Weight Loss King: Pay Attention to Consuming These Foods

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Introduction: In traditional Chinese medicine, weight loss often involves the use of Chinese herbal medicines such as hawthorn, lotus leaf, and Poria cocos. These weight-loss herbs generally have the effects of promoting digestion, diuresis, and reducing swelling. They can help improve symptoms such as constipation and eliminate edema-related obesity.

In traditional Chinese medicine, common and beneficial weight-loss herbs include hawthorn, lotus leaf, and Poria cocos. These herbs are known for their effects in promoting digestion, diuresis, and reducing swelling, which can help improve symptoms such as constipation and eliminate edema-related obesity. Below, I has compiled a list of 11 commonly used and most health-enhancing weight-loss herbs.
Hawthorn contains citric acid and malic acid, which can help with metabolism and promote digestion. It also contains an enzyme called “lipase,” which has a good auxiliary effect on fat digestion and breakdown in the body. It is particularly effective in reducing the abdominal fat, making it beneficial for individuals who consume a lot of meat.
Poria cocos
Poria cocos has a beneficial diuretic effect, which can help eliminate edema and water retention in the body. It also has a calming effect and can be used to treat insomnia. Additionally, Poria cocos has the ability to strengthen the spleen and stomach, promoting detoxification and the elimination of toxins and waste from the body. It can improve blood circulation, stimulate metabolism, and enhance the effectiveness of weight loss.
Schisandra chinensis
Schisandra chinensis, also known as Wu Wei Zi, has the ability to reduce fatigue and strengthen the central nervous system. It possesses strong antioxidant properties, which can promote metabolism and accelerate the burning of body fat.
Lotus Leaf
Lotus leaf has the ability to lower blood pressure and blood lipid levels. It can promote metabolism and help achieve weight loss goals without burden. Additionally, it can improve skin radiance and elasticity.
Dried Tangerine Peel
Dried tangerine peel is not only effective in relieving cough and resolving phlegm but also beneficial for improving indigestion, abdominal bloating, and nausea. It serves as a natural stomach tonic. If you feel too full after a meal, drinking a cup of dried tangerine peel tea can aid digestion and relieve greasiness.
Red Dates
Red dates have the function of nourishing Qi (vital energy) and regulating endocrine system. They are particularly effective in promoting breast development and can be consumed more during menstruation.
Chrysanthemum is effective in treating eye fatigue and blurred vision. It nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. It also prevents fat absorption in the intestines. Drinking chrysanthemum tea regularly can help with weight loss.
Hibiscus Flower
Hibiscus flower improves blood circulation, giving a radiant complexion and rosy lips. It has the effect of cooling and removing greasiness. Drinking hibiscus tea after meals aids digestion. It is a herbal remedy for both weight loss and beauty.
Job’s Tears
Job’s Tears has the ability to lower blood lipid levels and promote diuresis. It effectively improves edema and excessive internal heat, making it effective for eliminating lower body obesity.
Senna Seed
The most important aspect of weight loss is smooth bowel movements. Senna seed reduces internal heat, increases gastrointestinal motility, and improves habitual constipation. It is suitable for individuals with sluggish bowel movement (especially those on a diet) who are prone to accumulation of stool in the body, leading to constipation.
Fo-Ti (Polygonum multiflorum)
Fo-Ti accelerates metabolism, promotes cell renewal, and prevents premature graying of hair.
Bitter Melon
Bitter melon is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable that has the ability to lower blood sugar, regulate insulin, and promote fat metabolism. It can help reduce the accumulation of body fat and facilitate fat burning.
Chinese Yam
Chinese yam is rich in dietary fiber and various vitamins, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve gastrointestinal function, promoting digestion and bowel movement. It can also increase satiety and reduce food intake.
Scutellaria Baicalensis
Scutellaria baicalensis has the functions of heat-clearing, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. It can improve gastrointestinal function, reduce fat absorption and accumulation, and aid in weight loss and reduction of abdominal fat.
Hemp Seed
Hemp seed is rich in nutrients, including linoleic acid and protein. It has antioxidant and lipid-lowering effects, promoting fat metabolism and consumption.
Goji Berries
Goji berries are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, and various amino acids, which can boost immunity and metabolic rate. They can also regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, control appetite, and reduce fat accumulation.
Coix Seed
Coix seed has diuretic, anti-edema, and detoxifying effects, helping to reduce water retention and edema. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which can regulate blood sugar and gastrointestinal function.
Chrysanthemum Flower
Chrysanthemum flower is considered a natural slimming tea. It has heat-clearing, detoxifying, metabolism-enhancing, and fat-reducing effects. Drinking chrysanthemum tea can help reduce weight and fat accumulation.
These are some special Chinese herbs that are often regarded as “weight loss kings.” They may have positive effects on weight loss. However, please remember that when using herbal remedies or engaging in any weight loss program, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.

