這一集請到全中運的奪牌、青少年游泳選手場上唯一使用族名的選手的教練 ,從實際經驗談談專業運動員的養成,以及體育與原住民的刻板印象。也再次恭喜Ljegay老師的愛女Vavauni在全中運游出好成績~
原臉書貼文:「113年全中運游泳400公尺混合式,有一位來自台南、使用全族文名字的排灣族(屏東來義南和白鷺部落)選手,拿到了國女組第三名!!播報員不僅詳細介紹她的背景,還以正確發音唸出她的名字Vavauni。應該是排灣族運動界歷史一刻了」EP130 這集總算讓老師大講特講他的教練經~~
Becoming a competitive swimmer as an indigenous person—how hard is it? Let a coach from the National High School Athletic Games tell you.Still think being an athlete is because "indigenous people are naturally gifted" or "indigenous people are 'all' suitable"? Stop using stereotypes to gloss over the hard work and challenges athletes face. Another major point is that becoming a professional athlete requires extensive training resources. The most crucial factors are economic and environmental, not some absurd and simplistic notion that a particular ethnic group is naturally suited for a specific sport.Host: Umav (podcast producer), Ljegay (co-host, university professor, swimming coach)