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This is Why SO MANY Believers Are Dying Prematurely

以下是有关标题"This is Why SO MANY Believers Are Dying Prematurely - YouTube" 的内容的5个要点总结:

1. 文字稿介绍了一个名叫Margaret Green的女性,她在成长过程中面临了极大的困境,包括贫困、虐待和自杀企图。

2. Margaret Green的生命曾一度陷入黑暗,她感到被拒绝,甚至感到上帝也拒绝了她。

3. 然而,Margaret Green在一次宗教复兴会议中经历了得救和得医治的经历,包括神迹般地康复。

4. 文中提到了关于宽恕的重要性,以及Margaret在经历上帝的改变和神迹之前,必须放下对那些伤害过她的人的怨恨。

5. Margaret Green通过她的见证启发了其他人,她的故事带来了信仰,神迹和医治,也传递了关于坚定的信仰和宽恕的信息。

This is Why SO MANY Believers Are Dying Prematurely - YouTube



(00:00) Why are many believers dying prematurely? My guest was facing two life-threatening sicknesses until God said so many have this one major blind spot. Next. ♪♪ [Applause] Sid Roth: I am so grateful the Ruach HaKo'desh, the spirit of the living God, has honored us to be at this set right now. My guest, Margaret Green, a seer and a proven prophetic voice, wants to unlock your God-given destiny.

(00:41) Margaret was sabotaged from birth, even to the point of attempted suicide at age eight. Margaret, what happened? Margaret Green: So Sid, I just grew up in a very poverty-stricken area. It was just so much going on. And going to school, and even being bullied and different things. Because I was just so different.

(01:02) I lived with my father, who was very abusive and he was an alcoholic, and so my mother actually left. And so when my mother left because of the abuse, me and my sister of course were left behind, but I was the one who looked like my mother, so I took a lot of the abuse. One day, I just felt like, I'm just so tired of life.

(01:23) Maybe nobody loves me, God isn't real. And I just didn't want to be here any longer. And so, one day I just decided to end it all. I got some of my father's drugs that were there and took the whole bottle of pills. Because it was just better that I wasn't here. And went into cardiac arrest, and I died.

(01:42) But God revived me. So God's purpose and his plan, even at eight years old, intervened in what I wanted to, do and what I thought was best. Sid Roth: But God had some good plans for you. So you went to live with your mother after your father abandoned you. Margaret Green: Yes. Sid Roth: I mean, talk about rejection.

(02:05) And what was the good that came out of that? Margaret Green: Absolutely. So after going and go stay with my mother, my mother at that time got remarried to my stepfather, who was a minister. So he came and gave me a word. He said that the Lord said that he's waiting on you. At that time I was like, what do you mean, the Lord is waiting on me? What could God possibly want with me? So I went to church, gave my life to the Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, right there at the same time.

(02:37) It was like a weight was lifted, even at the age of 12 years old, it was just like I was a new person. Sid Roth: Tell me how you experienced going to heaven. Margaret Green: I felt so light, and everything looked so bright. The Lord took me up to heaven, and in heaven there was so many angels, and there was this long pipe.

(02:59) It was like it never ended. And there was this strings playing, and the angels were singing, and it was just so beautiful. I mean, it was glorious. It was like nothing I've ever seen or heard. So right after that, kind of still dealing with resentment, still dealing with anger and feeling- Sid Roth: Over your dad.

(03:20) Margaret Green: Over my father, still hearing those words of you're not loved, nobody wants you, nobody loves you. Sid Roth: I understand. It's almost like you hear this tape recording inside of your head. Margaret Green: Yeah, it was. So it didn't matter what others would say, I would always hear my father's voice.

(03:37) Which caused me a lot of pain and heartache and questions with God. Like, hey, why am I still here? I'm still going through this, I'm still reliving this. And so right after that, the anger issues landed me in a girl's home. Sid Roth: Well, your Baptist church rejected you. But she started having prophetic dreams that were coming to pass.

(04:03) And they said, "God doesn't do that today." So she's rejected by her church, she's rejected by her father. She went to a girl's home. But then you even felt you were rejected by God. Margaret Green: Yes. So after that, even having the prophetic dreams, and the dreams coming to pass, and being rejected by the church, I associated church with God.

