當心沉睡細胞[預言] Beware the Sleeper Cells [Prophetic Word]

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Beware the Sleeper Cells [Prophetic Word] - YouTube



(00:00) in these last days we are coming into the greatest season to experience the presence of God and he's releasing his own glory to a higher degree but there is a blindness over the eyes of the church there's a spiritual blindness that prophetic I believe it has to happen in order for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled we are seeing atrocities at a level we haven't seen since Hitler they're even going Beyond that it has to be the same spirit that controlled it Adolf Hitler nothing is new Under the Sun Iran is the prince of persan and the

(00:38) Bible actually speaks about Persia it says I'll raise up an Army against Babylon who have no regard for woman and no regard for infants and babies tell me some of the things that you see I heard the words beware the sleeper cells of nations are being activated and then I looked and this Army had moved from the mountains of Afghanistan into the mountains of the United States as goes Israel so goes the US Holy Spirit take over this show this is your platform and we both yield as much as we humanly can to be spokesmen for what you want set

(01:26) Tomy you sent me a a word that God showed you so specific having to do with what's going on in Israel at this moment in history and what is about ready to happen in the future about 3 years ago said the Lord showed me in a vision and I was actually on your program maybe last year sharing some of these things some a 9 years left prophecy tell them you have 9 years left and 9 years will feel like 9 months and 9 months will feel like 9 days and 9 days will feel like 9 seconds and one of the things in the 9 years left prophecy was there was

(02:02) going to be a shaking of Netanyahu from his position and that he would lose his place in the next uh in some kind of election and I believe God was shaking the heavens and the Earth just as he said he would to shake things that none of us ever thought could be shaken I said God when will the shaking start and he said when you are unshakable he was going to be reinstated back into his position because there was an intensified Iran on the Forefront and Iran was going to be riled up to do something against Israel so when the

(02:33) Hamas thing happened the Hamas infiltration the airand and sea attack that we saw this year the Lord told me to unmasque Hamas and to reveal and expose the real face hiding behind Hamas and hisbah so I went live on our program and I shared this is not Hamas Hamas is the py Hamas is the prace Hamas is who they're going to point at saying it is hamash this is actually Iran this is Iran in Disguise and we are going to see newspaper articles coming out that Iran funded and backed this attack no sooner than 24 hours I was receiving messages

(03:15) and emails from everybody saying Iran backed the Hamas invasion of Israel and something in me just got stirred up uh to investigate this with the Lord further as to exactly what is going on and what time we live in interesting enough this morning I read on some news accounts that President Biden assured the public that because he's talking to the people in Iran that Iran is not involved it shows me that uh you can't believe what you hear on the news that's what it tells me right and one of the things that was so compelling to me in

(03:55) the video that I shared was that we're going to see Biden try to cover his tracks because of a funding of Iran's nuclear program and a funding of money that was underhandedly given and you know one of the amazing things again that came out was that $6 billion have been sent Frozen uh in a frozen somewhat Frozen count that was released to Iran uh for humanitarian aid but then videos leaks showed later on in some news articles that some of that funding was being used like piping was being used to recreate bomb technology and different

(04:33) things like that so it's clear that something is going on between America and Iran that America under this Administration doesn't want the world to know about I don't even have words to articulate this we are seeing atrocities at a level we haven't seen since Hitler uh and frankly they're even going beyond that um it has to be the same spirit that controlled that Adolf Hitler is controlling Hamas and Hezbollah and the terrorist groups of throughout the world I mean we've seen this in scripture

(05:06) nothing is new Under the Sun Iran is the Prince of Persia it's the same principality that manifested in Daniel's day and when Persia came according to accounts Persia came under Cyrus to destroy Babylon and the Bible actually speaks about Persia it says I'll raise up an Army against Babylon who have no regard for women and no regard for infants and babies and you're seeing this Same Spirit erupt again this Prince of Persia that is has no regard for woman it says actually in Isaiah's prophecy against pers says they'll rape

(05:41) women and they'll they'll kill babies infant we see that same principality of Persia manifesting itself again wearing its ugly head in that attack where we saw babies beheaded we saw so many things happening but what's so painful to me is the blindness on the west and the blind REM this on the church as well to see this flight that's happening to our Jewish Brothers there's an ugly replacement theology that has gone around the world that somehow the Christian church is a new shoot by itself and you know said the Bible

(06:17) actually calls people like me the Wild Olive Branch we're the Wild Ones we're the ones that were engrafted into the existing Faith we're not the replacement you know and so it's just sad to see that there is such a blindness now the Bible talks about a blindness over the eyes of Jewish people to see Jesus but there is just so much blindness on the on the church today I don't know if you saw this account uh but I saw some of these Pro Palestinian ralles in the United States and I saw the most

