Stefan tō chhan-chhiōⁿ Colin bat 對 Thakur 所講--ê, 往過 chit 三个禮拜,伊 ka-kī 一个 bih 房間內做 tàm-空龜,無受藥仔控制心理 ê 疾病。
〔12th September Delivery day〕
Chit 工 tī Tuckersoft 內底,另外一位員工 Satpal, 伊 tng-leh 替 Colin 製作 ê “Nohzdyve”做包裝,té tī-leh 一盒一盒 ê 紙箱仔內。
Thakur 真著急向 Stefan 強調,今仔日已經是交件 ê 日子,in 無時間 koh 予 Stefan 機會拖落去。而且 Thakur chit 改為-tio̍h 宣傳《Bandersnatch》,koh 下重本拍廣告,實在無法度予 Stefan án-ne 了 in ê 錢。
Colin 真冷靜,kan-na 問 Stefan 一句,伊敢有 koh 加一寡 khah 複雜 ê 路徑?
Stefan 應講伊 tī giàn-muh 內底有 tòe「政府陰謀論」chit 項主題 loeh 編寫 code, 安排故事 ê 路會當 án-nóa 行。伊 án-ne 講 Colin tō 隨理解--ah, 因為 he 正是 Jerome F. Davies tī《Bandersnatch》當中特別安插 ê 一个思想。
Thakur 練痟話講,毋知彼款“The government conspiracy theories”是 Jerome F. Davies 起痟進前產生--ê?a̍h-sī 起痟了後?一方面伊 koh 無允准 Stefan kā 牽涉 tio̍h 政府陰謀論 ê 劇情 khǹg teh giàn-muh 當中,較免電腦 koh 出 siáⁿ-mih 差錯。猶毋過 Stefan chiâⁿ 堅持愛保留 chit 段劇情,kah Thakur chèⁿ 規半晡,尾仔才爭取 tio̍h chit 禮拜歇睏尾 ê 時間,後禮拜一一定愛 kā 完整 ê《Bandersnatch》交予公司生產。
[Colin] Taped it off the telly. Documentary about Jerome. A bit of inspiration maybe. Pop it on while you work.
Colin 建議 Stefan 會當做工課 ê 時陣 ná 放 chit 塊錄影帶,無的確會 chiâⁿ-chò 刺激伊寫 code ê 一點仔靈感。
Documentary about Jerome.
伊 ê 冊桌仔頂頭,除了原底有一本《LOOK DOOR, GET KEY》,kah Jerome ê 傳記,chín koh 加一塊 Jerome F. Davies ê 紀錄片影帶。
場景換來到客廳,咱 koh 一改看 tio̍h Peter 將房門鎖起來。
Stefan 入來房間,將影帶鬥入去放影機器內底播送。
機器開始讀 chit 塊錄影帶。咱若斟酌 kā 看,會發現 tú-chiah 電視頂 tng-leh 放送“Quaker Sugar Puffs”ê 廣告,也 tō sī 規个劇情 tú 起頭,予 Stefan 揀早頓 boeh 食 tó 一項 ê 時陣,伊選擇 ê 彼款「麥仔片」。
[man on TV]
Towards the end of his life, Devies was apparently self-administering hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts to complete the complex multiple narratives of Bandersnatch was to prove the final straw.
紀錄片一步一步為咱解說真正 ê Jerome F. Davies 是啥款 ê 人。Tī 伊人生上尾 hit 幾冬,ka-kī 逐工攏會食迷幻藥仔;而且,伊一心想欲 kā《Bandersnatch》內底複雜 ê 劇情鋪排 kah 好勢,chia-ê 因端造成伊心肝頭 ê 壓力,毋才會害得 ka-kī ê 情緒 kah 精神,終其尾規个徹底崩盤。
伊 mā chiâⁿ siōⁿ-boeh 理解,人 ê「自由意志」究竟會發展 kah 啥款 ê 坎站?時常 tī 手摺簿仔頂面,畫一款予人看 kah 捎無摠頭 ê 字形;he 對 Davies 來講代表人 ê 命運 ná-chhiōⁿ 雙叉路,逐條攏會 ka-kī 發展出,無-kāng-khoán ê 現實;chit 款 ê 含意實在藏 kah 深深深……。
In his notes, Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph which to him represented multiple fates, potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start of his complete mental collapse.
[Judith Mulligan] Davies became convinced he had no control over his fate because his wife was spiking him with psychoactive drugs at behest of a demon called Pax, a sort of lion figure who he claimed he'd seen in a vision, and who ended up being incorporated into the book.
照 chit 位主持人 Judith Mulligan ê 講法,自彼時 Davies tō 認定 ka-kī 無才調主裁本身 ê 命運,he 正正是因為 in 某暗中 kā 下牽制心靈 ê 藥仔;而且伊相信 in 某 ê 所做所為,背後是一隻 chhiōⁿ 獅 ê 惡魔 teh kā 指使,
Davies 講,伊 bat tī ka-kī ê 幻象當中見 tio̍h Pax ê 形影,毋才寫小說 ê 時陣 kā Pax 寫入去《Bandersnatch》內底。
It was this that led him to kill her.
[Judith Mulligan] After his arrest, he told police,
"we exist within multiple parallel realities at once. One reality for each possible course of action we might take in life. Whatever we choose to do in this existence, there's another one out there in which we're doing quite the opposite, which reanders free will meaningless. Nothing but an illusion."
照 Davies 予警察逮捕了後 ê 口供,chit 个宇宙當中有 kúi-lo̍h 條時間線,一巡 koh 一巡,m̄-bat 互相交插;咱 tī 每一个時空內底 lóng 有 ka-kī ê 位。逐家 ê 所做所為 lóng 會引咱行向對應 ê 現實;無論咱 án-nóa 做,tī 另外一个世界 ê 咱,猶原會做出顛倒反或者 sī 無仝款 ê 選擇。
Che tō ná-chhiōⁿ teh 講「自由意志」sī 無路用--ê. 咱 tī 現實 ê 行為 án-nóa to m̄-sī chiâⁿ-si̍t--ê, 一切皆是幻夢虛空……。