Elementary School Lesson Plans for SDGs, STEAM, and CLIL

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Creating Global Citizens: Elementary School Lesson Plans for SDGs, STEAM, and CLIL (BBM EDUCATION Book 12)

Creating Global Citizens: Elementary School Lesson Plans for SDGs, STEAM, and CLIL (BBM EDUCATION Book 12)

Creating Global Citizens: Elementary School Lesson Plans for SDGs, STEAM, and CLIL (BBM EDUCATION Book 12) Kindle Edition

by Po Jih Wang (Author)  Format: Kindle EditionBook 12 of 19: BBM EDUCATION

Chapter 1: Understanding SDGs, STEAM, and CLIL

Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Welcome to the subchapter on Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the book "Creating Global Citizens: Elementary School Lesson Plans for SDGs, STEAM, and CLIL." This chapter aims to provide elementary school teachers around the world, as well as anyone interested in the topic, with a comprehensive understanding of SDGs and how to incorporate them into their lesson plans.

The Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the SDGs, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. There are 17 SDGs, each addressing a specific global challenge such as eradicating poverty, achieving gender equality, providing quality education, and combating climate change.

In this subchapter, we will explore why it is crucial for elementary school teachers to introduce their students to the SDGs. By doing so, we can foster global citizenship, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in our students from a young age.

We will discuss the importance of designing lesson plans that are based on SDGs, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), and CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). By integrating these approaches, we can create engaging and interdisciplinary learning experiences that empower students to become active participants in addressing global challenges.

Throughout this subchapter, we will provide practical examples and strategies for designing lesson plans that align with SDGs. We will cover various subjects, including science, social studies, mathematics, and language arts, and demonstrate how to incorporate SDGs into these lessons.

Moreover, we will explore the benefits of using STEAM and CLIL methodologies in conjunction with SDGs. By combining these approaches, teachers can promote creativity, innovation, and language acquisition while addressing global issues.

Whether you are an elementary school teacher or simply interested in creating lesson plans based on SDGs, STEAM, and CLIL, this subchapter will equip you with the knowledge and tools to effectively integrate these concepts into your teaching practices. Together, let's inspire the next generation of global citizens who will work towards a more sustainable and inclusive world.

可持續發展目標 (SDG) 簡介

歡迎閱讀《培養全球公民:可持續發展目標、STEAM 和 CLIL 小學課程計劃》一書中的可持續發展目標 (SDG) 簡介分章。本章旨在為世界各地的小學教師以及任何對此主題感興趣的人提供對可持續發展目標以及如何將其納入課程計劃的全面了解。

可持續發展目標,也稱為 SDG,於 2015 年由聯合國所有會員國通過,作為普遍呼籲採取行動,到 2030 年消除貧困、保護地球並確保所有人享有和平與繁榮。共有 17 個目標可持續發展目標,每項目標都針對特定的全球挑戰,例如消除貧困、實現性別平等、提供優質教育和應對氣候變化。


我們將討論設計基於 SDG、STEAM(科學、技術、工程、藝術和數學)和 CLIL(內容和語言集成學習)的課程計劃的重要性。通過整合這些方法,我們可以創造引人入勝的跨學科學習體驗,使學生能夠成為應對全球挑戰的積極參與者。


此外,我們將探索將 STEAM 和 CLIL 方法與 SDG 結合使用的好處。通過結合這些方法,教師可以在解決全球問題的同時促進創造力、創新和語言習得。

無論您是一名小學教師,還是只是對基於 SDG、STEAM 和 CLIL 創建課程計劃感興趣,本分章將為您提供知識和工具,以便有效地將這些概念融入您的教學實踐中。讓我們共同激勵下一代全球公民,為建設一個更加可持續和包容的世界而努力。

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本文提供了對於School 28社會創新人才學校面試過程的詳細指南,包括團體面談及個人面談的安排與建議,幫助讀者更好地準備面試,理解面試標準。文章強調團隊合作、問題解決能力及對社會創新領域的熱情,並分享了作者的個人經歷與反思,期望能對未來參加者有所幫助。
《元素方城市》Lauv - Steal The Show (From "Elemental"/lyrics) (英繁中字) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Rx0GPaS_E
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