You and I under different stars 你和我在不同的星空下 You dream a lot 你懷著夢想 And I keep chasing the past 而我卻不斷追逐過去 To remind you of who we are 試圖提醒你我們曾經的摸樣 You've been gone for a while 你已經離開一段時間了
In a distance another time 在遙遠的另一個時間點 When you lay with me in the stillness of night 當你我在寂靜的夜裡躺在彼此身側 I'm there where we used to be calling out, calling out 我回到了我們曾經去過的地方,呼喚著,呼喚著
Lay down, lay down on my shoulder 來吧,靠在我的肩膀上 Take me to the water 帶我到水邊去 Let's not talk it over 就讓往事留在過去吧 We're islands in an ocean, silences are broken 我們如海上的兩座孤島 終於打破沉默 Lay down on my shoulder as if we were still closer 像我們仍親密無間般靠在我的肩上吧
But we're too far, drifting too far 可我們已經漸行漸遠,回不了頭 But we're too far, drifting too far 可我們已經漸行漸遠,回不了頭
Feel the rush of my secret heart 一股感覺湧上我充滿秘密的心頭 Forgive the light was the call of the dark 寬恕光明如同黑暗的召喚 Can you hear what I never said 你能聽到我從未說出口的心聲嗎 That I need what you are 我需要你能帶給我的一切
Take a minute and look around 停下腳步看看周圍吧 Take a look we're all alone 看看我們是多麼孤獨 You can never cut me out, don't look away now 你永遠無法將我割捨,別逃避事實 Take a minute and look around 停下腳步看看周圍吧 Been away for too long, for too long 你已經離開太久了,太久了
Lay down, lay down on my shoulder 來吧,靠在我的肩膀上 Take me to the water 帶我到水邊去 Let's not talk it over 就讓往事留在過去吧 We're islands in an ocean, silences are broken 我們如海上的兩座孤島 終於打破沉默 Lay down on my shoulder as if we were still closer 像我們仍親密無間般靠在我的肩上吧
But we're too far, drifting too far 可我們已經漸行漸遠,回不了頭 But we're too far, drifting too far 可我們已經漸行漸遠,回不了頭
In a night under strange stars 某夜星光詭譎 Been awake for too long 我徹夜未眠 I'm wondering where you are, how did we go wrong 不斷思考你身在何處,我們怎麼走到這般境地 You and I see the same stars 即使你和我看著同一片星空 Been awake for too long, for too long 這漫漫長夜,我卻闔不了眼
Lay down, lay down on my shoulder 來吧,靠在我的肩膀上 Take me to the water 帶我到水邊去 Let's not talk it over 就讓往事留在過去吧 We're islands in an ocean, silences are broken 我們如海上的兩座孤島 終於打破沉默 Lay down on my shoulder as if we were still closer 像我們仍親密無間般靠在我的肩上吧 But we're too far, drifting too far 可我們已經漸行漸遠,回不了頭 But we're too far, drifting too far 可我們已經漸行漸遠,回不了頭
歌手Anna F.是來自奧地利的歌手及演員。過去偶然發現這首歌,非常喜歡歌詞,之後失戀的時候更是邊聽邊哭(?)。
雖然提到「你無法將我割捨」,可更像是訴說這一切的人仍放不下,這也對應到開頭的「追逐過去」(我這都是超譯)。Bridge的"How did we go wrong(我們怎麼走到這般境地)?"更是讓人深感共鳴,很多遺憾都能被這麼簡單的一個句子概括。
這也讓我想到Taylor在The 1裡的歌詞:
If one thing had been different Would everything be different today?
覺得這首很適合跟Taylor的The 1跟Delicate一起服用,後者的「我想知道你是否也會夢見我」那種不抱希望、卻又忍不住期待的感覺,跟這首的氛圍很像。
Hope you enjoy it!