Unexpected Adventure: Traveling with Parents

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Have you ever taken a trip with your parents? I've had that experience, and I can tell you that traveling with parents is quite different from traveling alone. If your parents have not traveled abroad like mine, they might be excited and anxious about the trip.

A few years ago, I took my parents to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and many unexpected things happened during and before our trip.

As the guide, I was responsible for our family group. But why didn't we just join an organized tour group arranged by a travel agency? It was because I felt confident enough to handle everything by myself. Before our journey, I spent a lot of time creating a list of must-see places and identifying the best transportation options.


However, despite our excitement, everyone was troubled by nightmares before the upcoming trip.

My mom told me, 'Guess what? I had a dream. The hotel we stayed at didn't have any doors. Once we entered, we couldn't find a way out!'

My dad turned to me nervously; he said, 'I had a dream that we were wandering in Seoul, homeless, with nowhere to go.'

Hearing what my dad said, my mom added, 'Yes! I had a dream that we got lost in Seoul. Are you sure you really know the way?'

After hearing their dreams, it turned into my personal nightmare.

I dreamt that I arrived at the Taoyuan airport with my family for our departure, only to realize that my mom was still home. Yes, she hadn't come with us, but I don't know why. I had to call her, trying to explain how to reach the airport from our house, and eventually, she made it! But when she arrived at the airport, she forgot her passport.

That is what happened before the trip. Everyone had a dream, terrible dreams!

And what happened in Seoul?

Every day was a challenge. We walked a lot and visited many places. Even though we were exhausted from all the walking, my parents were always eager to move on to the next attraction. It seemed like we never stopped moving!

I once suggested my parents take a break at a coffee shop. However, as soon as we got our coffee, they finished their drink in just thirty seconds and asked, "Where should we go next?" It seemed they were bursting with energy to keep moving!

Like many elders, my parents preferred not to spend money unless it was absolutely necessary. They insisted on taking the subway wherever we went, even when everyone was too tired to walk.

However, if you have ever been to Seoul, you may know that the city's subway system is enormous and complex. When we needed to transfer, we often had to cover long distances on foot within the huge subway stations.

My parents refused to take a taxi until the last day of our trip, but unfortunately, another problem happened during our ride in the taxi: I lost my cellphone.


It was the final day. On our way to the hotel, as I jumped out of the taxi, I suddenly realized that my cell phone had fallen under the seat while I was paying the fare. But as I stood there, the taxi had driven away.

My parents were quite anxious about the incident, but I had to tell them that everything was alright.

I said: ‘Although I lost my cell phone, I remember the room code, and our tickets and passports are still in my bag, so don’t worry.’

But deep down, I was frustrated because losing my phone meant losing all the photos over the past few days. 

Later, after I took them back to the hotel room, I went out alone and asked people around on the streets, ‘Do you know where the police station is? Could you help me to find the police? Please!’ 

I reported the loss to the police, and fortunately, after two hours, the police informed me that the taxi driver had taken my phone to another station. I finally got my phone back, and the two hours of waiting felt like two days.

That was an unexpected adventure with my parents. And after this trip to Seoul, we couldn't go abroad for years because of COVID-19.

Now, I find it challenging to plan another trip abroad due to my father's regular hospital visits. To make up for it, I drive them out occasionally on the weekends. I think it would be another kind of experience with my parents. 

So, what will happen on our next journey? I'm really looking forward to it.

Thanks for listening.

我和我的日常觀察、讀書筆記,還有基於個人生活經驗的反思與體驗; 我和你和他的互動、以及跨越不同社會關係網絡而激起的煙花、水花與火花。
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★成就超級英雄的不是超能力,而是勇氣,還有智慧。 冰原歷險記系列不愧是經典動畫電影,每一部續集都是觀眾的共同記憶,不同種族的動物們從原本的誤解到攜手合作、相互照應,並成為沒有血緣關係的家人,超過20年的歷程,果真是回憶殺啊。
前言2020是艱難之年,我們大多數人即使付出了加倍的努力,但值得慶幸的是AdventureTravel (Adventure-China)和你還是堅持下來了。 
這是在尋找一些繪本時,湊巧找到的三本押韻繪本小書。故事內容其實還好,不過深深的呈現方式吸引,唸完故事後,把書展開是小熊、熊貓與無尾熊的臉。 I was captivated by “The Adventures of Three Bears” because of the way this was
為了寫小說過程中的細節,特開新系列,也不知道以後還會不會有。總之既來之則安之,要講的是前陣子剛成書的《盛放》裡我負責的篇幅,〈Unexpectedly〉的細節以及主角的時間軸。 所以如果還沒看過正文,又擔心被劇透的話請不要繼續往下看,因為劇透是必然要發生的,包括前面的系列作。XD
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
致親愛的 VAF 先期拓荒者: vocuverse Adventure #000 NFT 已順利完成空投,請查收您的錢包!
很溫暖的綜藝 綜藝是要引人發笑,但這部看到最後一集時引人熱淚。 原本只是代替(從來沒休過假)雜貨店老闆顧店十天,跟鎮上客人來往之後有了交情,離別時依依不捨。 超豪華打工陣容 除了兩位社長之外,每集來打工的演員陣容也很有看點。 趙社長的歌單 趙社長的雪蟹拉麵、明太子玉子燒
★成就超級英雄的不是超能力,而是勇氣,還有智慧。 冰原歷險記系列不愧是經典動畫電影,每一部續集都是觀眾的共同記憶,不同種族的動物們從原本的誤解到攜手合作、相互照應,並成為沒有血緣關係的家人,超過20年的歷程,果真是回憶殺啊。
前言2020是艱難之年,我們大多數人即使付出了加倍的努力,但值得慶幸的是AdventureTravel (Adventure-China)和你還是堅持下來了。 
這是在尋找一些繪本時,湊巧找到的三本押韻繪本小書。故事內容其實還好,不過深深的呈現方式吸引,唸完故事後,把書展開是小熊、熊貓與無尾熊的臉。 I was captivated by “The Adventures of Three Bears” because of the way this was
為了寫小說過程中的細節,特開新系列,也不知道以後還會不會有。總之既來之則安之,要講的是前陣子剛成書的《盛放》裡我負責的篇幅,〈Unexpectedly〉的細節以及主角的時間軸。 所以如果還沒看過正文,又擔心被劇透的話請不要繼續往下看,因為劇透是必然要發生的,包括前面的系列作。XD