(06:49) beautiful Muslim young kids and they actually said all these atrocities that the Press is reporting every one of them are lies they believe it that's in Hitler's day he said if you tell a lie long enough people will believe it and that's what happened in Hitler's Germany you know there are over 50 Muslim states there are over 22 Islamic countries but there's only one Israeli State there's only one state and so to call Israel the occupiers if they only have one Jewish State it's sad to see there's a there's

(07:25) a spiritual blindness there that I believe is prophetic I believe it has to happen unfortunately it's a sad plight but in order for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled part of that has to take place now am I saying that we are in the end times I believe we've been in the end times for a long time but the contractions are getting fewer and further in between in terms of world atrocities and there's so many prophetic things that I'm seeing in the spirit that is happening right now all surrounding that one strip of land tell

(07:56) me some of the things that you see well this morning morning I had a really fresh vision from the Lord it was so clear I was waking up at 2:00 a.m. and again at 6:00 a.m. and I said to the Lord what's what's on your heart what are you what what what I was just asking generally and the Lord was weeping I felt him weeping over Jerusalem and you know that scripture came to mind Jerusalem Jerusalem if I should forget the let my right hand lose its cunning let my tongue cleave to the roof of its mouth there was such a a dry mouth

(08:28) weeping and lamentation over Jerusalem uh but I saw uh the Lord then transition me in this vision and he was on the mountains of Afghanistan and in this Vision he had binoculars in his hand he was scouting a ready Mountain Afghani Army that were an offensive and then I locked in and this Army had moved from the mountains of Afghanistan into the mountains of the United States I saw Australia I saw different parts of America very clearly it was so clear that the Lord was just lifting them off this morning to me one by one and the

(09:10) spirit of God said that this was going to move from being a conversation about hisbah Hamas and you're going to see alqaeda and Afghanistan getting involved people were going to blame President Biden for the terrible atrocities of fleeing Afghanistan at that time I heard the words beware the sleeper cells of nations are being activated be alert 911 and it was Psalm 91:1 because your enemy has come to exact Vengeance on the nation and it was not just now it wasn't just Hamas isbah it was alqaeda it was Afghanistan and we

(09:45) were talking about an already people were talking about an already defeated enemy raising its head again but it was always there it was just sleeping in the different nations I saw very specific attacks in very specific places I saw attacks in parts of New York praying for this morning Manhattan I was praying for uh um Arizona I was praying for London North London I was praying for Chicago and I saw them say we cannot drop bombs on them we have no planes but we are the bombs and we can drop inside of them and

(10:21) I saw places I'm from London so I saw I was now standing in the London met in Scotland Yard and they were developing strategies to uncover hidden cells uh hidden bomb making units throughout London through listening to web chatter but it wasn't enough because there was no more communication through mainstream applications I saw apps that were created that were encrypted on both ends and it became the duty of these people in the Scotland ywn and London met to infiltrate these new applications and the Lord said that this will have a

(11:00) double-edged effect just like we saw in the US the creation of the um TSA he said this will accelerate not only the attacks upon America and the west but it will accelerate the death of privacy I saw a new war being fought on privacy what what can we give away what can we withhold and then I saw a rising in 2024 a decade the LA called it the decade of the boundary Wars and these wars were being fought by proxy by militia but they were being fought by the face of different countries and they were fighting over territory wasn't just

(11:39) in the Middle East anymore it was now China and the South China Sea it was Russia and Ukraine which wasn't going to go away anytime soon but everybody was fighting their own boundary Wars I saw India fighting its boundary Wars I saw different nations contesting for boundary and territory and reclaiming lost territory and I also Lord what he's doing and the Lord said I am resetting the boundary lines of Nations again across this decade and people were fighting land sea and air wars over boundaries and then interestingly I saw

(12:15) the former president or prime minister Amad dad and he was hiding behind a curtain as if to say he had taken on some kind of Godfather role that there was a stirring up of of something with him and I saw a reignition of an Afghani uh poppy trade that was going to be utilized to fund back channel uh uh projects to raise Millions for Terror war and all of this came in a in in a Flash from

(12:49) about 2: and 6:00 a.m. I want to take you back to some visions that you sent me about what you believe God's revealed to you is going to happen on this war going on in Israel right now you actually now now Netanyahu says he's going to wipe Hamas off the face of the map but you saw it starting and stopping a number of times explain what you saw I saw Nations calling for terms of Peace at least three times and at least three times it backfired they call it ceasefire call ceasefire and I saw it it looking like ceasefire was imminent then

