2022-02-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


原文發佈於:2021/04/29 【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
文章原載於 The Journey 專頁。這個FB專頁成立於2021年1月10日。文章作者自稱是 Hitori No Iro(Google譯為「一色一郎」。)

Hitori No Iro

Ah, the bitterness. Projectors, the new Type among us. They want to be recognized , they are here to be recognized - because they can recognize the other if their process is correct and they can do it like no one else, no one else. But if you are a Projector, the problem starts when you initiate. You'll be like Hey! Hey! I'm here! And right away the bitterness comes up to the surface bubbling with bitter acidic substance that everyone on their fractal will feel very well. And the Projector will feel it the most. Because it feels not recognized, rejected and neglected. And it's the worst case for a Projector, it kills the potential and burries it under the mental torment. That happens when the mind taking the control, when the mind taking the decision.
It's not about waiting for everything in life. You do not need an invitation to breathe, to sleep, to eat.. to go here or there, to talk, to express yourself, to live! You are alive! But the moment there is a decision to be made which will affect the course of your direction , the course of your potential , the use of your gentle guiding energy - you need to WAIT for invitation. Because only in the invitation you get the opportunity to be recognized and to recognize the other. Because only through Invitation and Recognition you can bring the success to this plane.
You are not here to initiate - there is no need for you to!.. If you allow life to just unfold, you can glide, you can surf it like sea waves , changing direction by the correct invitations for you. And bring the sweet success to this life.
I have met so many Projectors in my life. I constantly meet them, everywhere. And i see how powerful and how essential they can be when they are correct. And if you are a Projector and you see that you're not correct, have some compassion for yourself. Love yourself anyway. Because eventually you can get there, to live your life as your true self. Surrender to the wait, surrender to it. Mind Impulsiveness of this world we live in today that condition you so much is NOT gonna get you there, it's just not. And if you are aware of your nature, you probably already know it.
Don't let yourself be surprised every time you get bitter, just watch your mind and put it in it's right place next time. Your openness can be your wisdom if you are not acting out of it. And that wisdom can be enourmous for you as a Projector. Do not give up on yourself.
Hitori No Iro
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