當你首次閱讀以下今日Bloomberg Evening Briefing《彭博社晚間新聞簡報》時,中(高)級英文自學者,可以採取下面三大步驟,讓自己讀懂且學會這篇高階時事新聞的用字遣詞,且試著用自己的詞彙寫出新聞概要後,加上個人的觀點。
The US Federal Trade Commission is said to have opened an investigation into OpenAI, questioning whether its popular ChatGPT conversational AI bot puts consumers’ reputations and data at risk. The probe into the Microsoft-backed startup marks the first official inquiry into a technology that has the potential to, among other things, change almost every aspect of daily life, trigger the loss of millions of jobs and, according to a not-insignificant number of industry observers, pay the way to oblivion. FTC Chair Lina Khan, who testified before Congress Thursday, has raised concerns about AI before, saying enforcers “need to be vigilant early” with transformative tools like artificial intelligence. ─ David E. Rovella
① the US Federal Trade Commission
② bot
③ probe
④ inquiry
⑤ potential
⑥ among other things
⑦ aspect
⑧ trigger
⑨ insignificant
⑩ pave the way to oblivion
⑪ testify
⑫ Congress
⑬ enforcer
⑭ vigilant
① the US Federal Trade Commission n.(美國)聯邦貿易委員會,美國政府「保護消費者」(consumer protection)及「反企業壟斷市場(或譯為反托拉斯)」(antitrust law)的政府機溝。
② bot n.網際網路上能自動執行重複搜索資訊的功能程式
Networks of bots on the internet may infect the desktops with malware. 能自動執行重複搜索網際網路資訊的功能程式,通過惡意程式使桌上型電腦感染電腦病毒。
③ probe →檢查傷痛的工具→n.& v.調查;刺探,探索
(延伸學習)probation =pro/試+ation名詞結尾→進行測試→n.試用期;見習期
(延伸學習)probationer =pro/試+ation+er表示「人」的結尾 →n.練習生;被試用者;見習者
(延伸學習)probationary =probation試用期;見習期 +ary形容詞結尾→adj.試用期間的
註解:字根 prov, prob = to test, to try(試), to examine(檢查;考試)
④ inquiry →n.調查;探究,探索;疑問;問題
(延伸學習)inquire = enquire =in/進入、深入+quire/追求→深入探求→v.詢問;查問;調查;打聽
(舊知複習)question =quest/to seek+ion→n.問題;疑問
(舊知延伸學習)question →v.詢問;懷疑;質問
(舊知複習)questionnaire =quest/to seek+ion+(n)aire名詞字尾→n.問卷(調查)
(延伸學習)quest →n.& v.尋找;追求;探索
註解:字根 quest, quire, quisit = to seek追求
⑤ potential = possible →adj.潛在的,可能的
(延伸學習)potential = possibility = ability→n.潛力,潛能
(延伸學習)potent = powerful = effective→adj.強有力的,強大的;有效力的
(延伸學習)impotent = powerless →adj.無力量的;無能力的
(延伸學習)omnipotent = all-powerful = almighty = omni/全+ potent/強有力的,強大的→adj.全能的
⑥ among other things 除了別的以外(還)
Doctor Oliver Sacks was a neurologist, and among other things, was a well-known writer. 奧利佛·薩克斯是位腦神經學家, 除此之外, 還是位知名作家、。
⑦ aspect =a/朝著 +spect/看(見)→看的方向→n.方面;層面
(舊知複習)respect =re/再、重複+spect/看→一再注視→v. & n.尊敬
(舊知複習)inspect =in/內部+spect/看→窺視內部→v.檢查;查閱
(舊知複習)expect =ex/向外+spect/看→等待著向外看去→v.預期;期待
(延伸學習)spectacle(s) =spect/看+acle(s)→用來看的東西→n.[單]景象;壯觀;[複]眼鏡
(延伸學習)spectacular =spectac(le)/景象+ular形容詞結尾→adj.引人入勝的,壯觀的
