the Happiness of EXCELLENCE

閱讀時間約 9 分鐘
Eric Greitens says that there are three primary forms of happiness: the happiness of pleasure, the happiness of grace, and the happiness of excellence. He compares them to the primary colors, the basis on which the entire spectrum is created.

The happiness of pleasure is largely sensory. It's a good meal when you're hungry, the smell of air after it rains, waking up warm and cozy in your bed. The happiness of grace is gratitude. It's looking over to see the love of your life is sleeping next to you and whispering, "thank you." It's taking inventory of what you do have. It's when you speak to something greater than yourself, expressing humility and awe.
And then there is the happiness of excellence. The kind of happiness that comes from the pursuit something great. Not the moment you arrive that the top of the mountain and raise your fists in victory, but the process of falling in love with the hike. It is meaningful work. It is flow. It is the purpose that sears identity and builds character and channels our energy toward something greater than the insatiable, daily pursuit of our fleeting desires.

Just as removing one of the primary colors would make many others impossible (without yellow, you could not have any shade of green) without any one of these happinesses, it is almost impossible to thrive.

One cannot replace another. They are all necessary. But we try anyway.

To drink in excess, for example—the happiness of pleasure—is common when the happiness of excellence isn't being pursued. But it is not, and will never be, the solution.

"Lots and lots of red will never make blue. Pleasures will never makes you whole."

The happiness of excellence is the work of emotional resilience. It's the highest ranking on Maslow's hierarchy. It is measured, deliberate, and consistent. It is often avoided because the discomfort is palpable, and the reward isn't instantaneous. There's no contact high during the first days of marathon training when your lungs are stinting and you want to vomit. But over time, you develop your skill. You begin to imagine what you could accomplish. You fall in love with the process.

Though all three of the happinesses are different, they are all shaped by context. Someone who has gone without food for three days is more attuned to the happiness of pleasure than people who consider meals and shelter gives.
Likewise, those who have never acquainted themselves with the power and pleasure of working toward something fueled not by the sparks of passion but with the embers of sober consistent resolve, do not know that on the other side of exerted effort, there is profound reward.
Many of us are colorblind to the joys and complexities of our lives, and it is because we are missing a part of the foundation. We want to be authors but have no desire to develop the discipline it takes to sit down and write for four hours a day for years on end. We want to be legends and geniuses and masters, but care little to develop the discipline it would require to log our 10,000 hours—so to say.

Happiness is not only how we can astound our senses, but also the peace of mind that comes from knowing we are becoming who we want and need to be. That's what we receive from pursuing the happiness of excellence: not accomplishment, but identity. A sense of self that we carry into everything else in our lives. A technicolor pigment that makes the entire spectrum come alive.

〈 Vocabulary 〉
▪ sensory a.
humility n. the quality of not being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities.
▪ palpable a 可感知的
▪ ember n 餘燄未盡的木塊
▪ astound v. 使震驚

〈 Phrase/ Phrasal Verb 〉
attuned to especially able to understand or deal with
acquainted with to know or be familiar with something
▪ on end = continously
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打開報紙,儘是讓人感到不平靜的消息。通膨、裁員、升息、食安、虐童、戰爭,各種不確定因素,不免讓人感到心不安。調薪速度永遠比不上物價上漲的速度。然而 Insider Monkey 在今年二月公佈「最幸福的工作」調查報告。今天來和大家分享。
別牽著我的手,別乞求我回來  Don't hold my hand, don't beg me back  別說我們會渡過這次的低潮 Don't say that we'll make it through this  是啊,如果我這麼美麗,那為什麼呢? 
當我閱讀畢業於美國耶魯大學及耶魯法學院高材生格雷琴魯賓(Gretchen Rubin),熱門暢銷書《過得還不錯的一年》(The Happiness Project)這本書後,我摸索出適合自己的幸福專案,我發現自己也脫胎換骨,更能專注於要事,珍惜當下每分每秒能為自己夢想奮鬥的快樂時光。。
經過近四年的親身體驗,很認同肖恩阿喬爾(Shawn Achor)的暢銷著作《幸福優勢》(The Happpiness Advantage:How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life)書中提到的多種方法,明顯提升我的工作及日常生活幸福感。
7天的快樂挑戰來到第二天,跟一個你很久沒有聯絡的好朋友,講一個8分鐘的電話。 這讓我想起來當這個世界上還沒有智慧型手機的時候,跟好朋友講電話,曾幾何時是一個非常療癒的事情。 有時候一講,就是幾個鐘頭過去。現在回想起來,也不知道到底是那裏來的這麼多的話可以說。 現在大家依賴各式各樣的通訊軟體,會打電話
看到這篇文章的title時,腦袋裡不知為甚麼的響起了哈林的這首歌。 這篇是1月1號在紐約時報的一篇文章,透過這些簡單的步驟,讓新的一年可以更加快樂。 先撇開這七天的快樂挑戰內容,我比較驚訝的是,早在1938年,哈佛大學的研究人員就開始研究是甚麼讓我們茁壯成長。 一共有724名參加這個研究,包括了哈
本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
打開報紙,儘是讓人感到不平靜的消息。通膨、裁員、升息、食安、虐童、戰爭,各種不確定因素,不免讓人感到心不安。調薪速度永遠比不上物價上漲的速度。然而 Insider Monkey 在今年二月公佈「最幸福的工作」調查報告。今天來和大家分享。
別牽著我的手,別乞求我回來  Don't hold my hand, don't beg me back  別說我們會渡過這次的低潮 Don't say that we'll make it through this  是啊,如果我這麼美麗,那為什麼呢? 
當我閱讀畢業於美國耶魯大學及耶魯法學院高材生格雷琴魯賓(Gretchen Rubin),熱門暢銷書《過得還不錯的一年》(The Happiness Project)這本書後,我摸索出適合自己的幸福專案,我發現自己也脫胎換骨,更能專注於要事,珍惜當下每分每秒能為自己夢想奮鬥的快樂時光。。
經過近四年的親身體驗,很認同肖恩阿喬爾(Shawn Achor)的暢銷著作《幸福優勢》(The Happpiness Advantage:How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life)書中提到的多種方法,明顯提升我的工作及日常生活幸福感。
7天的快樂挑戰來到第二天,跟一個你很久沒有聯絡的好朋友,講一個8分鐘的電話。 這讓我想起來當這個世界上還沒有智慧型手機的時候,跟好朋友講電話,曾幾何時是一個非常療癒的事情。 有時候一講,就是幾個鐘頭過去。現在回想起來,也不知道到底是那裏來的這麼多的話可以說。 現在大家依賴各式各樣的通訊軟體,會打電話
看到這篇文章的title時,腦袋裡不知為甚麼的響起了哈林的這首歌。 這篇是1月1號在紐約時報的一篇文章,透過這些簡單的步驟,讓新的一年可以更加快樂。 先撇開這七天的快樂挑戰內容,我比較驚訝的是,早在1938年,哈佛大學的研究人員就開始研究是甚麼讓我們茁壯成長。 一共有724名參加這個研究,包括了哈