2020-11-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

7 Basics to Serving Wine/Glassware : Part 2

Wine Folly 為葡萄酒初學者提供了 7 個喝酒基本侍酒與品飲概念 (原文在此) 今天流浪騙酒師就帶大家細細品嚐 Wine Folly 文章的名言佳字!
版權所有:Wine Folly
版權所有:Wine Folly


  • Fine wines: Fine,不是只可以用在 “How Are You?” “Fine, Thank you...” ,也可以用來形容高檔酒/精緻酒/美酒, 同理可證,最近台灣很瘋的米其林就是所謂的 Fine Dining。(個人其實覺得一些私廚也可稱為 Fine Dining)
  • Subdue: 這詞有兩種用法: a. 顏色黯淡或光線柔和 例句:The soft,subdued lightseen at dusk or dawn. b. 心情很悶 例句:He seemed a bit subdued at lunch. 當然也可以用來形容酒的香氣沒有開,悶悶的(這句形容詞應該酒友們常聽到)
  • Zesty: 原本是用來形容氣氛很熱鬧或是食物很美味,但是在品酒用詞中常用來形容有活力、酸度比較高,聞起來有點檸檬清香的白酒,

2. 酒,冰一點再喝: Wine tastes better served slightly cool

Hopefully you’ve already experienced how wildly different your coffee, tea or soda (luke warm Coke anyone?) tastes at different temperatures. This same ideology applies to wine. Also, some of the more delicate floral aromatics in fine wines are completely subdued at overly cool temperatures or burn off too quickly when the wine is too warm.
  • RED WINE: tastes better when served slightly below room temperature from 53 °F – 69 °F (light red wines like Pinot Noir taste better at the cooler end of the spectrum) 《紅酒:適合低於室溫一點點喝(歐美室溫不是台灣室溫啊!)
  • WHITE WINE: tastes great from about 44 °F – 57 °F. (zesty whites on the cool side and oak-aged whites on the warm side) 《白酒:適飲溫度攝氏6~14度(酸度較高適飲溫度偏低,過桶陳年的白酒適合溫度高一點喝)
  • SPARKLING WINE: Affordable sparklers do great at 38 °F – 45 °F (serve high-quality Champagne and sparkling wines at white wine temperatures) 《氣泡酒:平民款的氣泡酒適飲溫度攝氏4~7度,如果是高檔香檳或氣泡酒適飲溫度跟白酒一樣。


Wine Enthusiast 流浪騙酒師/WineTalk 英國新堡大學口筆譯碩士 英文新聞記者 英文講師
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