2024-07-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘


Why Taiwan Lags in Remote Work Adoption Outside Tech

In 2024, many countries have embraced remote work. However, Taiwan's non-tech industries are slow to adopt this trend. There are several reasons for this.

First, Taiwan has a strong traditional work culture. Many bosses believe that employees work better in the office. They want to see their staff at work. For example, in many Taiwanese companies, staying late at the office is seen as a sign of hard work.

Second, Taiwan's small size makes commuting easier for most people. This reduces the need for remote work compared to larger countries.

It's worth mentioning that Taiwan's excellent public transportation system and relatively short commute times contribute to this resistance to change. Many employees and employers don't see the urgency in adopting remote work practices when office accessibility isn't a significant issue.

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