抄寫英文的奇蹟 Day91-Day100

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Phase 10. Continually Go Beyond.

So, in the face of difficulties, remember, it’s not about the strength of you punch but the spirit that drives it.

Day 91. Gratitude Journaling for a Better Tomorrow.

It’s a simple but powerful way to shift your focus and boost your mood. All you need to do is write down between three and five things you’re thankful for each day. Taking the time to reflect on the positive aspects of your life can really change your perspective and make you feel happier overall. It’s like training your mind to look for the good stuff, and if you really think about it, there’s always it, there’s always something good to be found.

Day 92. Focus on What You Can Control.

Many things in life are completely out of your hands. Focus on what you can control. It’s putting your energy where it really counts and can make a difference. Focus on the actions that truly matter and teaches you to let go of unnecessary worries.

Day 93. It Takes Just 15 Minutes.

All you can do is all you can do, but trust me, all you can do is enough. If you already giving it your all, don’t beat yourself up for not doing more.

Day 94. The Past Doesn’t Have to Equal the Future.

Your past doesn’t have to define your future. Don’t get stuck on past results, thinking that’s all you can do. Your future potential is limitless. So, aim high, aim for what you really want, not just what you think you can get base on your past.

Day 95. Every Day Beast Special Day.

As important as these special days are, they are nowhere near as important as the daily kindness that you show each other. If you are kind to each other all the time, every day can be as sweet as your honeymoon.

Day 96. The Spirit to Keep Punching.

Grits is like being in a boxing ring with life. In the face of difficulties, remember, it’s not about the strength of your punch but the spirit that drives it. Keep punching, keep moving, and you’ll see, nothing can keep you down for long.

Day 97. The Fewer Rules You Have, the Happier You’ll Be.

Try to start letting go of this self-imposed rules. Let go of the rule and be willing to accept people as they really are. When you start accepting things you thought you couldn’t life gets simpler. Open your heart and drop those stubborn views. The fewer rules you set for yourself and others, the happier you’ll be.

Day 98. You’re Going to Go off Course.

What’s important is catching those mistakes and learning how to get back on target. It’s all part of the journey. Course correct, keep moving, and you’ll still reach your destination.

Day 99. The Art of Doing Nothing.

Remember, balance is key. It’s not about doing nothing or being busy all the time, but about finding the right mix of activity and relaxation. Stay balanced, and you’ll feel so much better.

Day 100. It’s Never Too Late.

It’s all about taking that first step and enjoying the process. Every small effort counts and adds up to big changes over time. It’s your journey, and it’s never too late to embark on it. Dive it, explore, and most importantly , have fun with it. You’ve got this!

    侑楙的沙龍 的其他內容
    Phase 9. Consolidated and Stabilize. Remember: no matter how good you become, you’ll always have room for improvement.
    Phase 8. Reflect on Outcomes So, why wait for a particular moment to feel happ.
    Phase Integrate into Life. Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase 6 Integrate in Life Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase5. Persistently Execute
    Phase4. Grdually Advance With every step taken with grit, doubt falls further behind, and your dreams come closer. 節錄文中金句
    Phase 9. Consolidated and Stabilize. Remember: no matter how good you become, you’ll always have room for improvement.
    Phase 8. Reflect on Outcomes So, why wait for a particular moment to feel happ.
    Phase Integrate into Life. Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase 6 Integrate in Life Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase5. Persistently Execute
    Phase4. Grdually Advance With every step taken with grit, doubt falls further behind, and your dreams come closer. 節錄文中金句
    1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    Phase 9. Consolidated and Stabilize. Remember: no matter how good you become, you’ll always have room for improvement.
    Phase 8. Reflect on Outcomes So, why wait for a particular moment to feel happ.
    Phase Integrate into Life. Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase 6 Integrate in Life Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase4. Grdually Advance With every step taken with grit, doubt falls further behind, and your dreams come closer. 節錄文中金句
    1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    Phase 9. Consolidated and Stabilize. Remember: no matter how good you become, you’ll always have room for improvement.
    Phase 8. Reflect on Outcomes So, why wait for a particular moment to feel happ.
    Phase Integrate into Life. Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase 6 Integrate in Life Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.
    Phase4. Grdually Advance With every step taken with grit, doubt falls further behind, and your dreams come closer. 節錄文中金句