2022-09-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


1. pol 政客 = politician
2. vocal chords 聲帶
3. marketer 行銷人員
4. sweat suit 連帽的整身運動衫褲
5. chalk up
(1) 用粉筆記下
(2) 把~歸因於
6. YouTube (v.) 上YouTube網站去看~
Ex. If you missed the presidential debate last night, you should still be able to YouTube it when you have time.
7. gotcha 逮到你了;整到你了 = got you
8. misstep 過失;錯誤
9. bunion 拇趾囊腫脹
10. hacker invasion 駭客入侵
11. hold on to 緊握
12. phishing (n.)網路釣魚
13. amorphous 無定型的;難以歸類的
14. apparel 服飾
15. Briton [C.]英國人
16. a paradoxical love/hate relationship toward ~ 對~有矛盾的愛恨情結
17. social swarming 社交群集
Ex. I tried to arrange a social swarming last night, but sad to say, only three people appeared.
18. bundle 一大筆錢
19. trendy 時髦的
20. loathe (v.) 討厭;厭惡
21. fantabulous 棒極了;極妙的 = fabulous
22. render 表達;描繪
23. patois 方言;土語
24. BMI = Body Mass Index 身體質量指數
25. shorthand (n.)簡略的表達方式
26. suicide bombers 自殺炸彈客
27. VBIED = vehicle-borne improvised explosive device 汽車炸彈
28. charred 燒焦的
29. telltale (a.)洩漏內情的
30. bystander 旁觀者;局外人
31. injunction (法院的)禁止令;強制令
32. aerial photo 空照圖
33. TGIF = Thank God It’s Friday
34. hump day 星期三
(hump 駱駝背部隆起的肉)
35. tyke 頑皮的小孩
36. insignia 徽章;標幟
37. tipping point 引爆點
38. anti-American sentiment 反美情緒
39. anti-Americanism 反美主義
40. anti-anti-American 對批評美國的言論、行動懷有敵意的人
Ex. Joe is a pure anti-anti-American, and would be irritated even by mildly criticism about the U.S.
41. prison bus 囚車
42. MacGyver (v.) 喬;急中生智
Ex. I didn’t have any tools with me in the forest, so I need to MacGyver a way to fix my car.
43. MacGyverism [美]馬蓋先主義(形容冷靜面對困境及靈活運用知識的精神)
44. hip-pop 嘻哈
45. ploy 花招;手法
46. joy stick 電玩搖桿
47. localness 本土性
48. food miles 食物里程
49. GM food 基因改造食物
50. scion 小孩;後裔
51. xylophone 木琴
52. snug (a.)緊貼合身的
53. briefs 短內褲
54. make a killing 賺大錢
55. pension fund 退休基金
56. circa 大約
57. celeblog 名人部落格
58. elbow one’s way 殺出一條血路
59. cyberspace 網路世界
60. plugged-in compulsion 連線瘋
Ex. Jack finds himself has plugged-in compulsion. He often gets up at midnight and check his email.
61. friend (v.)(在MSN、MySpace等)將~加入好友名單
Ex. Friend me now, and I’ll friend you back right away.
62. volunteer vacationing 志工旅遊
63. lingo 術語
64. tot (v.) 攜帶
65. squalor 骯髒;貧困
66. junkyard 垃圾場
67. fizzle (v.)失敗
68. baddie 壞蛋
69. ponytail 馬尾式辮子
70. bang (n.)瀏海
71. P.E. classes 體育課 (P.E. = physical education)
72. exergame 運動電玩 (ex. Wii)
73. masquerade (v.)偽裝;假冒
74. endearing 可愛的
75. gorno 暴力恐怖電影(如奪魂鉅 (Saw)、絕命終結站 (Final Destination)等)
76. Potterhead 哈利波特迷
77. bona fide [ph.]【拉】真實的;有誠意的;真心誠意的
Ex. My little brother is a bona fide Potterhead. He loves reading Harry Potter.
78. fantasy literature 奇幻文學(作品)
79. holistic 整體的
80. faux 【法】假的;人造的
81. Pilates 皮拉提斯(注重身體特定部位的鍛鍊以及整體姿勢的改善)
Source: Pixabay
Source: Pixabay
82. seal the deal 完成合約或交易
83. wheedle 用甜言蜜語引誘
84. gnome 矮人;侏儒
85. favela [葡語](巴西的)貧民區
86. a heap of 一大堆
87. star-studded 眾星雲集的
88. slow food movement 慢食運動
89. Pluto (v.) 降級
90. gaffe 失言;失態
91. pre-emptive strike 先制攻擊
92. blogosphere 整個部落格圈子
93. thumb tendonitis 拇指腱炎
94. orthopedic 整形外科的
95. malady 疾病;毛病
96. BlackBerry 黑苺機
97. spouse 配偶
98. battlefront 戰線
99. scalpel 解剖刀
100. pitch: the action of presenting the subject; project 原意為棒球比賽中,投手投球的動作,在商界中指「提案」、「報告」等;另外在俚語中,則有「強力推銷」之意。
Ex 1. I know you have been preparing the presentation in front of those big cheeses for more than one month. Well, in a word, good luck with the pitchtomorrow!
Ex 2. The pols pitched the idea to the Defense Department in order to obtain given interest.
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