昨暝 ê 夢,想起來真毋甘。實在講,咱嘛知彼毋是「昨暝 ê 夢」,只是 Stefan 閣一改輪迴轉去 1984年 七月初九 彼工。
伊仝款目睭擘予金、起床洗喙、空腹食藥仔、看著 in tó͘-sàng 出來房間外牽門、父仔囝鬥陣食早頓,共 in 老爸講起媽媽留下 ê 互動式小說《Bandersnatch》,猶有伊改編 tng-leh 設計 ê 電腦 giàn-muh.
猶毋過這改 in 爸 Peter 無閣再問 Stefan 早頓 boeh 配啥,只是共隔壁 ê la̍h-犬趕予走。尾仔 Stefan 出外坐 bá-suh ,tī 車頂掛耳機收聽“Hold Me Now”,liâm-mi 經過一塊用烏漆噴「No future」ê khăm-páng.
“ We've met before ? ”
到遮為止咱攏 lia̍h-chún 劇情無啥變化,毋過等 Stefan 人到位、tī Tuckersoft kah Colin 再一次見面 ê 時……,
Colin 頭犁犁,ná 聽 Tucker 介紹 Stefan 予伊熟似,ná 提 lài-tah 共喙內 teh pok ê 手工薰捲點予 to̍h. 伊攑頭一下看,發覺講伊 kah Stefan 兩个人 tàm 這个時空閣再相會。
Colin 隨向 Tucker kah Stefan 兩人展示伊 tng-leh 進行 ê 工課。
" That is what I'm working on. "
[Stefan] Nohzdyve.
[Stefan] Buffer error.
The eyeball sprite's overshot the video memory.
[Stefan] Just did.
保留當時記持 koh 選一改,
敢有影通行向光明 ê 前途?
有看予 chim-chiok--無?雖然看來 Stefan ná-chiōⁿ 有機會轉去到 tng-當時,經歷仝款 ê 代誌、進行 kah 頂遍 sio-siāng ê 對話,毋過事實講,伊 kah Colin 兩人,只不過保留 tī 另外一个時空 ê 記持;這馬所講--ê, kah 當初彼時所講--ê 根本有精差。
[Colin] Don't worship him, he's the Thief of Destiny.
[Colin] Jerome F. Davies. Visionary.
[Tucker] Isn't he that bloke who went cuckoo and cut his wife's head off ?
[Colin] That is what people tend to focus on, yes.
[Stefan] Which ending did you get ? When you read it.
[Colin] All of them.
Stefan 聽 kah 目頭結結,猶袂赴思考 Colin 所講 ê 意思,joystick 就 koh 予 Tucker 搶去。這改 Stefan 無隨共 joystick 提轉來,顛倒有淡薄仔緊張,ná 向 Tucker 解說伊猶未替《Bandersnatch》編寫另外一爿路徑,ná 共 liù-chhoaⁿ li̍h 起來。
抑若 Colin 也已經讀過規本《Bandersnatch》原著小說,伊無 koh 共 Stefan chah ê 冊反開,顛倒開始弄手中 ê 細粒彩球。
[Colin] A lot of divergent realities in that book. It was ahead of its time. In as much as time exists.
Colin 對這款時空轉換 ê 概念,nā-chhiōⁿ 真了解。Stefan mā tio̍h-ài koh 一改面對頭家 Tucker ê 提議,入來辦公室共《Bandersnatch》完成,boeh a̍h m̄?
Job Offer Redux 4-R REFUSE
這改系統就決定愛予 Stefan 共人拒絕。
[Stefan] No.
[Stefan] No. I mean, yes, I want to do your game, but I-I just… I just think I need- I need to… I need to write it how I know. You know, just me. At home.
[Tucker] At home. On your own ?
[Stefan] But I know that I can do it proper justice. The book.
You know, divergent story paths. Parallel realities.
[Colin] - It's like I say, teams are fine for things like action titles, but when it's a concept piece, bit of madness is what you need and that works best when it's one mind.
