Reflections on the RCEMI Professional Development Symposium

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Enhancing EMI Excellence with AI, Mentorship, and Teaching Practices: Reflections on the RCEMI Professional Development Symposium 🌟

The [National Taiwan Normal University RCEMI Professional Development Symposium] recently provided an enriching platform for educators striving to enhance their English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) practices. This immersive experience combined the power of artificial intelligence (AI), mentorship, and effective teaching strategies to elevate the EMI teaching landscape.

The Event Overview: A Hub for Professional Growth 📚

The symposium served as a convergence point for educators from diverse disciplines to delve into innovative EMI methodologies. It emphasized integrating AI as a tool for teaching enhancement, fostering mentorship programs for professional development, and refining pedagogy for dynamic EMI environments. Through interactive sessions, presentations, and workshops, the event underscored the critical role these components play in crafting a meaningful educational experience.

Ying-Chu Chen’s EMI Course Demonstration: The Link Between Exercise and Cognition 🏋️‍♀️🧠

Ying-Chu Chen’s course demonstration, Acute Exercise and Cognitive Function, stood out as an undergraduate level course in delivering complex ideas with clarity and engagement. Drawing upon cutting-edge research, Mr. Chen explored the relationship between physical activity and cognitive performance, demonstrating how acute bouts of exercise can positively impact attention, memory, and decision-making.

His course demonstration was not only academically robust but also practical, offering insights into integrating exercise into educational contexts to boost cognitive outcomes for learners. The discussion bridged exercise science and education, showcasing actionable strategies to make learning environments more vibrant and cognitively stimulating.

Key Takeaways and Future Directions 🔑

The RCEMI Professional Development Symposium reaffirmed the importance of continuous learning for educators. Key takeaways included:

  1. AI as an Ally: Embrace AI to enhance teaching efficiency and learner engagement.
  2. The Power of Mentorship: Seek and provide mentorship to cultivate professional growth.
  3. Interdisciplinary Opportunities: Leverage insights from fields like exercise science to enrich EMI practices.

As I reflect on this experience, I am inspired to implement these strategies in my EMI courses, fostering a vibrant and inclusive classroom environment. Events like this not only equip educators with new tools but also remind us of the profound impact we can have on learners worldwide.

Conclusion: A Step Toward Excellence 🚀

The RCEMI symposium was more than a professional development event; it was a celebration of innovation, collaboration, and the boundless potential of EMI education. Ying-Chu Chen's insights on exercise and cognition, coupled with the symposium's broader themes, offered a roadmap for educators to excel in an ever-evolving academic landscape. By embracing AI, mentorship, and interdisciplinary approaches, we can craft EMI experiences that resonate with and empower learners across the globe.



陳映竹! (Chen, Ying-Chu),Ph.D. candidate, M.S., M.A., CSCS*D, ACSM-CEP



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第二型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes, T2D)已成為全球健康的重大威脅,但令人欣慰的是,研究指出,大多數T2D病例其實可以透過健康的生活方式來預防。這提醒我們,生活方式調整應該是防治T2D的首要手段。其中,運動常被認為是改善血糖控制的有效工具,尤其是在與藥物治療結合時。
🩺 糖尿病防治新視角:為什麼運動可能無法成為萬能良藥?🧐 第二型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes, T2D)已成為全球健康的重大威脅,但令人欣慰的是,研究指出,大多數T2D病例其實可以透過健康的生活方式來預防。這提醒我們,生活方式調整應該是防治T2D的主要手段.....
在這個競爭激烈的職場時代,面試已經不僅僅是簡單的「問與答」,更是展現自我、傳遞專業形象的重要場合。日前,我有幸參加了一場由國立臺灣師範大學職涯發展中心所主辦,並邀請君彩形象的執行總監陳俞君 (Lisa Chen) 專業講師主講的工作坊.....
運科竹的自律健身之旅:邁向健康與專業的蛻變之路 💪🌱 我的健身旅程,始於一次對自身體能的深刻反思。那時候的我體重偏瘦,生活作息不規律,雖然對運動科學充滿熱情,但自身卻缺乏實踐健康生活的行動力。這樣的矛盾,讓我下定決心改變。
練就一生:健康產業高峰論壇心得分享 🎉 打造專業與健康的黃金時刻 2024 年 11 月 30 日,我有幸參加了「練就一生:健康產業高峰論壇」,這是一場匯聚多位專家講師、結合科學與實務的年度盛會。在這次活動中,我不僅感受到滿滿的專業知識,更深刻體會到健身產業的多元可能性.....
第二型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes, T2D)已成為全球健康的重大威脅,但令人欣慰的是,研究指出,大多數T2D病例其實可以透過健康的生活方式來預防。這提醒我們,生活方式調整應該是防治T2D的首要手段。其中,運動常被認為是改善血糖控制的有效工具,尤其是在與藥物治療結合時。
🩺 糖尿病防治新視角:為什麼運動可能無法成為萬能良藥?🧐 第二型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes, T2D)已成為全球健康的重大威脅,但令人欣慰的是,研究指出,大多數T2D病例其實可以透過健康的生活方式來預防。這提醒我們,生活方式調整應該是防治T2D的主要手段.....
在這個競爭激烈的職場時代,面試已經不僅僅是簡單的「問與答」,更是展現自我、傳遞專業形象的重要場合。日前,我有幸參加了一場由國立臺灣師範大學職涯發展中心所主辦,並邀請君彩形象的執行總監陳俞君 (Lisa Chen) 專業講師主講的工作坊.....
運科竹的自律健身之旅:邁向健康與專業的蛻變之路 💪🌱 我的健身旅程,始於一次對自身體能的深刻反思。那時候的我體重偏瘦,生活作息不規律,雖然對運動科學充滿熱情,但自身卻缺乏實踐健康生活的行動力。這樣的矛盾,讓我下定決心改變。