(04:28) And I'm like, okay. Well Lord, these are your people, so maybe what they're saying is true. Maybe you don't love me. Maybe I'm not supposed to prophesy. Maybe this is not of you. And so I just felt rejected again. Sid Roth: And then your life starts really spiraling even further down. Margaret Green: At 14, yeah.

(04:47) Sid Roth: What happened? Margaret Green: So at 14 years old, I became pregnant with my first son. And then not only that, went to a homeless shelter. We lived on the streets. I even started stripping to make money and all types of things. I didn't know what to do. I was just now trying to take care of me and my son at 14 years old.

(05:07) And I of course had another child. And by the time I was just 19, I had four children. Sid Roth: It blows my mind how you could cope with all of this. Margaret Green: Even though I felt like God had rejected me and I felt like I was just damaged to the point that nobody, not even God could love me, it was something that just made me keep going.

(05:29) And at that time I didn't know it was God, but it was him. He was still there. Sid Roth: And then you were getting dreams at that point from the devil of dying, and what else? Margaret Green: Yes, I would always have dreams of death. I would not live to see the next day, or something would happen. But then there was one particular dream I had, Sid, where the Lord took me up to heaven again, and there were three angels sitting there.

(05:56) And these three angels had three different sets of instructions. And one was dealing with the prophetic, one was dealing with healing, and the other was dealing with deliverance. When I tried to speak and talk to the angels, because I wanted more information, I wanted to know what they were trying to say. And they shushed me and they said, "Not now.

(06:14) " And so I came out of the vision. So immediately I knew kind of somewhat that God had a plan for me. Sid Roth: You have all these good things start happening, to you and then you're almost raped and killed? Margaret Green: I was invited to go to a get together. And so the Holy Spirit tugged on me not to go, but because peer pressure, I still went.

(06:38) There were men there, and I was raped actually, Sid. So after the rape happened, they threw us in the car. And the men were discussing how they were going to get rid of us. It was me and a friend of mine. And so they were discussing how they were going to kill us. ♪♪ And so at that moment, the only person that I could think of that shows up in the midnight hour, that shows up when you're in need of help, was Jesus the Messiah.

(07:09) And I began to call on the name of Jesus. And as I began to call on the name of Jesus, they were saying, "God can't hear you. He can't hear you. Stop calling his name." Well, I continued to call his name. It didn't even matter what they did. I mean, they even started to punch me in the back of the head.

(07:27) They started doing all types of things. But I kept calling on the name of Jesus until they let us out of that car. Sid Roth: So your life was spared. Get this, she goes to a revival meeting then and something wonderful happened. Margaret Green: Yes. So right after that I told the Lord, "Lord, you got my attention.

(07:49) I know you're with me. I know you're real, and you are my savior. You're my redeemer." And at this revival meeting, I just felt the Lord saying, "Hey, I want to deliver you. I want to completely set you free." I mean, I got delivered from every demon, everything that had me bound.

(08:09) I mean, I got delivered. Sid Roth: It gets better, it gets better. It really does. She meets the man of her dreams. We've interviewed him. And so you're happily married. Margaret Green: Yes. Sid Roth: God speaks to you and said what your calling was. Margaret Green: So after getting married, the Lord speaks to me.

(08:31) He said, "I've called you to create, I've called you for change and I've called you to build." And He reminds me of a vision that He showed me of different flags from different countries, different faces, different races. And He says, "These are the nations I'm going to put you before, and you shall preach and you shall prophesy.

(08:48) And you walk in healing and deliverance before my people." And I was like, wow, God. Okay. My question was like, okay, well when is this going to happen? This is great news. But then something happens. Sid Roth: I'll tell you what. Now, Margaret is ready for one more big trial. She was visited by a demon named fear, and then received a death sentence.

(09:19) Be right back. We now return to, Its Supernatural!

(10:57) Sid Roth: Margaret, tell me about the demon called Fear. Margaret Green: Yes. So Sid, one night I have a vision. And in the vision I was visited by a demonic presence that manifested in a physical form and it looked at me and it said, "You're going to die soon." I snapped right back, "Did God tell you that?" And the demon said, "A challenge.

(11:23) Ooh, I love a challenge." And walked away. And so immediately the Lord said, "That was the spirit of fear." And so I didn't understand why this spirit or this demon had visited me, when God had just spoke to me about purpose and the things that he had for me, and what he was getting ready to do.

