空軍上尉發現吉米欺騙他只是為了拍廣告,找上事務所質問。 You're an ambulance-chasing piece of shit. All the same. Always on a high horse, always trying to make me feel like I'm….. I'm a lawyer, and this is what I do all day,every day,so how about this? I won't fly jet planes. You stay out of court. Does that sound good? You know guys like you…. you think you're so damn smart. And you think you don't have to play straight with anybody. The wheel is gonna turn. It always does. 如果我們把時間現拉回第二季小金所說的那句,「你這是在玩火。」Jimmy必須開始收拾他自己當初的爛灘子,如欺騙空軍上尉這段,這段有意思的不是Jimmy自食惡果,而是很多時候,Jimmy並無意傷害這些「老實人」,對付惡霸、惡棍,可以說是互相傷害,但這些老實人往往會讓Jimmy有「罪惡感」,讓自己也過意不去。 The wheel is gonna turn. 空軍上尉的這句話,也彷彿看穿了Jimmy。
Chuck故意用激將法誘使Jimmy闖入家門,破壞錄音帶,藉此人贓俱獲,結束後,Jimmy坐在房外草皮,Chuck仍一副「我為你好」的口吻說著: You won't wanna hear it, but this is for the best. Please, Jimmy. Whatever you think of me, whatever names you're calling me in your head right now, please understand I'm trying to help you.Here's what's going to happen. The police will arrest you and I'm sorry, but I will pressing charges. I told you there would be consequences. But I have to believe you'll face those consequences and you'll come out the other side a better man.I know it hard right now, but Jimmy, this is an opportunity. That's why I'm doing this. Not to punish you. To show you…truly show you,that you have to make a change. Before it's too late. Before you destroy yourself. Or someone else. And I believe you can change. You'll find your path. And when you're ready, I will be there to help you walk that path. 而Jimmy只是淡淡地回: Here's what's going to happen. One day, you're gonna get sick again. One of your employee's is gonna find you,courled up in that space-blanket…take you to the hospital,hook you up those machines that beep and whir and hurt. And this time, it'll be too much. And you will die there. Alone. #自以為的正義凜然 這段相信觀眾很有既視感,Chuck就像傳統父母、師長、上司那般,滿口說著:「我是為了你好」這樣冠冕堂皇的話語,但骨子裡只是想要滿足的自己的私慾(報復慾)。 你可以看到Chuck滔滔不絕地長篇大論,但你卻一點都不相信他半句話,因為他講的越多,只是加深觀眾的厭惡感。 #哀莫大於心死 至於Jimmy的回應也很經典,他沒有生氣、沒有情緒起伏,只是淡淡地說著Chuck未來的結局:「孤獨地死去」。 對於Jimmy而言,眼前的Chuck不是他崇拜、嚮往的那個哥哥,只是那個想致他於絕境的仇人罷了,哀莫大於心死。 Chuck與Jimmy走到這部,兄弟間的關係,也再也回不去了。