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113年學測英文「綜合題」解析 (4)


“When (I) evaluating a business, mystery shoppers have to follow certain standard procedures to avoid   13  . They are often given a checklist that provides directions on what to observe or look out for (II) to ensure consistency. Sometimes these shoppers collect data about their “normal” observations, such as cleanliness of the store or timeliness of the service. (III) They may also pretend to be   14   customers, arguing with a salesperson without a good reason. (IV) With the data they collect, mystery shoppers can identify areas for   15   and thereby help enhance the quality of products and services. In this way, these secret shoppers may help a business gain a competitive edge.”

首先,再次確認主題是 “mystery shopper”;從文章脈絡判斷,可以預測第二段要討論他們「如何評估生意狀況」(how to “evaluate a business”)

(I). 他們必須: “. . . have to follow certain standard procedures

目的是: “to avoid   13  .

(II). 第13題必須依賴以下句子來判斷:

“They [mystery shoppers] are often given a checklist that provides . . . to ensure consistency


13. (A) keen competitions (B) financial hardship (C) racial conflicts (D) personal bias

        Ans. (D)


跟 “consistency”,「一致性,」相對應的詞彙就是 “unbiased judgment”

因此,這題考點「反義詞」指向: “The mystery shoppers . . . to avoid personal bias”。

重點在 “evaluation”──依「個人經驗」去評斷──因此可以排除:

(A) keen competitions→ among businesses

(B) financial hardship→ within the business itself

(C) racial conflicts→ a wider social issue


14. (A) difficult (B) potential (C) constant (D) anonymous

Ans. (A)

Anal. 有兩個方向的提示:

(一)、從「反義詞」的「遞進性」(gradable, grada-bility)來判斷[2]:


        Easy → Normal → Difficult



上句: “normal”

→下句: (根據遞進性) 要不選 “easy”,要不選 “difficult”

根據題意,選 “difficult”



        “  14   customers”→ “arguing . . . without a good reason”

        如此來看,這種客人,之於銷售員 (a salesman),是怎樣的客人?

        根據「社交語境」(social context):

        銷售員會覺得「來亂的顧客」(arguing without a good reason)

很「難搞、難對付」[“difficult (to deal with)]

       → 還原原句:

(1). A salesman will find that “customers who argue without a good reason” are difficult (to deal with)


→ 簡化句子:

(2). A salesman will find (that) customers, arguing without a good reason, difficult (to deal with).


→ 進一步簡化:

(3). A salesman will find customers, arguing without a good reason, difficult.


        (3a). A salesman will find them

        [Find what?]

        (3b-1). Customers, arguing without a good reason→ agree with they/them

        (3b-2). They are “difficult” (to deal with)


15. (A) distribution (B) expectation (C) improvement (D) management

Ans. (C)

Anal. 考平行結構: . . . and . . . → and 連接兩個平行、近義的同類詞

(IV). 題幹要抓 “(to) identify areas for   15 

“for   15  ” 為 “areas” 的補語;因此可以確定, “  15  ” 跟 “(to) help enhance the quality of . . .” 的 “quality” 平行:近義的同類詞【概念名詞】

(1). 原意還原成:”to enhance”→ 替換成: “to improve the quality . . .”

(2). 動詞 “to improve”→ 轉換成: “improvement” 名詞,


(3). 名詞 “the quality”,對應名詞 “areas (room) for improvement”

*同樣道理:“areas for improvement”→ “room for improvement”

*“room” 不可計量,是一種「概念詞,」意指「餘地(機會)」:

e.g. I feel the company has little room for/to manoeuvre. [1]

*“areas” 似乎是指涉「哪些『方面』」可以改善






        好處是:習慣後,考生有大量「語言學解釋」(linguistic explanations)去支持選擇的答案;因此,考生有更多策略去尋找「最短路徑」來答題──亦即「抄捷徑」(short-circuiting)。側重長文閱讀的 TOEFL 很要求學生懂得「找到最短路徑」的閱讀,用術語稱之為「略讀」和「掃讀」(skimming and scanning)。



        有的:就是要像筆者這樣,不厭其煩地,不斷練習如何分析──如何「像個語言學家去分析語料」(to analyze linguistic materials like a linguist).






[1] Cambridge Dictionary (entry: “room”)



[2] Language Files, 13th Edition, p. 264

Language Files, 13th Edition (2022). Edited by Hope C. Dawson, Antonio Hernandez, and Cory Shain, The Ohio State UP, pp. 253-282. [Specifically, File 6.2, pp. 257-65].

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