2024-06-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

戴紅色貝雷帽的藝術家 An artist wearing a red beret- Jane

Here is the image based on the story. It features Jane standing at the threshold of an old mill, wearing a red beret, which captures the somber yet hopeful mood of a moment of decision.

Here is the image based on the story. It features Jane standing at the threshold of an old mill, wearing a red beret, which captures the somber yet hopeful mood of a moment of decision.





「我遠遠地觀察你,」他開始說,聲音如礫石與絲綢。「你的藝術... 它講述了超越此地的視野。」




In the quiet village of Evershade, where the mist hung low and the days slipped by like whispers, Jane stood at the threshold of the old mill, her gaze locked on the horizon. The red beret she wore was more than a statement; it was a symbol of her defiance against the mundanity of village life.

Jane had a secret. Beneath the mill, hidden from prying eyes, was a cavernous space filled with her paintings—vivid, swirling colors that captured the dreams and nightmares of her inner world. Her fingers itched to paint today, but instead, she had to meet the mysterious visitor who had written to her, claiming a deep connection with her art.

As she waited, the wind played with strands of her hair, and the red beret clung stubbornly to her head, a bright spot against the gray skies. The visitor appeared, a silhouette against the fog, slowly materializing into a tall, elderly man with kind eyes.

"I've watched you from afar," he began, his voice like gravel and silk. "Your art... it speaks of visions beyond this place."

Jane's eyes narrowed, studying him. "And what do you see?"

"I see a world crying out for your touch. Come with me to the city. Show them what Evershade has hidden."

Torn between her safe haven and the allure of unknown landscapes, Jane felt the weight of decision. As the mist enveloped them both, she made her choice. The red beret, once a defiant spark in the fog, now bobbed eagerly as she stepped forward, ready to paint her destiny on a broader canvas.

My Name is Jane.

《Jane書寫計畫》以網路上「Jane」的資料(Data)作為創作材料,創造出以「Jane」的肖像,再將肖像,由Chat-GPT4 進行影像閱讀,進行轉譯並書寫為文字,並再經由文字書寫轉譯為圖像。觀眾在具真實與虛擬感知共構中,透過文件閱讀、視覺圖像的符號象徵、感受「Jane」的多重存在樣貌。影像2文字,文字2影像。
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