2022-03-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

和老外聊天被問到Did you learn to swim when you were a child?(適合A2程度)


好多台灣的英語學習者都希望能夠全英文流利地和外國人聊天,你覺得這樣如何? Peter from New York: Did you learn to swim when you were a child? 1. Mary from Hualien: uh, not sure. I forgot. 我個人覺得這樣子會冷場。失敗! 2. Oliver from Taichung: Yes. I learned to swim when I was a little child. 我個人覺得這樣子叫應聲蟲,畢竟很大比例的內容和人家的問題一模一樣,表示沒有新資訊。失敗! 3. Jenny from Taoyuan: No, I can't swim. 我個人覺得這樣子的交談並不熱絡而且會句點別人。失敗! 4. Brett from Taipei: If my memory serves, when I was eight years old, my parents would often take me to the gym near my school. They hired a personal trainer to teach me how to swim. [翻譯] 假如我沒記錯的話,八歲時,爸媽常帶我到我學校附近的健身房。他們雇用一位私人健身教練來教我如何游泳。
一、只要被問到年代久遠的問題就可以施放這個絕招:假如我沒記錯的話。這句話通常表是十之八九是正確的。也可以說:If my memory serves right/correctly。 二、讓聊天有趣且讓人停不下來的關鍵絕對不是用高級單字和複雜文法,關鍵在「新資訊」,提供豐富的內容用多樣化的句子去呈現。
同理,如何回答How often do you do exercise?
這句話新資訊太少了:I often do exercise three times a week.
這樣有沒有感覺好些? I go swimming three times a week, rain or shine. 越多新資訊、句子可能越長,要有個限度: I go swimming and go to yoga classes three times a week because I am hoping to achieve my ideal weight in three months, so I can be a beautiful bride on my wedding, but I think this is a challenging task.


English Ability Reengineering, EAR, 本專題適合對象是「用盡各種管道花了超過五年學英文、程度卻未達中級或底子千瘡百孔的英語學習者」
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