2024-11-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘

山姆·阿爾特曼 : 無論你選擇什麼,都要做些什麼

    1. 無論你選擇什麼,都要做些什麼,還有和聰明的人在一起。

    Whatever you choose, make sure to take action, and surround yourself with smart people.

    1. 成為業界佼佼者,無論做什麼職業,即使錯過了好行業,終點也不會差。

    Aim to become a leader in your field. No matter the profession, even if you miss out on the "best" industries, you'll still have a strong outcome.

    1. 好的執行力比好主意至少重要10倍,困難100倍。

    Good execution is at least 10 times more important than a good idea and 100 times harder.

    1. 身為創辦人意味著,要長年累月保持執行力,這是無法外包的。

    Being a founder means sustaining execution year after year — it's something that can't be outsourced.

    1. 沉迷於產品品質。

    Obsess over product quality.

    1. 創業無論做什麼公司都很辛苦;不如幹票大的。

    Starting any company is hard work; you might as well aim high.

    1. 只有當你做出了市場想要的東西,你才能得分。在錯誤的事情上努力,沒人會在意。

    You only score when you create something the market wants. No one cares about hard work on the wrong things.

    1. 如果你沒有足夠好的產品,任何成長技巧、絕妙的行銷想法或銷售團隊都不是救命藥。

    If your product isn't good enough, no growth tactic, brilliant marketing idea, or sales team will save you.

    1. 一個專案成功等的時間太長,大家都希望有個人能扭轉局面。但正確的答案是快速結束這個計畫。

    Waiting too long for a project to succeed can be dangerous. The best answer is often to cut the project quickly.

    1. 我更願投資一家追求規模小但成長迅速的市場的公司,而非規模大但成長緩慢的。

    I'd rather invest in a company targeting a small but fast-growing market than a large but slow-growing one.

    1. 多和人聊天。多看點長內容,少刷推特(微博),少看電視,不少上網。

    Talk to more people. Read longer content, spend less time scrolling on Twitter (or Weibo), watch less TV, and limit internet browsing.

    1. 要為自己設定一個明確的目標,每天、每年、每十年。

    Set clear goals for yourself: daily, yearly, and every decade.

    1. 多嘗試新東西。這很重要。嘗試新東西不僅讓時間變慢,提升幸福感,讓生活更有趣,還能防止思維僵化。

    Try new things frequently. It's important; trying new things slows down time, increases happiness, makes life more interesting, and keeps your mind flexible.

    1. 偉大的產品是長期成長駭客的秘訣。在你擔心其他任何事情之前,你應該把它做好。

    Great products are the secret to long-term growth hacking. Before worrying about anything else, make sure you get it right.

    1. 你不需要很多用戶,只需要那些每天都會給你回饋並最終喜歡你的產品的人。

    You don't need a huge user base, just those who provide feedback every day and ultimately love your product.

    1. 我認識的大多數優秀創辦人在任何特定時間都為公司設定了一系列小的總體目標,公司裡的每個人都知道。

    Most great founders I know set a series of small, overarching goals for their company at any given time, and everyone in the company knows them.

    1. 很少有新創公司死於競爭,大多數是因為他們沒能做出用戶喜歡的東西。

    Few startups die due to competition; most fail because they can't create something users love.

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