更新於 2022/03/10閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

Shor reading report on The Prosperity Paradox

    While I was told that the book was written by a pragmatist, it made me wonder how great will the solution could be to deal with poverty of nations. It is somehow I am still thinking in the positivist’s way. I treat prosperity as a cause that the author tried to figure all the factors to it. Yet, this mind interrupts me to truly understand what the author was trying to give, not to prove.
    Nonconsumption, innovation, pull strategy and overcome obstacles, all those the author deliberated in the book, I falsely consider them as parts of building a model to testify a cause. Then susception arises, how far those solutions could go. Or is it building a business model? How prosperity could be made of by those?
    Not thinking in a pragmatist way is the problem of my reading and thinking. Perhaps the first of all thing is turn myself into pragmatism. Stop doubting others works at first and then myself. Therefore, it all comes back to the very first start, what is the problem that the author wanted to solve and what he left for us. Solutions to the problem, not the best, but the possible.
    Yet, solutions are solutions, they are experienced, documented and the most important thing, theorized. So, it is theory in the book, or the book represents it. Now I understand what mistake I have made, to start read the book again.
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