2020-09-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘


    《每個人都有自己的時區》 紐約比加州快了3小時,但這不表示加州比較慢、或是紐約比較快。兩個都只是在屬於它們自己的時區。 有的人還是單身,有的人結了婚但等了10年才有孩子;還有的人結婚一年,就有了小孩。 有的人22歲就畢業,卻等了5年才找到好工作;有的人27歲才畢業,卻立刻就得到就業機會。 有的人25歲就當上CEO,然後50歲離世......但有的人50歲才成為CEO,然後活到了90歲。每個人,都只是活在自己的時區。 每個人都只能在自己的時區內,照著自己的步調成功。 你的同事,朋友,比你年輕的人可能"看似"領先了你,有的也"看似"落後於你。 每個人在這世上,都只是在自己的時間內、照著自己的速度跑在自己的跑道上。上帝對每個人都有不同的安排,每個人的時間都不同,就像歐巴馬55歲就退休,川普卻70歲才開始人生。 不必羨慕他們、也不用嘲笑他們,因為他們都活在自己的時區內,而你也活在你的! 堅持下去,堅強,然後忠於自我,並相信一切都將是最美好的安排。 你沒有落後、也沒有領先,你只是剛剛好! 作者:佚名
    以下為原文: New York is 3 hours ahead of California but it does not mean that California is slow, or that New York is fast. Both are working based on their own “Time Zone.”Some one is still single. Someone got married and ‘waited’ 10 years before having a child. There is another who had a baby within a year of marriage. Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job; and there is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment immediately ! Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50 while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years. Everyone works based on their ‘Time Zone’. People can have things worked out only according to their pace. Work in your time zone. Your Colleagues, friends, younger ones might “seem” to go ahead of you. May be some might “seem” behind you. Everyone is in this world running their own race on their own lane in their own time. God has a different plan for everybody.Time is the difference. Obama retires at 55, Trump resumes at 70. Don’t envy them or mock them, it’s their ‘Time Zone.’You are in yours! Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself. All things shall work together for your good. You’re not late … You are not early … you’re very much On TIME!
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