(13:26) War started again call a ceasefire ceasefire then War started again and each time it started again it escalated because somebody wasn't keeping the terms of the ceasefire but I saw the Lord's hand involved in this because there was an acceleration of something that was happening for Israel to reclaim its territory but I also saw that the enemy was going to use this to turn the tide and where people were saying I'm I'm pro Israel all of a sudden Nations became Pro Palestine and of course we've

(14:00) already begun to see some of this with the marches in London marches around the world where millions are are rallying together but it was like this was a catalyst to expose the hidden sleeper cells within the Nations where does Isaiah 60 fit into this whole horrific outline that you have just outlined the plan of Satan which we should be praying against uh and that's the purpose of hearing prophecies that are negative but where does Isaiah 60 fit into this equation what has God shown you about what is called in the

(14:41) scriptures the greater glory I actually believe and I know you believe this that the greater glory cannot come without the recognition of our Jewish brothers and sisters in the Christian faith I believe that when that Synergy happens and it's not going to happen among the masses I believe it's going to begin Among The Remnant when that Synergy takes place Apostle Paul calls it Resurrection from the dead there's going to be a power and a glory that is released that's called the latch of glory and you know what's it going to

(15:18) look like well if God says I'm doing a new thing I don't think it's going to be on any of our grid What new means but one of the things I realize is this a lot of people think we're going to go through war and then we're going to see the glory after the war I actually believe we're going to see the glory in the midst of the war I believe that we're going to see a rise of the Ki ten Boon anointing that in the midst of tribulation and trial there's going to be great Glory great rescue great

(15:45) outpouring I believe we're going to see God on the battlefield again I believe we're going to see a release I actually had a vision and in this Vision I saw the Lord and you know I know prophets have these ay fairy Visions so I'm going to try and cement this in some element of reality ity but I saw the Lord standing on the edge of a cliff of heaven with Angel Michael by his side and we know that Michael is the Archangel for Israel and I really saw him standing there ready for battle ready for battle but he didn't engage

(16:17) and I also the Lord why aren't you engaging and the Lord said because I'm waiting for my eklesia to declare the war and it wasn't the war for uh uh just a natural battle it was for us to move from treating Israel like a political thing to treating it like a prophetic thing but this is a time where the Lord says arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is now risen upon you but look where the ships are coming from they're not coming from America they're not coming from from uh

(16:52) Europe the Bible says they're coming from the Middle East all this countries where the glory is coming from in Isaiah 60 it talks about the Middle East we're so American Centric when it comes to reading the Bible that I believe actually God is setting the stage uh the Bible says the Lord comes from toand you read all these scriptures and you realize that the glory is coming from the East and is coming here and across the world as we begin to partner like Daniel and align with scripture not with our feelings not with our political

(17:19) party with scripture and pray through prophecies like he did the book of Jeremiah until they come to pass those that are viewing right now I person personally believe and I believe Tomy does too that we are coming into rough times I'm not an ostrich I don't have my head buried in the sand but we're coming into the greatest season for believers to to experience the presence of God and act uh like Jesus said we would Jesus said we will do the same Works he has done and even greater because that greater glory is going to be on us us

(17:59) but it's only going to be on those that are totally forgiven of sin totally know that they're the righteousness of God and Messiah Jesus totally know they're loved and totally know they're protected until they fulfill their their Destiny in The Book of Life and the first step is to say this prayer out loud with me and to mean it to the best of your ability out loud mean it to the best of your ability have not said anything you cannot do uh if for some reason you can't speak out loud God will understand

(18:36) you're doing it on the inside but repeat after me dear God I'm a sinner against you and you alone have I sinned and I'm so sorry I believe your blood washes away every one of my misdeeds and you you have no remembrance of it anymore and now that I'm clean Jesus come and live inside of me thank you for saving me from my sins I make you Lord of every area of my life amen Tomy pray for everyone watching but you know once I just want to make one statement to kind of cement what tomy's been saying have you ever looked at the

(19:30) spelling of the word Jerusalem this is the way it's spelled j e r USA and then the rest USA is the center of Jerusalem Jerusalem is not owned by the Jews not owned by the Arabs God says this is my land it's owned by God Almighty and he gave a lease to the Jew Jewish people and that I read read it and that settled it how long is the lease forever a th generations and everlasting in Psalm 105 uh those are pretty good terms Tomy and you made the point we are should not be USA Centric if we want to understand end time Bible prophecy we

