2024-07-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 37 分鐘

2024年上半年IELTS Writing Task 2議論文情蒐和關鍵論述


Some people think that manufacturers and shopping malls should sell fewer packaged products while others argue that people have the responsibility to buy products with less packaging. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
  • 製造商和購物中心應該減少銷售包裝產品
  1. Manufacturers and retailers have the power to significantly reduce packaging waste at the source by redesigning products and changing their packaging practices. 製造商和零售商有能力通過重新設計產品和改變包裝方式,從源頭大幅減少包裝浪費。
  2. By offering more unpackaged or minimally packaged options, shopping malls can directly influence consumer behavior and promote more sustainable shopping habits. 通過提供更多無包裝或最少包裝的選擇,購物中心可以直接影響消費者行為,促進更可持續的購物習慣。
  • 消費者有責任購買包裝較少的產品
  1. Consumers have the ultimate power of choice and can drive market change by consistently opting for products with less packaging. 消費者擁有最終的選擇權,可以通過持續選擇包裝較少的產品來推動市場變革。
  2. Individual responsibility and awareness are crucial in creating a sustainable society, and this includes making conscious decisions about the environmental impact of our purchases. 個人責任和意識對於創造一個可持續發展的社會至關重要,這包括對我們購買行為的環境影響做出有意識的決定。

Innovation is often driven by the pursuit of profit and economic growth. However, some argue that it should prioritize addressing social and environmental issues. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
  • 支持以利潤和經濟增長驅動創新的證據

1. The development of smartphones has revolutionized communication and created a multi-billion dollar industry, driving economic growth and technological advancement.


2. The pursuit of profit in the pharmaceutical industry has led to the development of life-saving drugs and treatments, such as the rapid creation of COVID-19 vaccines.


  • 支持優先解決社會和環境問題的證據

1. The development of renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, has been driven by the need to address climate change rather than immediate profit.


2. Innovations in microfinance, like the Grameen Bank model, have focused on alleviating poverty and empowering marginalized communities, prioritizing social impact over maximizing profits.


The demand for coaching services has grown significantly in the digital age, with online coaching platforms becoming prevalent. Some people now think that online coaching is a superior option to in-person coach. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • 支持線上輔導優於面對面輔導的論點

1. Flexibility and accessibility:

Online coaching platforms allow clients to access services from anywhere, at any time, making it easier to fit coaching into busy schedules.


2. Global reach and diversity:

Online coaching enables access to a wider pool of coaches with diverse expertise and backgrounds, not limited by geographical constraints.


  • 反對線上輔導優於面對面輔導的論點

1. Limited non-verbal communication:

In-person coaching allows for better interpretation of body language and subtle cues, which can be crucial for building rapport and understanding.


2. Technical limitations and distractions:

Online sessions can be disrupted by technical issues or home environment distractions, potentially reducing the effectiveness of the coaching.


Some people feel that the private lives of celebrities should not be openly shared by the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • 支持觀點(同意名人私生活不應被公開分享):

1. Celebrities, despite their public status, have a fundamental right to privacy that should be respected by the media and the public.


2. Constant invasion of privacy can have severe negative impacts on celebrities' mental health and personal relationships, potentially affecting their professional performance.


  • 反對觀點(不同意名人私生活不應被公開分享)

1. Public figures, especially those who benefit from media attention, implicitly accept a certain level of public scrutiny as part of their celebrity status.


2. Media coverage of celebrities' private lives can serve the public interest by exposing hypocrisy or illegal behavior, thus holding influential figures accountable.


Health services are a basic necessity. However, private companies have made them quite costly for ordinary individuals. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh its disadvantages?
  • 支持私人醫療保健的論點

1. Quality and efficiency of care:

Private healthcare often provides faster access to specialists and advanced treatments, reducing waiting times and potentially improving health outcomes.


2. Innovation and investment:

Private healthcare companies often invest heavily in research and development, leading to medical advancements and innovative treatments.


  • 反對私人醫療保健的論點

1. Inequality in access:

High costs of private healthcare can create a two-tier system where quality care is only available to those who can afford it, exacerbating health inequalities.


2. Profit-driven care:

The focus on profitability in private healthcare can sometimes lead to unnecessary treatments or procedures, prioritizing financial gains over patient well-being.


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