WHO CAN HELP? TAIWAN. This is the crisis of our lifetime. We mourn with you the lives lost and livelihoods destroyed. At this difficult time of isolation, please know that you are not alone. Taiwan has been devastated by pandemics before. We lost friends, loved ones, and brave medical professionals to the 2003 SARS epidemic. As we have been excluded from international health organizations and left to fend for ourselves, we too have felt isolated. Taiwan knows what the world is going through, so we have done everything possible to share vital knowledge with the world and give out lifesaving resources to those in need. In the past 3 months, we have worked with the US and the EU on advanced rapid testing and vaccines for COVID-19, and we have given out 16 million face masks to support medical workers around the world, with many more on the way. We might not have a lot to give, but what we have, we’ll share with you. At a time of isolation, we choose solidarity. #TaiwanCanHelp
#TaiwanIsHelping A message from 26,980 contributors who participated in the crowdfunding project to run this article
版本2: WHO CAN HELP? TAIWAN. You are not alone. Taiwan is with you. We want you to know that in isolation there is solidarity. We know what you are going through. We know how hard it is. We mourn with you the connections lost. Both lives and livelihoods. Taiwan, having been devastated by the SARS epidemic in 2003, knows. Taiwan, having been isolated by the WHO, knows. But no one can exclude us from contributing to international efforts by sharing how we contained the outbreak, kept our schools and businesses open, and ensured masks for all. In the past 3 months, we have provided 16 million face masks to support medical workers around the world and have worked together with the US and the EU on the most advanced rapid tests and vaccines for COVID-19. Who can isolate Taiwan? No one. Because we are here to help. #TaiwanCanHelp
#TaiwanIsHelping A message from 26,980 contributors who participated in the crowdfunding project to run this ad
You are not alone. We have lost loved ones to the COVID-19 pandemics so no one should be left behind anymore.
Taiwan has been left behind by WHO but is still aggressively participating in the worldwide effort against the disease like everyone does.
We fight, we give and we shall prevail. Together.
(Taiwan is collaborating with other countries on development of test methods, vaccines and provision of surgical masks. And there are even more coming your way.)
「no one should be left behind」:這句話的語源是拉丁文「nemo resideo」,直譯就是「No man left behind/不放棄(戰場上的)弟兄」,之後在英文環境中變成一些不同版本的軍隊格言,是西方人耳熟能詳的句子。而在第二段開頭,「left behind」也順手變成了「台灣被WHO排除在外」的反諷。