(11:45) Sid Roth: You didn't know about tests. When the demons see what you say about what God says, they try to abort it. Go ahead. Margaret Green: Absolutely. Shortly thereafter, I went to the doctor's office just for a regular physical. I wasn't feeling any pain. I wasn't feeling sick or anything, but I had something intermittent, just some teeny, tiny pain.

(12:08) And so the doctor said, you know what? We'll just do a CAT scan, just to make sure, but you're healthy. And I don't think anything is wrong. Well Sid at this time, ministry, we are seeing miracles. I mean, I'm preaching the word of God. I mean, I'm just Jesus' girl. And go to the doctor, and they come back after doing the CAT scan.

(12:35) And it's not only one doctor, but there's more than one doctor coming into the room. And the look on their faces, they were just so, it was so distraught. And I was just like, what's going on? Is everything okay? And they said, "We're so sorry. We have to tell you, you have what we call an aortic dissection.

(12:58) " And I said, "What is that? I've never heard of that." And they said, "Well, most people that come in, they're already deceased. But you, we're trying to figure out how you're walking around with an aortic dissection." And the aortic dissection is when there is a tear in the major artery that supplies blood to all of your organs.

(13:19) So they said, "And not only that. We also have to tell you, you have multiple blood clots in both your lungs, and one next to your heart." Sid Roth: Is that dangerous? Margaret Green: That's very dangerous. Sid Roth: Sounds like it is. Margaret Green: Again, most people who have that... Sid Roth: So two death sentences.

(13:36) Margaret Green: Two death sentence in one visit. Sid Roth: Wow. Margaret Green: And they said, "We can't treat the dissection because if we go in and try to stent it, you'll die of the blood clots. If we treat the blood clots because you have a tear in your major artery here, you'll die of the dissection.

(13:54) " Sid Roth: That spirit of death really came after you. Margaret Green: It came after me. So they said, "You have a 5% chance of life." That's what they gave me. That was my sentence. And so immediately I was just like, Lord, what just happened? You just told me you were going to bring me before nations, and you had all of these great things for me.

(14:17) But what I got was a death sentence. But the Lord quickly said, "Hey, understand this. Your diagnosed is not always your destiny. Did you remember what I told you?" And so with that, Sid, I had to start speaking ... Even though I experienced a great deal of frustration with it, because I also remember what that spirit of fear said when he showed up in my vision.

(14:42) He told me I was going to die soon. But the type of death that he saw wasn't the type of death that God was speaking of. God was saying, I want you to die to you, Margaret. So you can live this life that I have for you, so you can walk into the calling and the manifestation of what I spoke for you. Sid Roth: So she started proclaiming the written promises of God about healing, that was as real to her as if God spoke audibly.

(15:17) But she just got it in the Bible, and started proclaiming. So what happened to the blood clots? Margaret Green: So after three weeks or so, the blood clots just disappeared. And I went back to the doctor and they said, wait a minute. Blood clots like the ones you have, or had, they don't disappear. Not like that.

(15:39) What did you do? And I said, I begin to decree and declare the word of God over my life and the promises that he spoke concerning my life. Sid Roth: But what about the aneurysm? Margaret Green: The dissection remained. And I wondered, I said, Lord, why is this dissection still here? And this is what the Lord said.

(15:59) He said, "While some issues are hereditary, he said, "But your issue is connected directly to your heart." And he revealed at that moment, "You've been teaching, you've been preaching." He said, "But yet, you have a heart issue." And I said, "Well, Lord, what is the heart issue that I have?" And he said, "Margaret," he said, "You have a forgiveness problem.

(16:22) " He said, "Your father that hurt you, those that hurt you, even the men that raped you, you held them in your heart all these years." He said, "You wasn't healed, you were numb." And he said, "Now I have to un-numb you so you can feel it so I can heal you completely." Sid Roth: Who did he say you say you had to forgive? Margaret Green: So I had to forgive everyone.

(16:48) My father, my mom, my... Sid Roth: But didn't you deal with forgiveness before? Margaret Green: Well, yes. I thought that I forgave them, but the Lord was saying, no. True forgiveness is when you release people. And he said, "Margaret, when you got married, you walked down the aisle because you still held onto what happened to you.

