法國康城影展將放映香港導演周冠威製作、有關 2019 年反修例運動的紀錄片《時代革命》,紀錄片預告片今(16日)在 YouTube 上首播,當中訪問了港大法律學院前副教授戴耀廷、時事評論員李怡、銅鑼灣書店店主林榮基、前記者何桂藍,以及多名擔當不同崗位的示威者,包括哨兵、車手、義務急救員等等。片段最後播放黃之鋒的公開發言,形容香港是「自由世界前緣、抵抗極權嘅香港」,並打出「Revolution of Our Times 時代革命」、「香港人作品」字樣。
According to the report of WSJ:
The Cannes Film Festival plans to screen a controversial new documentary on Hong Kong’s 2019 pro-democracy unrest on Friday, courting another film-industry clash with Beijing even as the sector remains heavily reliant on China for box-office success...Cannes kept its decision to show “Revolution of Our Times” a secret until the last minute. The film, directed by 42-year-old Hong Kong native Kiwi Chow, follows seven characters through the sometimes-violent demonstrations against Chinese authority that rocked the city. It ends with last year’s imposition of a national security law by Beijing to silence dissent.