為期十周的Exploring Australian Citizenship的免費課程,主要是學習在成為公民前必須懂的歷史文化背景,包括認識原住民、民主信仰與價值、議會與治理、生活方式等等。
第七周主要是在探討The Stolen Generations(被偷走的世代),這令人悲傷的歷史事件,以及澳洲法律的制定流程。
The Stolen Generations refers to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children who were removed from their family, Community, culture and Country.
They were taken under government laws that tried to assimilate
Aboriginal children with lighter skin and raise them to be the same as white people.
The government wanted them toforget their culture. Many children were put into children’s homes or orphanages or were raised by non-Aboriginal foster
They were prevented from contacting their families and speaking their language. Many children never found their families again.
The government took children who had dark or light skin?Light skin
Why? They wanted them to become ‵white
′ and forget about their Aboriginal culture.
He was taken away when he was one to a mission on an island. He didn't leave till he was 18.
He was not allowed to see his family or speak his language or practise his culture. It was like a prison. He was taught the European way – English, religion.
They painted her black with the sap from a tree and they hid her in the rivers
How many children were stolen?Over 50,000
What impact has this policy had on First Nations people?
The Aborigines Protection Act had a very negative impact on Aboriginal families and culture.
Children taken away from their families were more likely to experience abuse and to suffer from depression and other mental illnesses.
Because they were almost always taught to reject their Aboriginal heritage
, children taken away from their families couldn't keep their links to their land or be part of the cultural and spiritual life of their Aboriginal communities.
The Aborigines Protection Act was finally dropped in 1969. But many families affected by the forced removal of children are still deeply traumatised.
Because this trauma
can continue across many generations these policies still affect the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community today.
澳洲人民的意見,是不是有一點熟悉? 針對原住民台灣似乎也有同樣的聲音出現,而無論各方持的意見如何,或是政客要如何操弄都得透過流程及投票表決,最終還是寄望法律是能真正保護每一位奉公守法的人民們。
.2. A proposal for a new law or a change to the current law is called a bill
3. Where are bills normally introduced, in the House of Representatives (green house) or the Senate (red house)? House of Representatives
法案通常在眾議院(綠屋)或參議院(紅屋)提出? 眾議院。
4. Once a bill is introduced, the members can debate
it and then vote on it.
5. If the bill is agreed to in the Lower House, it is then sent to the Senate
where a similar process is followed.
6. If members think a bill needs to be changed, they can suggest amendments
7. All bills have to be approved and signed by the Governor General
. Once a bill has been signed, it becomes a law