2023-07-25|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

【歌詞中翻英】郁可唯- 鬧哄哄 Life Is Like a Firework|用一生日落換一場煙火


充滿詩意的歌詞、配上郁可唯清亮優美的歌聲,述說人生的感悟。收錄於專輯《Dear Life》,是郁可唯的第七張專輯。一聽到這首歌馬上就被抓住了耳朵,從出生到老,一生都展現在一首歌中,也被濃縮在一首歌中。
這首歌的官方英文歌名是Life Is Like a Firework,生命短暫如一場煙火也絢爛如一場煙火,我們忙著追逐人生也被人生追趕,有些人歷經成家立業、有些人選擇頭破血流就為了實現自我、也有些人汲汲營營但求安身立命,時過境遷、回首來時,才了解其實就如歌詞所說:「誰不是用一身光溜溜,換一生鬧哄哄?」

鬧哄哄 Life is like a firework
演唱者:郁可唯 Yisa Yu
用一生日落 換一場煙火 Through numerous dawn and dusk, I know life is like a firework.
翻幾個跟斗 換一身滿足的傷口 I might have fallen and gotten hurt, But still satisfied with what I learned.
用一刻枕頭 換一顆白頭 By sharing a pillow with someone, I met one growing old together.
忙於奔波 追趕跳碰 忘了鬧鐘 I was busy with life, chasing, colliding, and sometimes missed my alarm.
被太陽曬得紅通通 再變得黑黝黝 When I basked in the sun and got tanned, 打個盹 年華就溜走 Time slips through my fingers as I nap.
穿過了一片白濛濛 爬過了綠油油 When I passed through the mist and climbed over the greenery, 有什麼留在心裡頭 What else was still there?
為了你哭得淚汪汪 再笑得樂悠悠 For you, I've cried with tears and laughed heartily, 想起來不過三秒鐘 Now it takes only a split second to reminisce. 但我捏了雙頰會疼痛 證明愛不是夢 To prove your love isn't a dream, I pinch my cheeks.
我原來打算 一個人郊遊 I'd planned to wander off alone, 卻跟陌生人 不小心寒暄過了頭 but accidentally kept talking with an unknown person.
我固然享受 孤獨的清幽 No doubt I enjoyed solitude, 但少了你 擾我清夢 卻又惶恐 but without you bothering me, I felt disquiet.
被太陽曬得紅通通 再變得黑黝黝 When I basked in the sun and got tanned, 打個盹 年華就溜走 Time slips through my fingers as I nap.
穿過了一片白濛濛 爬過了綠油油 When I passed through the mist and climbed over the greenery, 有什麼留在心裡頭 What else was still there?
為了你哭得淚汪汪 再笑得樂悠悠 For you, I've cried with tears and laughed heartily, 想起來不過三秒鐘 Now it takes only a split second to reminisce. 但我捏了雙頰會疼痛 證明愛不是夢 To prove your love isn't a dream, I pinch my cheeks.
早知道一切來匆匆 恨不得去匆匆 If I knew life is fleeting and time flies, 為何我 要無中生有 Why should I bother experiencing everything? 看指尖吹來一陣風 再送走一陣風 I feel a breeze blow through my fingers, 有什麼留在心裡頭 and wonder what else still keeps in my mind. 為了你哭得淚汪汪 再笑得樂悠悠 For you, I’ve cried with tears and laughed heartily, 想起來不過三秒鐘 And now it takes only a split second to reminisce. 但我捏了雙頰會疼痛 證明愛不是夢 To prove our love isn't a dream, I pinch my cheeks.
誰不是用一身光溜溜 換一生鬧哄哄 Who else isn't born naked to exchange the rest of the hustle and bustle?
作詞 Lyricist:陳信延 作曲 Composer :Bryan 編曲 Arranger:趙兆、趙連帥 製作人 Producer:趙兆
鋼琴 Piano:趙兆 貝斯 Bass:韓陽 鼓 Drum:武勇恒 吉他 Guitar:薛峰 長笛 Flute:程曉華 弦樂 Strings:國際首席愛樂樂團International Master Philharmonic Orchestra 和聲演唱 Backing Vocals:胡維納

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