(17:09) They walked down the aisle with you, they wake up with you. When you're ministering at that pulpit, they're with you." And he says, "I can no longer." He said, "This is where I draw the line in the sand." And he spoke this. He said, "I said, in the end they will say, didn't I cast out demons in your name? Didn't I prophesy in your name?" He said that, "I will say to them, get away from me, you workers of iniquity for I never knew you.

(17:32) And he said, Margaret, my daughter, I don't want to say to you I never knew you because you failed to forgive." Sid Roth: Okay, you repented. Then what did God do? Margaret Green: Right then and there I was like, oh Lord, forgive me. Sid Roth: What did God to? Margaret Green: And so when I repented, the Lord said, "Now I'm going to use what was meant to kill you, to heal you.

(17:53) " Audience: Wow. Yes. [Applause] Sid Roth: And then, so you got healed of the heart's issue. The aneurysm. Margaret Green: Yes. Right after that, I went in my room, and I was laying down, and I felt something happen. It was almost like the spirit of God came in, the glory of God. And this is because no man touches ...

(18:17) When the glory comes in, no one has to touch you. I was laying there, and the glory of God just came into the room. And I jumped up and I said, "I'm healed." And I ran into the room with my husband and I said, "Hey." He said, "What's going on?" I said, "I'm healed.

(18:34) " He said, "God heal..." I said, "No, I'm healed." And so I went to the doctor's, made an appointment, and they did another CAT scan. Because by this time I had been hospitalized 28 times. And the 29th time I went, they said, "We don't know what happened. But that aortic aneurysm, the section is no longer there.

(19:00) " Sid Roth: You're a healed woman. Margaret Green: Yes. Sid Roth: Miracles exploded in your life, right? After that repentance. Tell us a few. Margaret Green: So I wrote a 30-day devotional in the midst of being sick, and speaking those words that the Lord had released. And as she read the book, she took one day.

(19:29) And she read a chapter each day. At the end of the 30 days, Sid, she was completely healed of stage four cancer. Completely. There was not a sign, there was not a trace. And the doctors could not explain what had happened. She didn't do chemo. There was no special diet. All she did was read 30 days of the words the Lord spoke to me, and she was healed.

(19:54) Sid Roth: I bet you want to get that book. Margaret Green: After going on a show with Isik Abla and telling my story, through that, tens of thousands of Muslim women gave their life to Jesus the Messiah. And not only that, a lot of them received supernatural healings. Some that were barren, that could not get pregnant, got pregnant.

(20:16) And I mean, there was so many healings that came forth, and it was just so many testimonies. It was incredible to see what the Lord did. Sid Roth: You say our trials set us up for the glory of God to be revealed? Margaret Green: Yes. Sid Roth: Explain. Margaret Green: The broken place is a place of intimacy with the Father.

(20:39) You understand that the one that's blessing you is the one that's also breaking you. He's the one that's also bringing you to a place of neology, I call it. Prayer. Supplication. Sid Roth: Neology. Margaret Green: He's bringing you to that place, and it doesn't always feel good. Because you don't understand the why, but he understands the why.

(21:02) And he understands that the why is good for you. And sometimes things that's good for us doesn't always feel good. But God always has a plan in mind, and it's always to bring him glory. And through what I went through, it was to bring God glory. And it was to release his glory here on Earth. Sid Roth: Based on what you just said, this is the biggest question.

(21:25) Could unforgiveness include things that, like were hidden from you, that are hidden for us? And how can we recognize them? Margaret Green: So if you are suffering from rejection, abandonment, if you are rehearsing things that happened to you in the past, it could even be an offense that you committed against someone else, because maybe you have a problem with forgiving yourself.

(21:53) Or forgiving others, your mom, your dad. There's different things that we go through that brings to light or reveals, hey, you may have a problem with forgiveness. But you have to understand, forgiveness brings about bitterness. And bitterness can lead to heart issues. It can lead to sickness. Physical sicknesses, as it manifested for me, into a physical sickness.

(22:17) Sid Roth: I found it interesting, you even said fatigue could be a symptom of this. Margaret Green: Because it drains you, Sid. When you hold on to all of that, and you're rehearsing, and you're thinking about ... That, it mentally and physically drains you. Sid Roth: This I know: it all starts with Jesus.

