2021-06-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

Crying 哭泣

The old man bowed down and wept when his wife took the last breath in his arms. 當他的老妻在他手臂裡嚥下最後一口氣,老先生低頭哭泣。
The mid-aged man was sobbing with his face covered when the doctor said: “Your test result is positive.”當醫生說:「你的檢驗結果是陽性。」這個中年男子掩面啜泣。
The lady cried out of joy when the doctor said :“Your test result is negative.”這個女士喜極而泣,當醫說:「你的檢驗結果是陰性。」
She sighed with relief. 她鬆了一口氣。
The lady burst out crying when the doctor said: “Your father’s test result is positive.” 這個女士突然哭了出來,當醫生說:「你爸爸的檢驗結果是陽性。」
Her tears streamed down her face. 她淚如雨下。
The woman started to wail when the nurse came over with a death notification. 當護士走過來,手上拿著死亡證明,這位女士開始嚎啕大哭。
The mother cried her eyes out when her only son died of COVID-19.當她的獨兒死於COVID-19時,這個媽媽痛哭不止。
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