更新於 2025/01/31閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

Behind the Frame - Through the Eyes of Created | 遊戲英文短評

*Contains Slight Spoiler / 包含輕微的劇透

Maker: Silver Lining Studio
Genre: adventure / puzzle
Platform: Windows, Mobiles, PS4

A Moving Canvas, Motion-wise and Emotion-wise


  Made by the Taiwanese indie game developer "Silver Lining Studio" (曙光工作室), 《Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery》(傾聽畫語:最美好的景色) is a short love story told via7

interactive game play.

  Tranquil and moving, with a nostalgic character design and paint-like environments, the game starts out lightheartedly and ends in a touching, echoing moment, taking players through a bittersweet romantic journey.

Through Canvas

  However, the overall game play is very short, taking about 1.5 hours to finish. Puzzles are also easy to solve with repetitive mechanisms. The game's game play is far from being on a par with its story.

  Overall, as a game,《Behind the Frame》might not be worth its price tag. But, if playing it as reading a love story, it is undoubtedly worthwhile.

My rating: 7/10

frame - 畫框、窗框、相框、框架
bittersweet - 笑中有淚、苦樂交織

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