2024-08-31|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 34 分鐘


### Draft Guidelines for Handling Cases of Academic Misconduct and Integrity Violations in Master’s and Doctoral Theses at National OOOO University


#### I. General Provisions


1. These guidelines apply to doctoral and master’s theses awarded by the university in accordance with the Degree Conferral Act, aiming to ensure academic integrity and enhance fairness and transparency in academic research.

**1. 本要點適用於本校依學位授予法授予之博、碩士學位論文,旨在確保學術誠信,增進學術研究之公正性與透明性。**

2. Cases of academic misconduct and integrity violations shall be handled according to these guidelines.

**2. 違反學術倫理與誠信之案件,依本要點進行處理。**

#### II. Acts Violating Academic Ethics and Integrity


1. The following acts are considered violations of academic ethics and integrity:

**1. 下列行為被視為違反學術倫理與誠信:**

- **Fabrication (造假):** Falsifying application materials, research data, or research findings that do not exist.

**- 造假:虛構不存在的申請資料、研究數據或研究成果。**

- **Falsification (變造):** Altering application materials, research data, or research findings to make them untrue.

**- 變造:篡改申請資料、研究數據或研究成果,使之不真實。**

- **Plagiarism (抄襲):** Using others' materials without proper citation; severe cases are regarded as plagiarism.

**- 抄襲:未註明引用來源的情況下使用他人資料,情節重大者視為抄襲。**

- **Use of AI-Generated Content (AI生成內容的使用):** Failure to indicate that content was generated by AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT) constitutes academic misconduct.

**- AI生成內容的使用:未註明使用生成式AI(如ChatGPT)撰寫的內容,視為學術不端行為。**

- **Inadequate Data Governance (數據治理不足):** Using unverified data or failing to provide evidence of data sources.

**- 數據治理不足:使用未經驗證的數據或未能提供數據來源證據。**

- **Duplicate Publication Without Disclosure (未經註明而重複出版):** Republishing works without proper disclosure.

**- 未經註明而重複出版:未適當註明而重複出版公開發行的作品。**

- **Extensive Self-Citation (大幅引用自己已發表之著作):** Reusing one’s previously published works without appropriate citation.

**- 大幅引用自己已發表之著作:未適當引註的情況下,重複使用自己已發表的著作。**

- **Translation in Place of Original Works (翻譯替代論著):** Failing to clearly indicate the source of translated content.

**- 翻譯替代論著:未明確註明翻譯內容的來源。**

- **Interfering with the Review Process (影響審查過程的行為):** Using improper means to interfere with the thesis review process.

**- 影響審查過程的行為:以不當手段干預論文審查程序。**

- **Other Violations (其他違反行為):** Any other acts deemed by the university as violations of academic ethics.

**- 其他經本校審定為違反學術倫理之行為。**

#### III. Handling Procedures


1. Allegations of academic misconduct must be submitted in writing, detailing the facts and accompanied by evidence, with the whistleblower’s real name, contact number, and address.

**1. 違反學術倫理與誠信之檢舉應以書面方式提出,具體載明事實並檢附證據,並由檢舉人署名,提供聯絡電話及地址。**

2. The Office of Academic Affairs will receive the complaint and must form a review committee within ten days to examine the formal requirements of the allegation.

**2. 教務處為受理單位,收到檢舉後,應於十日內組成審查小組,對檢舉事項進行形式要件審查。**

3. The review committee shall complete the investigation within one month and submit the investigation report to the university's final review committee for approval.

**3. 審查小組應於接獲案件後一個月內完成調查,並將調查報告提交校審定委員會審議。**

#### IV. Handling of AI-Generated Content


1. If AI tools are used to write content in the thesis, the AI-generated parts must be clearly marked, and the use of such tools should be explained. Failure to do so will be considered plagiarism.

**1. 如論文中使用生成式AI工具撰寫內容,必須明確標註AI生成的部分,並提供相關工具的使用說明。未明確標註者,將視為抄襲行為。**

2. AI-generated content must be reviewed and approved by the thesis advisor and included in the academic integrity check before submission.

**2. AI生成內容應由指導教授審核確認,並在論文提交前納入學術誠信檢查範圍。**

#### V. Data Governance


1. When using data for research, students must provide detailed descriptions of data sources and relevant evidence to ensure data authenticity and completeness.

**1. 使用數據進行研究時,研究生必須提供數據來源的詳細說明及相關證據,以確保數據的真實性和完整性。**

2. All data must be reviewed by an expert panel to confirm compliance with academic ethical standards.

**2. 所有數據須經專家小組審查,確認符合學術倫理要求。**

#### VI. Transparency and Disclosure


1. Students must clearly indicate the use and scope of all external tools (including AI tools) in their thesis.

**1. 研究生應清楚註明所有外部工具(包括AI工具)的使用方式及範圍。**

2. Before submitting the thesis, students must self-check for any missing citations and ensure the transparency of the research process.

**2. 在提交論文前,研究生應自我檢查是否有任何遺漏的引用,並確保研究過程的透明度。**

#### VII. Education and Training


1. The university will regularly conduct education and training on the use of AI tools and academic integrity. All graduate students must complete such training and pass the assessment before submitting their theses.

**1. 本校將定期舉辦AI工具使用及學術誠信相關的教育與培訓。所有研究生在提交論文前必須完成此類培訓並通過考核。**

#### VIII. Violations and Penalties


1. Those confirmed to have violated academic ethics and integrity shall be subject to penalties such as degree revocation, public apology, or other appropriate actions, depending on the severity of the violation.

**1. 經審定確認違反學術倫理與誠信者,依違規程度,處以撤銷學位、公開道歉或其他適當處置。**

2. Students dissatisfied with the handling of their cases may file an appeal within 30 days of receiving the notification.

**2. 學生如對處理結果不服,得於收到通知後三十日內提出申訴。**


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