(20:24) should be Israel Centric and God will take care of you USA so Tomy pray just as press into the spirit and pray what ever God shows you to pray right now I believe that there are many of you watching that there's still a wrestle on the inside of your heart with is this are we supposed to support Israel or Palestine what what where where are we right now the Lord says pray for the Peace of Jerusalem for if it goes well with them it will go well with you you so father we didn't come to you as our husband so that we could have our own

(21:05) opinion about what you said we surrender to what you say salvation belongs to the Jews so Lord we are being engrafted Branch so Lord we thank you that their blindness was for our benefit but now we ask you that that prodigal son that you love return back home that Jerusalem that Lord it recognizes the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ Yeshua hamashiach as its Lord father we pray right now for the Peace of Jerusalem we pray infiltrate even Palestine infiltrate even the Arab world and I see a vision of the Lord opening up a Gateway for good but the

(21:57) enem is also going to use it as a Gateway for bad in Saudi Arabia I see the Lord building Saudi as a gate to the Arab world and filling its stadiums with the Cry of Salvation there is going to be a shift in the nation of Saudi Arabia in Jesus name amen and by the way the word amen means so be it [Music]

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Google News 追蹤
真主黨持續火箭攻擊以色列。多方預測:伊朗將於24小時內(隨時)動手開戰。各國疏散公民。 烏克蘭以飛彈擊沉俄羅斯潛艦,逃兵日增。 BJ:天佑人類。 --- 孟加拉示威暴動,總理出逃。英國反移民暴動擴大。 BJ:傳統左右派的粗暴分類法已經很難適用在現代社會,所以我不太喜歡這樣說。 如果硬要這
伊朗召集代理團體(即西方所謂恐怖組織),商討如何報復以色列。清真寺升紅色復仇旗。紐約時報稱炸彈早藏進哈尼雅旅館房間。迦薩走廊缺水,疫病橫行。 BJ:伊朗是整個地區最強的大國,在伊朗首都暗殺剛參加伊朗總統就職的哈瑪斯領導人,這種膽量、手法我真的不信以色列若沒靠山敢幹。 天佑人類。 --- 美俄
24小時內,以色列於德黑蘭刺殺哈瑪斯政治領導人,於黎巴嫩刺殺真主黨軍事領導人。巴勒斯坦人全面攻擊以色列,傳伊朗領導人下令直接襲擊以色列。美國否認參與。 BJ:天佑人類。 --- 英國少年持刀殺害上泰勒絲跳舞課幼童,引發群眾抗議。 BJ:世界不平靜,加上天氣熱,滿懷憤怒的人很多,出門要小心。
新仇舊恨 以色列與埃及。 巴比倫攻陷耶路撒冷,以色列人「是可忍、孰不可忍」,與埃及成立共同戰線對抗巴比倫,然而以色列人似乎忘記了,自家人曾經被埃及奴役、屠殺男嬰,這些血淋淋的舊恨,因著新仇與埃及交好。 「反攻大陸」「漢賊不兩立」是國民政府早期來台的政治標語,如今,「聯共制台」「化獨促統」又
