「這是最原始的反應。腎上腺素開始湧上心頭,整個環境的溫度正在上升,而你就會想再進一步。但是,但我們作為專業人員須要知道的是,有時候如果我們(警員)再進一步,同時也會迫使他們(示威者)往前走一步。」- Scott Thomson, former chief of police in Camden, New Jersey
「曾幾何時,劇本是更簡單直接的。警察會與抗議的組織者會面,共同制定基本規則,這將為抗議者提供一個機會,讓他們做他們有權做的事情。」Ronal Serpas, professor of criminology at Loyola University in New Orleans, a former police chief in New Orleans and Nashville
然而,也有受訪警員不同意 Madison 模式,甚至認為使用此模式應對進取的示威者只會提振他們的士氣,讓他們更肆無忌憚。同時,Madison 模式面對的另一個問題,是如何確保警員執勤時的安全。這再一次返回信任的問題:如果警員不是一開始就穿上防暴裝備,也許示威者就不會感到被威嚇,雙方也不會那麼劍拔弩張;但同時,警員也擔心如果不穿上防暴裝備,這只會讓示威者乘勢進擊。
For many people, tear gas is their first interaction with state violence. It’s the first time they’ve been treated like an insect, usually by police geared up like robocops. That warlike stance is a strong escalatory agent in a protest...But crowd control is often not the point of state violence. Its goal is usually to put people in their place, to “dominate,” as the president has called for. Viewed through that lens, it’s no wonder that tear gas is a tool of choice. Tear gas will enrage, but not deter. It will hurt and maim, but not de-escalate. - The Atlantic, I Can’t Breathe: Braving Tear Gas in a Pandemic
美國的警察部門從改革嘗試,到信任破裂,再回歸強硬,警民衝突的問題暫時看不見曙光。在香港,問題卻遠不止警民信任破裂這麼簡單。市民對警察的取態已為政治化並嵌入了「民主/反中 vs 極權/親中」的對立框架內,對警員執法的理解被視為向極權屈服,而對警暴的批評即被視為支持「抗爭有理」。也許要重建警民互信的前提,正是要先把警暴問題從以上政治敘事框架抽離,但在高度政治化和撕裂的香港社會,可能性又有多大呢?