(22:39) It all ends with Jesus. Right now, repeat this prayer out loud. Jesus, I make you my Messiah and Lord. Forgive me of my sins. Live inside of me. I love you Lord. Margaret Green: Yes. Sid Roth: Amen. Margaret Green: Amen. Sid Roth: Margaret, pray for and explain the second wind. Margaret Green: Yes. So the second wind is when the Lord Jesus comes in and releases a newfound love, he reignites the fire within for you to fulfill the plan and purpose that he has set for your life.

(23:19) And I want to pray right now for every viewer. Everyone that's watching right now, I want to pray and prophesy a second wind right now. If you would just lift your hands right now, I believe the glory God is about to hit your home, hit your family, hit your children, your immediate family, extended family.

(23:40) If you would just lift your hands and just begin to worship God. Just like the King Hezekiah, when he received the report from the prophet Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah said that, "Hey, you're going to die." But as he began to worship, as he began to lift his hand and give God glory, the report changed.

(24:00) The prophet Isaiah came back and said, the Lord said, "I'm adding unto your life." If you would just lift your hands right now, I feel a shift. And the Lord says, I'm adding to your life. Because you surrendered. Because you told him, I want to release this. I release unforgiveness. I release the things that people have done to me.

(24:18) I release the heaviness. I release the fear in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, we thank you right now for the second wind. We thank you for the fire that's being ignited in your people now. In Jesus' mighty name, amen.

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    上週和你分享了影響效率的5個因素,不知道你還記得嗎?如果還沒看記得回到芒現Mang Slan_art的頁面去看喔~ 今天就要來跟你分享那5個因素所延伸的插畫創作,以及我編寫的串聯小故事喔~
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    不知道有沒有人跟我一樣?都已經成年人了,還喜歡玩模型,玩玩具,每次經過便利超商,總是忍不住瞄一下玩具架,我特別喜歡模型機器人或是公仔,會受它們到獨特的造型吸引,愛不釋手。 機器人模型有著剛硬、熱血、正義的形象,讓我心裡的小男孩雀躍不已,小的時候沒太多零用錢,但每次經過百貨公司或模型店,總是隔著玻璃
    好的,又到了心理學的時間了。 來自YouTuber一郎的“心理系列|為什麼會看CP嗑CP就開心,一起甜蜜蜜?” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KBy_T5V72Kc 總之,裏頭講解了一個人自己無法滿足,就會找一個替代品來滿足自己,可以減少心中的焦慮,不平衡
    chris 我跟妳說 我認真覺得,妳美麗、性感、溫柔卻又不失主見,努力生活,不怨天尤人。時尚、陽光,跟妳合照都能拿來炫耀(雖然我沒有這東東) 看到妳我只想到4個字:相見恨晚 不過早也沒用,那時我也沒有能力。 能和妳交朋友我還是很榮幸的,我也願意發揮所長,協助妳,但凡能讓妳開心,我也由衷歡喜。
    昨晚載著老婆及小孩去買晚飯,突然間她拍打我的肩膀,示意要我停車要去買張威力彩。原來昨天(1/12)威力彩已經連12槓,獎金上看4.7億。買完後,太太就開心地與小孩計畫,中獎後要買露營車到處去旅行、在山上買房子,家裡每個人都買一間房子……,開始認真規劃中獎後的生活。 我們的
    最近看了一檔金星主持的情感類綜藝節目,其中一位女嘉賓黃曦樂,談吐既睿智又充滿暖度,這不單單只是教養好會說話而已,而是能讓人感受到一股打從心底,就對別人存有的真誠善意。古人云:「口吐芬芳,氣若幽蘭」,我在她的身上,一直看到這樣的美好。 這樣美好的特質,想當然爾,也很容易贏得別人的好感。 ** **
    一個人對於學習可分為二種思維,成長型思維&固定型思維。這二個思維決定了你的未來。 選擇成長型思維生活,讓你更有機會邁向成功,諸多名人如比爾蓋茲、喬丹、老虎伍茲…等。他們都是藉由刻意練習達到今天的成就。 藉由原理及親身的學習,分享給讀者,期許從中能得知新知。
    上週和你分享了影響效率的5個因素,不知道你還記得嗎?如果還沒看記得回到芒現Mang Slan_art的頁面去看喔~ 今天就要來跟你分享那5個因素所延伸的插畫創作,以及我編寫的串聯小故事喔~