The above is a compilation of some foods and Chinese herbs by Dr. C. Are you still troubled by weight gain? Take action now and consume them along with exercise and a regular lifestyle. Weight loss is achievable, but remember to consult with a doctor. Medication should be a last resort, and excessive reliance on it is not advisable.


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蜂蜜香甜濃郁,和砂糖相比更有健康價值,是許多民眾喜歡的糖分來源之一,曾想過睡前享受一匙蜂蜜就能幫助瘦身嗎? 日本田井醫科診所院長田井祐爾成功靠「夜蜜減肥法」減重25kg,更有實踐者在一個月內就瘦下4.3kg 田井祐爾醫師解釋,夜蜜減肥法是在睡前攝取一大匙蜂蜜的瘦身法,需要注意的是,該瘦身法無立即
謝謝病人自己榨的酪梨牛奶 大水梨 感恩 減肥花茶: 1. 洛神花茶 洛神花性寒涼,味甘酸,功效能去脂、去水腫、消暑、養顏美容、、通絡活血。洛神花可以利尿、輕瀉、降血壓等效用。能降低低密度膽固醇以及三酸甘油酯的含量。 2. 玫瑰花茶 玫瑰花性味甘、溫、微苦。玫瑰花具有消脂、活
隨手記錄,今天來分享我的瘦身撇步,昨天第一天吃了:蘋果、火龍果、巧克力泡芙X2、優格〈今日體重-0.2Kg〉,昨日走了1.2萬步的路! 今日打算如法炮製,吃了:蘋果X2、優格、巧克力泡芙X2,今日感覺身體輕了一 點,但是體重才少0.2Kg〈以往的經驗告訴我
看到瘦身茶,大家第一個想到的應該是什麼新產品,但是這裡瘦身茶指的是綠茶、烏龍茶等,就是市面上比較常見的茶類,當然這種茶類可以瘦身嗎?比起運動、控制飲食外,只要你在運動前喝茶更可以有效減肥,當然茶要怎麼喝?會有甚麼功效?以下就一起來看看囉。 瘦身茶推薦|南非國寶茶 南非國寶茶不僅可以提升身體分
台灣人在生活中運用各種青草保健養生 、趨吉避凶,醫學不發達的年代,治病強身多靠「青草藥」,而且多是就地取材,經由耆老或鄰里間口耳相傳。 他們對青草的應用很極致,植物的根、莖、葉、花、果實種子拿來入藥,可外敷、水煮、泡酒、燉製、搗汁、蒸食、浸泡、沐浴和生食。
蜂蜜香甜濃郁,和砂糖相比更有健康價值,是許多民眾喜歡的糖分來源之一,曾想過睡前享受一匙蜂蜜就能幫助瘦身嗎? 日本田井醫科診所院長田井祐爾成功靠「夜蜜減肥法」減重25kg,更有實踐者在一個月內就瘦下4.3kg 田井祐爾醫師解釋,夜蜜減肥法是在睡前攝取一大匙蜂蜜的瘦身法,需要注意的是,該瘦身法無立即