The educational background and thought processes of dictators are aspects we must understand and confront. While these rulers may have various strategic calculations, their decision-making systems are utterly opaque, with no real accountability. Decisions are often made solely by the dictator or a small, elite group, which frequently leads to grave miscalculations and places entire nations at risk.
I cannot be certain whether Vladimir Putin is intelligent or rational, but I am certain that Xi Jinping is unfit to be China’s leader. Based on his words and actions, he does not appear to be well-read or particularly intelligent. Many speculate that his education is only at the elementary level—while I cannot verify this claim, his decision-making process and rhetoric suggest a lack of rational thought and a heavy reliance on ideological bias rather than sound governance.
When President Trump speaks impulsively and carelessly, his administration still managed to effectively deter the consolidation of international authoritarian forces, and U.S. Senators, regardless of party affiliation, have consistently expressed strong opposition to oppressive regimes. However, I must caution President Trump: your words can send the wrong signals to dictators like Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, potentially prompting them to make reckless decisions. This could shake European and other allies’ confidence in U.S. leadership.
This is precisely why I am deeply concerned. I believe it is critical to swiftly communicate this message to the international media and to send letters to U.S. lawmakers and President Trump himself, urging them to consider the consequences of their rhetoric and to ensure that their stance against dictatorship remains firm and clear.