2022-02-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


原文發佈於:2021/04/18 【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部

從我作為一個意志力人型的角度來看,擺脫必須一直證明的時間會很高興。這是巨大的壓力。這是禮物意味著你(Open Ego)無須證明你自己、你的狀態、你的生活方式、你的思考方式、你的觀看方式、你的感覺、你所從事的工作以及與誰在一起。所有這些都取決於你是否可以像自己一樣正確運行。只有你的頭腦認為你——而你的頭腦卻不認識你——你有什麼可以證明的。而你的一生都花了這麼一遍又一遍又一遍地去吹捧,並試著從某人口中得到一點點讚美,或拍拍你的肩膀以示鼓勵,或任何其他東西。天啊!這不值得。這是「有價值」的事情。它與開放式意志力/Ego心臟中心,或開放Ego心臟中心人型毫無關係。沒甚麼。非自我/非我/假我在這一切之外變得多麼強大,它如何扭曲了大多數人類的思維方式。生活在一個人們認為必須控制一切的世界中,這是瘋狂的。你作為一個人有多少價值,取決於你願意採取的愚蠢行為。你不願以虛假的名義矇騙。你和其他人如何共享同一個謊言,重複又重複,以證明自己的價值。就像這些公司告訴你,他們賺了180億,而他們實際上已經盜竊200億。這就是我們的星球。
~拉烏魯·胡(Ra Uru Hu)

"I’m going to prove how great I am by lying to everybody.” Our politicians do it all it time, claim victories out of defeat... We all have a not-self. It is our shadow. And if any of you have an open, undefined Heart Center, this is the dark spot in the shadow, it really is... Lack of worthiness is almost like a plague in the mind. One can never shake it off. There is always this sense that one must, must, must.... This is the “I have to” of the world. I have to be in control (21). I have to prove my worthiness by being brave (51). I have to lie in order to show everybody the potential of my greatness (26). I have to pretend to agree (40).

The (Open Ego) Mantra: I Do Not Have to Prove Anything How healing it is, how incredibly healing it is if you have an open Heart Center to have the mantra in your life that says: “I do not have to prove anything to anyone for any reason under any circumstances.” It’s simple. “I do not have to prove ANYTHING to ANYONE under ANY circumstances.” It’s not you. It’s not you. So, there’s no you to prove anything in that. It has nothing to do with you. It’s a gift.
From my perspective as an ego being, it would be nice to have a break from having to prove all the time. It’s an enormous pressure. It’s a gift. It means you (Open Egos) don’t have anything to prove about yourself, about the way you are, the way you live, the way you think, the way you see, the way you feel, what you do, who you’re with. All predicated on you operating correctly as yourself. It’s only your mind that thinks you—and your mind does not know you—that you have something to prove. And your whole life is spent kissing ass for that over and over and over and over again to try to drag out of somebody that little compliment, that pat on the back, that whatever. Jesus, it is not worth it. This is the “worth” business. It has nothing to do with the open Heart Center, or the open Heart Center being. Nothing. And how incredibly powerful the not-self is out of this nothing, how it twists the way the majority of humanity thinks. The madness of what it is to live in a world where people think everything has to be controlled. Where how valuable you are as a being is based on how stupidly you’re willing to act. How mindless you’re willing to be in the name of some illusion of worthiness. How you and others share in the same lie over and over again, to prove worthiness. Like these companies that tell you they’re making 18 billion and they’ve actually stolen 20. This is our planet.
-Ra Uru Hu
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