2023-07-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    We, at life, should (but not must), treasure and cherish every moment you live in

    And live like it's your last minute but don't, unconsciously, reach the extremity of your physicality and mentality

    Don't reminisce much and "Let the bygone be gone"

    Never cease to explore and experience the bitterness, lusciousness, tartness, astringency and pungency throughout every opportunity in life

    Seize every gift that God gives you as a surprisingly precious encounter

    Don't ever try harder than you can load

    Or take yourself too seriously, so did you take others

    Make your temperament, persona, individuality and image be clearly exhibited and obviously, consistently diffused

    While keep it loosely, pleasantly, and briskly 

    After you decide to want to be, in every aspect, happier.

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