to stop a process or activity before it has finished
take-off (UN) 起飛 (B2)
the moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins to fly
acceleration (UN) 加速 (C1)
the increase in something's speed, or its ability to go faster
runway (CN) 跑道 (B2)
a long, level strip of ground with a specially prepared surface on which aircraft take off and land
slam on the brakes 緊急煞停 (B2)
to suddenly press the brakes very hard to stop a vehicle
crew (sing. group in form & meaning + sing. verb) 全體機組人員 (B2)
all the people who work on a ship, aircraft, etc.
halt (vt) 停止;中止 (C1)
to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening
take-off (CN) 起飛 (B2)
the moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins to fly
technical (adj) 技術的 (B2)
relating to the practical use of machines or science in industry, medicine, etc
aircraft (CN, pl. 單複數同型) 飛機;飛行器 (B2)
any vehicle, with or without an engine, that can fly, such as a plane, helicopter, glider, etc
runway (CN) 跑道 (B2)
a long, level strip of ground with a specially prepared surface on which aircraft take off and land
emergency services (CN, usu. pl.) 緊急服務 (B2) the organizations that deal with accidents and urgent problems such as fire, illness, or crime
precaution (CN) 預防措施 (C1)
an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening
tire (CN) 輪胎 (B2)
a thick rubber ring, often filled with air, that is fitted around the outer edge of the wheel of a vehicle
burst (vi) 爆裂;破裂 (B2)
to break open or apart suddenly, or to make something do this
landing gear (UN) 起落架 (C1)
the wheels and other parts of an aircraft that support it when it is on the ground
catch fire (vi) 著火 (B2)
to start burning
track (vt) 追蹤 (B2)
to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment
terminal (CN) 航廈 (B2)
a building at an airport where passengers arrive and leave
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