2022-03-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘

金剛經 Conze 英譯中文 (6)

Subhuti asked: Will there be any beings in the future period, in the last time, in the last epoch, in the last 500 years, at the time of the collapse of the good doctrine who, when these words of the Sutra are being taught, will understand their truth?
The Lord replied: Do not speak thus, Subhuti! Yes, even then there will be such beings.
For even at that time, Subhuti, there will be Bodhisattvas who are gifted with good conduct, gifted with virtuous qualities, gifted with wisdom, and who, when these words of the Sutra are being taught, will understand their truth.
And these Bodhisattvas, Subhuti, will not be such as have honoured only one single Buddha, nor such as have planted their roots of merit under one single Buddha only. On the contrary, Subhuti, those Bodhisattvas who, when these words of the Sutra are being taught, will find even one single thought of serene faith, they will be such as have honoured many hundreds of thousands of Buddhas, such as have planted their roots of merit under many hundreds of thousands of Buddhas.
Known they are, Subhuti, to the Tathagata through his Buddha cognition, seen they are, Subhuti, by the Tathagata with his Buddha-eye, fully known they are, Subhuti, to the Tathagata. And they all, Subhuti, will beget and acquire an immeasurable and incalculable heap of merit.
他們,須菩提!知道了他們的如來佛智,(如來佛智也知道他們);他們,須菩提!見到了他們的如來佛眼,(如來佛眼也見到他們);他們,須菩提!(都生起佛心),將得到無數不可測量的福德積聚 (的回報)。
And why? Because, Subhuti, in these Bodhisattvas (1) no perception of a self takes place, (2) no perception of a being, (3) no perception of a soul, (4) no perception of a person.
Nor do these Bodhisattvas have (5) a perception of a dharma, or (6) a perception of a nodharma. (7) No perception or (8 non-perception takes place in them.
And why? If, Subhuti, these Bodhisattvas should have a perception of either a dharma, or a nodharma, they would there by seize on a self, a being, a soul, or a person.
And why? Because a Bodhisattva should not seize on either a dharma or a no-dharma.
Therefore this saying has been taught by the Tathagata with a hidden meaning: 'Those who know the discourse on dharma as like unto a raft, should forsake dharmas, still more so nodharmas.'
正因為如此,如來才把這些 (在修行過程中必須歷經的) 概念或認知比喻為竹筏,(當心念向前邁進時),任何的『概念』都應該被棄捨,更何況是『無概念』呢?
(前述,不停留在任何『概念』的認知、或『無概念』的認知;甚而,不停留在任何的『認知』、或『無認知』,等等的層次,所講的是,不但沒有『法執』,連『空執』都沒有。此『空』,乃阿羅漢所證,非指『第一義空』,又因其所證,未能突破心理的囿限,所以稱為『空執』。聲聞乘,證『我空』;緣覺乘,證『法空』;佛,打破『空執』— 即無始無明,證『空空』)。」

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