有洩漏有關於中共政權不利的消息。 這就是極權主義(英語:
我已忘記當時的代課老師究竟是甚麼時候走的,但原班導「陪伴」我們的時間肯定較長。 前幾篇提到的分組等都只是家常便飯,如果整天沒人找我聊天那還沒什麼,因為在家我也沒有人能說話。但分組簡直是這世界上最恐懼的事,這種尷尬超乎想像,如何為了湊到剛好的人數找盡各種藉口把不喜歡的人剔除、如何想辦法讓自己留下來、
昨晚輾轉難眠,惡夢連連,只因下午帶著孩子去跟幼稚園時期的玩伴去公園時,我發現對方父母很想窺探我的生活,而且問的問題都讓我很不自在。 剛好他們認識幾位我職場上的朋友,所以開始是先打聽這些人的狀況怎樣,接著問我與這些人的關係如何?回家後,我非常的不安,因為我感覺他們好像知道我的病情,但又不明說。
早前閱讀的《思想控制的技術》及《平凡的邪惡》均指出一個人若缺乏獨立思考,只聽從他人是非常危險的事。 然而現代人每天面對的網絡世界,總是充斥各種帶風向、假新聞、詭辯和偷換概念的陷阱,實在防不勝防。
什麼是平庸的邪惡?見識淺薄、沒有勇氣,面對自己惴惴不安,懼怕未知並顯得孬蠢,而且沒有仗義還漠視弱勢者的權益!對,年輕的我犯下這般的邪惡。 那一年我應徵了精神療養機構的照顧者一職,與其說照顧,不如說管理,因為至始至終都只是看管人數而已,並沒有照顧,然而多數的精神病患其實表面還是很正常甚至善良,只要有