以色列人與亞蘭人相對安營七日,到第七日兩軍交戰;那一日以色列人殺了亞蘭人步兵十萬, 其餘的逃入亞弗城;城牆塌倒,壓死剩下的二萬七千人。 便‧哈達也逃入城,藏在嚴密的屋子裏。 他的臣僕對他說:「我們聽說以色列王都是仁慈的王,現在我們不如腰束麻布,頭套繩索,出去投降以色列王,或者他存留王的性命。」
以色列制定攻黎巴嫩計畫,真主黨領袖警告將全面無上限反擊、賽普勒斯若協助以色列就一起打。 俄羅斯北韓簽訂戰略協定後,南韓跳腳宣布要援烏。 BJ:看起來另一場戰爭隨時爆發(早就爆發?),再來就世界大戰了。老美(拜登)的態度最關鍵。 川普是很糟糕,但拜登已經搞砸了,民主最重要的精神不就是搞砸換人嗎?天佑
以色列空襲難民營,炸死哈瑪斯領導人哈尼亞七兒孫。哈瑪斯稱立場絕不動搖。開齋節,各回教國家為巴勒斯坦發聲。 美日峰會同時,二次馬習會。 BJ:現在老實說顧不著別人,咱們這別打起來就上天保佑了。 --- 聯合國兒童基金會:今夏高溫,二億兒童風險。瑞士老奶奶告政府對極端氣候無作為,勝訴。 BJ:
這次的感受,是根據聖經提到,以色列,是主選的國家。 由此可知,今天的以色列,在世界末日的倒數計時,反而感到屬人的軟弱,更是需要主的幫助了。 甚至,在停頓的過程,也有因為以色列的內部紛亂。導致在以色列的主兒女對主呼求。 如今,我在想,要是這是以色列的老百姓所具有的〝懲罰〞呢? 因為,我不沒多想
  朋友们好,好久没有谈过巴以冲突了。今天我们来谈一谈哈斯在袭击以色列前,难道没有想过将会可能面临的后果吗?以色列拥有着庞大的陆海空三军力量还有精良的装备等等。这是为什么?戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们来分析一下。   我觉得很明显,他们是知道的,尤其是躲在中东富国卡塔尔背后的哈马斯领导层。
真主黨持續火箭攻擊以色列。多方預測:伊朗將於24小時內(隨時)動手開戰。各國疏散公民。 烏克蘭以飛彈擊沉俄羅斯潛艦,逃兵日增。 BJ:天佑人類。 --- 孟加拉示威暴動,總理出逃。英國反移民暴動擴大。 BJ:傳統左右派的粗暴分類法已經很難適用在現代社會,所以我不太喜歡這樣說。 如果硬要這
伊朗召集代理團體(即西方所謂恐怖組織),商討如何報復以色列。清真寺升紅色復仇旗。紐約時報稱炸彈早藏進哈尼雅旅館房間。迦薩走廊缺水,疫病橫行。 BJ:伊朗是整個地區最強的大國,在伊朗首都暗殺剛參加伊朗總統就職的哈瑪斯領導人,這種膽量、手法我真的不信以色列若沒靠山敢幹。 天佑人類。 --- 美俄
24小時內,以色列於德黑蘭刺殺哈瑪斯政治領導人,於黎巴嫩刺殺真主黨軍事領導人。巴勒斯坦人全面攻擊以色列,傳伊朗領導人下令直接襲擊以色列。美國否認參與。 BJ:天佑人類。 --- 英國少年持刀殺害上泰勒絲跳舞課幼童,引發群眾抗議。 BJ:世界不平靜,加上天氣熱,滿懷憤怒的人很多,出門要小心。
新仇舊恨 以色列與埃及。 巴比倫攻陷耶路撒冷,以色列人「是可忍、孰不可忍」,與埃及成立共同戰線對抗巴比倫,然而以色列人似乎忘記了,自家人曾經被埃及奴役、屠殺男嬰,這些血淋淋的舊恨,因著新仇與埃及交好。 「反攻大陸」「漢賊不兩立」是國民政府早期來台的政治標語,如今,「聯共制台」「化獨促統」又
以色列人與亞蘭人相對安營七日,到第七日兩軍交戰;那一日以色列人殺了亞蘭人步兵十萬, 其餘的逃入亞弗城;城牆塌倒,壓死剩下的二萬七千人。 便‧哈達也逃入城,藏在嚴密的屋子裏。 他的臣僕對他說:「我們聽說以色列王都是仁慈的王,現在我們不如腰束麻布,頭套繩索,出去投降以色列王,或者他存留王的性命。」
以色列制定攻黎巴嫩計畫,真主黨領袖警告將全面無上限反擊、賽普勒斯若協助以色列就一起打。 俄羅斯北韓簽訂戰略協定後,南韓跳腳宣布要援烏。 BJ:看起來另一場戰爭隨時爆發(早就爆發?),再來就世界大戰了。老美(拜登)的態度最關鍵。 川普是很糟糕,但拜登已經搞砸了,民主最重要的精神不就是搞砸換人嗎?天佑
以色列空襲難民營,炸死哈瑪斯領導人哈尼亞七兒孫。哈瑪斯稱立場絕不動搖。開齋節,各回教國家為巴勒斯坦發聲。 美日峰會同時,二次馬習會。 BJ:現在老實說顧不著別人,咱們這別打起來就上天保佑了。 --- 聯合國兒童基金會:今夏高溫,二億兒童風險。瑞士老奶奶告政府對極端氣候無作為,勝訴。 BJ:
這次的感受,是根據聖經提到,以色列,是主選的國家。 由此可知,今天的以色列,在世界末日的倒數計時,反而感到屬人的軟弱,更是需要主的幫助了。 甚至,在停頓的過程,也有因為以色列的內部紛亂。導致在以色列的主兒女對主呼求。 如今,我在想,要是這是以色列的老百姓所具有的〝懲罰〞呢? 因為,我不沒多想
  朋友们好,好久没有谈过巴以冲突了。今天我们来谈一谈哈斯在袭击以色列前,难道没有想过将会可能面临的后果吗?以色列拥有着庞大的陆海空三军力量还有精良的装备等等。这是为什么?戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们来分析一下。   我觉得很明显,他们是知道的,尤其是躲在中东富国卡塔尔背后的哈马斯领导层。