My Adventure of Public Speaking

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Hi everyone.

As an icebreaker, I will share my public speaking adventure tonight. Let me start with two stories.

I still remember the reading contest during my first grade in elementary school. The contest was held in the middle of the playground. I stood on the stage and read aloud as a participant. In the beginning, everything was going fine. But just the moment I looked up and noticed hundreds of eyes fixed on me, suddenly, I felt nervous. Then, I just like a broken record, repeating the same paragraph over and over. This seemed amusing to my audience. Everyone laughed; as a seven-year-old girl, I could sense their laughter and felt like they were judging me.

This event really left me a deep impression.


History always repeats itself. After three years, I became a fourth-grade student and faced the same situation again as I transferred to another school. As a newcomer, I found there was a tradition called a lecture tour. The practice required each class to take turns making presentations to other classes.

One day morning, I was paired with my classmate to give speeches to another class. My classmate was an outgoing boy and an excellent speaker. While his humor won everyone's attention, my speech, on the other hand, turned out to be quite boring. So, when the teacher asked her students to vote by raising their hands for who did better, all hands went up for my classmate while I stood there, receiving not a single vote.

Despite those embarrassing moments, I still find enjoyment in storytelling. However, I consider myself more of a writer than a speaker. Writing, for me, is like driving alone, where I can simply observe the world and listen to others without speaking a single word. After all, handling crowds has always been a challenge for me. That's why I've picked professions that didn't require me to be on the stage so much.

During my eight-year career in the media, I conducted numerous one-on-one interviews, met people individually, and shared their compelling stories through reports and online courses, which kept me away from the spotlight and off the stage.


Now, I'm playing a new role in the tech sector. Mostly, my job is similar to what I did in the media, such as simplifying the complex ideas of technology and making tech products more comprehensible. Although this job doesn't require stage presence, it involves much more.

Sometimes, I must answer unexpected English calls and negotiate between our engineers and clients. And I found that showing confidence is the key to ensuring my words carry persuasive power when meeting new people. As a result, improving my public speaking skills is urgent if I want to level up.

So, I'm here in the Toastmasters, trying to bridge the gap between my silent writing world and the dynamic world of speaking. I hope I'll be able to interact with people not just with a pen but with a voice.

I appreciate all your support in my new chapter. And thank you for being a part of this journey with me.

我和我的日常觀察、讀書筆記,還有基於個人生活經驗的反思與體驗; 我和你和他的互動、以及跨越不同社會關係網絡而激起的煙花、水花與火花。
Google News 追蹤
我當了記者、新聞主管、廣播主持人,從事新聞工作十多年,文字、口說、表達能力都有一定的水準,雖然常常會興起寫部落格的想法,但都是註冊後 貼個幾篇文章,然後就不了了之 如果連我職涯一開始當記者,後來當過上市公司的公關、行銷、企業高階主管,都不知道該分享什麼給別人,我相信有更多人也會覺得「我要寫什麼?」
所有認識我的大部人都知道, 從小到大我真的最怕的就是在他人面前講話,更別提站在台前說話。 我的擅長及最佳的舒適圈可能就是一對一,頂多一對二 但隨著各種學習及自我進程,默默好像被推動要去做這件事, 跟以前比起來少了一些恐懼不安抗拒,更多了篤定及必然的感受。 工作上有各種大大小小必須面對群
我找工作面試時會緊張過度,退化成恐懼的小孩子,很怕說錯話,對方看我一點也不像個有本事的人,當然就不錄用我,所以我得把這個行為改掉。已經幾十年都習慣動不動就別人稍稍批評一下,我就覺得自己做錯,很糟糕,表現一副過度驚嚇的樣子,要馬上改其實很不容易。 於是我找了一個教發音的教練,她本行是學聲樂的
2024.05.02_When we want to chat with friends, "childhood" might be a general but great topic. 描述童年的難忘事件們,值得我回味一波!
四、勇敢是:面對自己的上台錄影 在我進行的各種演說課活動中,只有一種活動,每次發佈,絕對引起一片哀嚎聲;那就是「回看自己的上台錄影」。 每個人第一次接收到從外部傳來的自己聲音,聽著不是來自於顱內耳骨共振而得的陌生語音,看著眼前那用「最熟悉」表達方式上台說話的「陌生人」,許多孩子第一次接收到這種「
長大後曾經想要當大歌星的小女孩, 因為兩件事情而開始有點害怕別人的眼光。 一次來自於幼稚園老師的傷害, 一次則是在全校兩千多人面前丟了個大臉。 不過呢,當她說出這兩件事,她就要收服心裡的這隻鬼了……
我當了記者、新聞主管、廣播主持人,從事新聞工作十多年,文字、口說、表達能力都有一定的水準,雖然常常會興起寫部落格的想法,但都是註冊後 貼個幾篇文章,然後就不了了之 如果連我職涯一開始當記者,後來當過上市公司的公關、行銷、企業高階主管,都不知道該分享什麼給別人,我相信有更多人也會覺得「我要寫什麼?」
所有認識我的大部人都知道, 從小到大我真的最怕的就是在他人面前講話,更別提站在台前說話。 我的擅長及最佳的舒適圈可能就是一對一,頂多一對二 但隨著各種學習及自我進程,默默好像被推動要去做這件事, 跟以前比起來少了一些恐懼不安抗拒,更多了篤定及必然的感受。 工作上有各種大大小小必須面對群
我找工作面試時會緊張過度,退化成恐懼的小孩子,很怕說錯話,對方看我一點也不像個有本事的人,當然就不錄用我,所以我得把這個行為改掉。已經幾十年都習慣動不動就別人稍稍批評一下,我就覺得自己做錯,很糟糕,表現一副過度驚嚇的樣子,要馬上改其實很不容易。 於是我找了一個教發音的教練,她本行是學聲樂的
2024.05.02_When we want to chat with friends, "childhood" might be a general but great topic. 描述童年的難忘事件們,值得我回味一波!
四、勇敢是:面對自己的上台錄影 在我進行的各種演說課活動中,只有一種活動,每次發佈,絕對引起一片哀嚎聲;那就是「回看自己的上台錄影」。 每個人第一次接收到從外部傳來的自己聲音,聽著不是來自於顱內耳骨共振而得的陌生語音,看著眼前那用「最熟悉」表達方式上台說話的「陌生人」,許多孩子第一次接收到這種「
長大後曾經想要當大歌星的小女孩, 因為兩件事情而開始有點害怕別人的眼光。 一次來自於幼稚園老師的傷害, 一次則是在全校兩千多人面前丟了個大臉。 不過呢,當她說出這兩件事,她就要收服心裡的這隻鬼了……