In 兩个 tàm 遐答喙鼓講起 Huxley kah Leary 兩位學家,彼是有因端--ê. 猶毋過日後有時間 chiah-koh 詳細解說其中奧妙奇巧 ê 部份。
Stefan tòe Colin 兩人對展示 Demo ê 房間行出來轉來到辦公室。Colin 共問講平常時做工課 a̍h-sī 計畫出外,會聽啥款音樂?
[Colin] What you listen to ? To get in to the flow.
[Stefan] Er… Thompson Twins.
Stefan 獨身轉來到厝,規个人 tiām-tiām 一句話 to 無講。Tú-hó in 爸 Peter tng-leh 用電烘爐共堅凍 ê 絞肉 thn̄g 予燒,越頭問 hāu-seⁿ 看覓允頭路 ê 情形啥款,Stefan 才共應付兩句仔。毋過 Peter 聽 tio̍h 足歡喜,boeh kah Stefan 握手 ê 時,Stefan 嫌 Peter ê 指頭仔頂面 bak 一寡來路不明 ê 肉幼仔,整個手 liâm-thi-thi.
Peter 有 sió-khóa-á ngāi-gio̍h, 緊去共手拭清氣。伊越頭 koh 向 Stefan 問講頭路會 án-nóa 進行,毋過 Stefan 應講會一个人踮厝共 giàn-muh 完成 ê 時,Peter 有淡薄仔質疑 kah 反對。
[Peter] Is that the best way to work on something like this ?
I write it here.
自彼日起,Stefan 就開始過這款,一个人 bih tī 房間編寫《Bandersnatch》ê 日子。細粒電視內,主持人 tng-leh 講評 Colin Ritman ê 新作品,對伊最近 ê 表現實在 chiâⁿ 呵咾、真 chàn-thàn.
[Robin] Well, the gameplay is just as impressive. I must say, this is a Colin Ritman game, so we'd expect little else, but even by his standards this is really most impressive. It's challenging, there's quite a big learning curve, so you die a lot and have to try again but I didn't really mind that much.
[woman] So it sounds great but what's your verdict, Robin ?
[Robin] Four stars out of five. Colin Ritman does it again.
[woman] So not quite perfect.
[Robin] Well, nothing's perfect.
摸心肝走揣必巡 ê 空
場景換來做心理治療 ê 診所 kah 房間。Tī 遮,咱會 chhiōⁿ 擘鴨卵仝款,一層仔一層共 Stefan ê 心肝擘予開,看內中 ê 卵仁生做 án-nóa, 猶有伊逐工早起食 ê 藥仔藏啥物祕密。
[Haynes] "The actual Colin Ritman," I believe you called him.
[Stefan] Yeah, exactly. And Mr. Thakur's offering me the chance to work there in their own office alongside Colin.
[Stefan] - I said no.
[Haynes] - You said no ?
[Stefan] Well, not to the whole thing, just to working there, being under their control.
I don't know where it came from, I just said no and then had to justify it by saying that I prefer to work alone.
[Haynes] It sounds like you're growing in confidence. I think it's a good sign.
[Stefan] Well, they're still letting me do the game, so…
[Haynes] Well done, Stefan. That's great. That's great.
[Stefan] You sound like my dad.
[Stefan] Sorry. He gets on my nerves sometimes. Like this… I'm fine now, I don't see why I need to keep coming to these sessions.
[Haynes] Perhaps you're feeling intruded upon because of the anniversary looming. It's a difficult time of year for you. We can't underestimate that.
- Would you like to talk about what happened with your mother ?(40)- It can be helpful to revisit things. Even if you feel you've done this before. You might discover something new.
YES? or NO?
Talk About Mum ? 5-L YES
Stefan 向 Haynes 坦白講起五歲彼冬,有一日早時伊 kah 阿母之間發生 ê 代誌。
[Stefan] I keep thinking about that morning. Reliving it.
雖然較早 bat 講過,góa 會先單純共逐个階段、逐个選項做記錄,毋過 tàm 遮 góa 猶原 siōⁿ-boeh 小停一下,將本身 ê 想法講出喙。