註解:字根 spec, spect = to see, to look看見
⑧ trigger v. 引起,引發(壞事)
The racial discrimination incident triggered off a wave of violent protests. 種族歧視的事件引發一連串暴力抗議。
Who first pulled the trigger remains a controversial issue. (是誰先扣下扳機依然是一個有爭論的議題。)
Racial discrimination acts as a trigger for more violent protests. (種族歧視引發更多暴力的抗議。)
⑨ insignificant adj.不重要的,無足輕重的
The typo in the text message is insignificant, so this error does not affect the overall message. (簡訊中的拼字錯誤微不足道,此錯誤並不影響整體訊息。)
(延伸學習)not-insignificant 這是英文典型「負負得正」的寫作表達法,直譯為「不是不重要的,非無足輕重的」,意譯為「重要的;相當多的」。
(舊知複習)significant adj.表示…的;意義(或意味)深長的;重要的;值得注意的
The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings is a significant archaeological breakthrough. 在帝王谷發現的圖塔卡門墳墓因巨大數量的寶藏,成為考古學重大的突破。
(舊知複習)signify v.表示…的意思;有…的意思
The ringing of the bells signifies the beginning or ending of a period. (教堂鐘聲象徵著一堂課程的開始或結束。)
(舊知複習)significance n.重要性;意義,含義;意思
⑩ pave the way to oblivion 步上遭世人遺忘之路
(延伸學習)pave the way v. phr.(為…)鋪平道路,(為…)創造條件
(延伸學習)oblivion n.被遺忘,被忘卻;湮沒
⑪ testify =test/證人+ify動詞結尾→v.證明;作證;表明
(延伸學習)testimony →n.證人在法庭所作的證詞(陳述)
(舊知複習)test →n.試驗;考試;考驗
(舊知複習)test →v.測試,試驗,檢驗
註解:字根test = witness證人;親眼目睹
⑫ Congress n.(美國)國會,相當於英國Parliament(議會,國會)、天龍國the Legislative Yuan(立法院)、日本National Diet(國會)。
⑬ (law) enforcer →n.(法律)執行者
(延伸學習)enforce →v.強制執行(法律/宵禁);強加(意願)於(某人)
(舊知複習)force →n.力量,力氣;武力,暴力;軍事力量,軍隊
⑭ vigilant adj.警戒的;警惕的
In order to prevent any violent conflict, the police must remain vigilant throughout the protest. 為了防止任何武力衝突,警察必須在整個示威遊行過程中保持警覺。
Now that ChatGPT is widely adopted by people with access to Internet, the US Federal Trade Commission is probing into a controversial issue. This official inquiry focuses on whether this advanced tool encroaches on the privacy of individuals or destroys individual reputation when the public is accessible to AI bot. Although the skeptics are concerned about the negative impact originating from ChatGPT, I hold a positive attitude after a couple of interaction with AI bot.
As a prudent Internet user, I deem ChatGPT resourceful. Whether AI bot may mislead or misguide the user depends on individual wisdom and expertise. As long as the user takes a sophisticated approach toward the application of AI bot, the user may avoid the pitfalls of misinformation or fake information.
據說美國聯邦貿易委員會已對OpenAI展開調查,質疑這款受歡迎的ChatGPT對話式人工智能機器人可能會危及消費者的名譽和個資。對這家由微軟支持的新創投公司的調查,是首次針對這項具有潛力改變幾乎每個日常生活方面,除此之外,可能導致數百萬就業損失的技術進行的官方調查,並根據不少產業觀察人士的看法,這項技術讓某些產業走向完全被消滅之途。聯邦貿易委員會主席Lina Khan曾在週四出席國會作證,對人工智能等具有變革性工具表示擔憂,稱執法者應該「早期保持警覺」。── 大衛·E·羅維拉 (David E. Rovella)