中國醫學研究社 & 太極拳

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I still remember when I joined the Chinese Medical Club during my freshman year. It was because my family had hopes that I would complete my studies in foreign languages and then pursue a Bachelor's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time, our society's mentor was this seasoned doctor from a nearby traditional Chinese medicine clinic. He was a really cool teacher. Every Tuesday evening, he'd guide us through acupuncture, the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, and I even got a crash course in pulse diagnosis, basic traditional Chinese medicine, yin and yang theory, pharmacology, massage, moxibustion, and a whole lot more. He was like a Renaissance man of traditional Chinese medicine.

During our clinical sessions, the doctor would have us feel pulses, make observations, listen, and ask questions before we'd make our diagnosis and suggest a treatment plan. After that, it was the doctor's turn to review our findings and set us straight. I distinctly remember one clinical session when a fellow classmate had unusually red lips and a robust build. My initial diagnosis leaned towards an excess of heat, so I recommended a treatment aimed at reducing that heat. However, the doctor corrected me, saying that you can't just treat a headache by focusing solely on the head or address foot pain without considering the foot. You have to dig deeper and understand the root causes. If you suspect it's an excess of liver heat, then what's causing that excess, and what other factors might be involved? Observing isn't enough; you have to inquire and understand the reasons behind the symptoms.

Punching bag

Our mentor was a true polymath; he even practiced martial arts. What left a lasting impression on me was when he shared how, in the old days when there were no punching bags, they'd stuff a large stone inside a cloth bag and pummel it until it turned into smaller stones. This was their way of practicing punches, an ancient version of a punching bag.

When I learned about this, I couldn't help but think,

Our country's senior traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are truly formidable!

Without sandbags, they just smash large stones – is that their improvised version of a sandbag?

Feng shui

He also believed in feng shui and intentionally designed the entrance of his traditional Chinese medicine clinic to look uninviting. He believed this way, he wouldn't be overwhelmed with too many patients, allowing him to enjoy life more.

Tai Chi

I was always running late for my Tai Chi class (which our traditional Chinese medicine teacher scheduled for 6 in the morning). The dormitory doors opened at 6 AM, and I'd dash out, usually reaching the meeting point around 6:15 AM. I'd slip to the back row, eager to see what we'd be learning that day. After Tai Chi practice, I'd grab breakfast with my seniors around 7 or 8 AM.

Tai Chi Chuan is truly a formidable challenge, involving various elements such as movements, footwork, power generation, stomping, leg shaking, force application, practical scenarios, and more. It's all quite demanding. My first two years were marked by frustration and frequent injuries. Thankfully, my teacher was a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who often warned us about movements that could lead to injuries. But I was a headstrong student who didn't always heed his advice, preferring to do things my way, with consequences...

They say, "poor in literature, rich in martial arts." Learning martial arts can be a costly pursuit. Firstly, you need to maintain a nutritious diet, and you must have the financial means to consult with a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner because injuries can occur quite easily. Additionally, the materials needed for martial arts practice can be rather pricey. I recall I had a desire to practice Iron Palm, but it was a costly endeavor. Just getting a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to prepare the herbal soaking solution for daily hand conditioning was beyond my budget.

Practicing Tai Chi Chuan should always be under the guidance of a qualified instructor because certain movements can be precarious. I remember doubting the advice and attempting to practice on my own. I was working on the "Diamond Pounder," and the vibrations left my head feeling uncomfortable—not to the point of vomiting, but I did feel dizzy. I recall that my next class was Western Cultural Introduction, but all I could tell was that the lecturer was discussing Greece and Rome. I had a vague idea but was too dizzy to grasp the specifics. I sought a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner's advice, and the doctor informed me that the vibrations had indeed caused dizziness and had harmed my internal organs. I had to temporarily suspend my practice! Lesson learned! Fortunately, with some rest, I was back to normal.

You genuinely need to exercise caution; going against advice and practicing recklessly can lead to nausea, or worse, a concussion. It's no wonder they say medicine and martial arts have common origins; after experiencing injuries for a while, you start to gain a deeper understanding of the conditions.

Thankfully, traditional Chinese medicine treatment proved to be highly effective, and I particularly developed a fondness for acupuncture.


Practice martial arts can be very dangerous, so it is essential to have a teacher or coach!














真的窮文富武,練武最好要有點錢。首先,要吃得營養,還要有錢去看中醫,因為真的很容易內胕受傷。還有練武藥材也挺貴。還記的其實我想要練鐵砂掌,但是練鐵砂掌真的挺貴,光是請中醫師配每天泡手的藥水錢,我就出不起 = =!

P.S. 我練鐵砂掌的學長,跑去當中醫師了





  1. 練武術很危險,一定要有老師或教練!

  1. 最能打的,可能是你家附近診所的中醫師>d<

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The most unforgettable I major in Foreign Languages and Literature Department. Back in my college days, I took up Tai Chi for my P.E. class. Now,
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有人說回憶是初老的症狀,大家是否也有同樣的感覺,似乎年紀越大越喜歡回憶過往,不過這似乎真的就是人生的一個部份。 在父親過世後,二哥將老舊的平房整個打掉,父親的離開就是因為有天半夜起床要去上廁所,但老舊平房屋頂的屋瓦早已有了無數個大大小小的洞,父親因為連日下雨漏水造成家裡地面濕滑而意外跌倒
某個夜晚我們獲得緊急命令,全體戰鬥營分成若干小隊,去金門海岸各哨崗偕同戰士守夜。興奮無比,我被分配到海邊的一個小戰壕裡,當然還有一位正規士官陪同。 我們輪流守望,注意眼前的海面,不能走神,看到有不尋常的動靜,馬上搖電話告知總部。什麼是不尋常的動靜?老士官解釋了許多,我還是看不出個所以然來。
有人說回憶是初老的症狀,大家是否也有同樣的感覺,似乎年紀越大越喜歡回憶過往,不過這似乎真的就是人生的一個部份。 在父親過世後,二哥將老舊的平房整個打掉,父親的離開就是因為有天半夜起床要去上廁所,但老舊平房屋頂的屋瓦早已有了無數個大大小小的洞,父親因為連日下雨漏水造成家裡地面濕滑而意外跌倒
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Memories I still remember when I joined the Chinese Medical Research Society during my freshman year. It was because my family had hopes that I would
哈佛大學教授George Q. Daley博士預言細胞治療將主導21世紀醫療,全球市場規模看漲。BioLive國際團隊整合亞太行銷資源,以專利植物萃取物開發幹細胞療法產品,併入美國生技集團輝景醫藥ABVC旗下子公司AiBtl藥業,拓展全球市場,創造千萬美元產值。
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上禮拜在後世相知或有緣中提到我的老師是正式將古代與東方的東西帶進我生命裡的第一人,但當我真的翻閱原文的時候,我只能將那些內容片段的翻譯,甚至稱不上閱讀,這樣的過程使我非常痛苦與不暢快,因為我的原意並不是欣賞古文,而是了解古人要傳達的精神。 但實際上要我閱讀白話文呢,我又感覺少了一點味道,好像也不願
自從近一年來開放醫師跟診後,我才知道以前我的老師們的心情 一如往常,我都會在第一次見面時,先說好我診間的規則:首要一定要對患者尊重、有禮貌;再者因學校交通往返的問題,所以可以遲到、可以早退,只要注意安全就好!請假也很自由,因為這是自主性的學習,沒有強迫,我們也沒有收錢,一切都以自在的
Memories I still remember when I joined the Chinese Medical Research Society during my freshman year. It was because my family had hopes that I would