Taylor Swift - The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived 歌詞翻譯+註解

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Was any of it true? 這是真的嗎? Gazing at me starry-eyed 用那雙映滿星河的眼睛看著我 In your Jehovah's Witness suit¹ 穿著一身耶和華見證人的套裝 Who the fuck was that guy? 這人他X的是誰啊?

You tried to buy some pills 你試圖買些藥 From a friend of friends of mine 從我朋友的朋友那裡 They just ghosted you 他們卻只是敷衍你 Now you know what it feels like 現在你知道我的感受了吧

And I don't even want you back, I just want to know 我一點都不想挽回你,我只想知道 If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal 浪費本該耀眼的夏日時光是正確的選擇嗎 And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give 我並不懷念我們曾經擁有的一切,但能否來個人 A message to the smallest man who ever lived? 幫我傳達這份訊息給世界上最可悲的男人?

You hung me on your wall 你將我掛在牆上 Stabbed me with your push pins 用圖釘將我刺穿 In public, showed me off 在公共場合拿著我炫耀 Then sank in stoned² oblivion 然後將我遺忘在迷糊的意識之中

'Cause once your queen had come 因為每當你的女王出現 You treat her like an also-ran 你對待她像她是個失敗者一樣 You didn't measure up 不管從哪個角度看 In any measure of a man 你都沒有達到應有的標準

And I don't even want you back, I just want to know 我一點都不想挽回你,我只想知道 If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal 浪費本該耀眼的夏日時光是正確的選擇嗎 And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give 我並不懷念我們曾經擁有的一切,但能否來個人 A message to the smallest man who ever lived? 幫我傳達這份訊息給世界上最可悲的男人?

Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? 你是某個想要殺我的人派來的劊子手嗎? Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? 你是不是在那張我們睡覺的床下放了把槍? Were you writing a book? Were you a sleeper cell spy? 你要把一切編成書出版嗎?你是被安排在我身邊的間諜嗎? In fifty years³, will all this be declassified? 在五十年後,這一切會被世人知曉嗎? And you'll confess why you did it 而你會坦承為何犯下罪行 And I'll say, "Good riddance" 我會說「慢走不送」 'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden 因為只有禁忌之事才能讓人感覺到性張力 I would've died for your sins 我本會因你的罪惡死去 Instead, I just died inside 然而只有我的內心凋零 And you deserve prison, but you won't get time 你應該要入獄服刑,可你卻沒那個時間 You'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars 從許多人的收件箱到酒吧都能看見你的身影 You crashed my party and your rental car 你毀了我的派對和你租來的車 You said normal girls were boring 你說普通的女人太無聊 But you were gone by the morning 卻又在早晨不告而別 You kicked out the stage lights 你關上了舞台的燈光 But you're still performing 卻還在賣力演出

And in plain sight you hid 在眾目睽睽之下你躲了起來 But you are what you did 但你無法逃避自己做的一切 And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive 我會原諒你,但我不會原諒 The smallest man who ever lived 世界上最可悲的男人


1.Jehovah's Witness suit Jehovah's Witness是耶和華見證人。這裡的suit(西裝)指的是此組織招人時經常穿的衣服:



Matty Heally在與他的樂團The 1975表演時經常穿著西裝。也有人認為這一段在諷刺Matty Heally的反宗教觀點。

2.Stone作為名詞是石頭,作為動詞有向某人扔石頭的意思。此處被認為有兩種含義,一是Taylor與Matty的關係被輿論批評,如同被眾人丟石頭一般;也有人指出這裡可能跟Guilty As Sin?有對應:

What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway

3.fifty years五十年後:為什麼是50年呢?按照美國法律,很多文件在50年後才被公開。

我很喜歡這首歌,後面的爆發是整首的高潮跟亮點,第一次聽的時候我的感覺就是「哇她真的很pissed off……」。Bridge的連番質問還蠻讓人震撼的。我去The Eras Tour的時候新專還沒出,沒能在現場大聲唱這段Bridge好可惜哈哈哈,超嫉妒巴黎場(第一個有TTPD巡迴歌單的城市)。


Hope you enjoy it!

CC 的其他內容
You and I under different stars 你和我在不同的星空下 You dream a lot 你懷著夢想 And I keep chasing the past 而我卻不斷追逐過去 To remind you of who we are 試圖提醒你我們曾經的摸樣
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I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser 我明明長了年紀,卻沒長多少智慧 Midnights become my afternoons 日復一日作息顛倒 When my depression works the graveyar
The smoke cloud billows out his mouth 他嘴裡吐出的煙如海浪般起伏 Like a freight train through a small town 像一台駛過小鎮的火車 The jokes that he told across the bar 他在酒吧裡講的
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Taylor Swift - Love Story (愛情故事) We were both young when I first saw you 我們在年少輕狂時初遇 I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我閉上了眼,往日時光一閃而過 I'm
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Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? / 你是某人想置我於死地而派來摧毀我的惡魔嗎?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uoe8W649pw[Verse 1] Did you really beam me up 你真的把我傳送上去 In a cloud of sparkling dust 在閃爍的塵埃中 Just to do experime
You're the loss of my life / 你是我生命中最不值得提及的汙點
I'm still a believer but I don't know why / 我也說不出個所以然,為何我還對愛深信不疑