2023-04-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 15 分鐘

如何學好英文 — 經驗談

    如何學好英文 — 經驗談
    © 我的自學工具
    1. 電視影集電影
    大學剛畢業那幾年(VHS 錄影帶的時代),我看一部電影通常要花三到四個小時,因為得不時地倒帶,重覆聽劇中人物在這個場景下到底在說什麼?然後把對白寫下來,這些字句在日常生活中一定用得到,而且學的是實用的英語 / 美語,同時訓練聽力。
    DVD 就更方便了。如果真的聽不出來,切換字幕即可。出國旅遊用得到的片語、單字,或是日常生活用語、職場英語等等,都能在電影 / 影集裡學到,經典且實用。
    2. 閱讀
    1) ICRT 新聞稿
    2) 英文書或雜誌:自己喜歡或有興趣的,每天花點兒時間讀幾頁,學幾個字詞都好。 任何雜誌或書籍的難易,自己去翻翻就知道。寫得 / 編得再好的書籍或雜誌,如果沒有每天想翻看的欲望(喜不喜歡),再多的推薦、或買再多都沒用。
    3) 網際網路:大寶庫!但慎選內容。
    Ø 個人最推薦的英文學習網站:Espresso English – espressoenglish.net
    3. 造句
    我幾乎從來不背單字,因為背了會忘(保證、一定會忘);記不得某個單字,代表我還不太會或不太知道怎麼用這個字。一旦對話或寫東西的時候用了某個字,幾次之後,自然而然這個字就記住了(I have memorized it.)。
    § 以日常生活相關字詞為例
    1. turn on / turn off 開 / 關:只要有 on / off 開關的電器用品都可用 - turn on / off the TV, computer, the light, radio, DVD player, iPod...
    2. take a shower 淋浴 / take a bath 泡澡
    3. like + V-ing / like to + V - I like watching movies. = I like to watch movies.
    4. surf the Internet / Net 上網
    § 敘述你的日常生活 Narrate Your Daily Routine
    Normally, I get home at around 7:00 in the evening (7:00 pm). I don't really like to watch TV, so I usually turn on the stereo and listen to the music. I like listening to the music very much.
    Generally, I surf the Internet after dinner for one or two hours. Most of the time, I take a shower before I go to bed and sometimes I take a bath if I feel like doing it.
    § 用英語思考
    每個人、每天腦袋裡會有很多的自我對話:Self-talk 。跟自己說話的時候,試著用英語,不要怕犯錯,一旦其他人有機會糾正你,你才會知道自己錯在哪裡。例如:
    • It's Xmas tomorrow and I don't have to work / go to school. What should I do? Maybe I should call Jack to see if he has any plans.
    © 學習練習方式
    1. 讀例句:注意不同字意的用法(一個字常常會有不同的意思),以及在句子中的位置。
    2. 造句:想像生活中,什麼時候、場合用得到這個字?你會怎麼說?
    3. 有時間的話,看相關的字詞。
    1. 讀例句
    例:現在完成式 S + has / have + p.p.
    - Steve hasn't been to the United States before.
    2. 造句
    根據上面剛讀過的例句造句: - I haven't been to Japan before.
    再試個例子: - I've been to Hong Kong three times.
    造問句: - Have you been to Singapore before? - Have you seen Jay Chou in person? (to see somebody in person 見到本人)
    Ø Tip:從你每天做的事英文怎麼說開始,例如:
    *take a shower 淋浴/ take a bath 泡澡
    - I'm taking a shower. OR
    - I'm taking a bath.
    *surf the Internet / surf the Net 上網
    - I'm surfing the Internet and chatting with my friends / playing on-line games.
    *text, verb, 傳簡訊
    - I texted Maggie to say I missed her.
    - How could you spend hours texting friends every day?
    - Text me when you get to Taipei.
    - Text me and let me know when you're available next week.
    *a text (message) 簡訊
    - Jessica's so sweet. She sent me a text message to say happy birthday.
    - I'll send you a text as soon as I hear from Jack.
    § 以 presentation 為例
    1. 例句:
    - Presentation is important if you want people to buy your products.
    - The speaker gave an interesting presentation on how to teach yourself English.
    2. 造句:
    • A: What are you doing? You've been sitting at the computer for two hours. B: I have a presentation on Taiwan's movie industry tomorrow. I want to be as prepared as possible.
    - Jack did a great presentation on tennis learning yesterday.
    3. 相關字詞
    *present, verb, 呈現 / 發表
    - Jack presented the sales forecast to the board of directors at the meeting.
    - All the data are presented in Table 6.
    - All the reports must be carefully vetted before presenting to the CEO.
    *present, adj., 目前的 / 現在的
    - Give me your present address so that I can write you from time to time.
    - Please fill in your present address and telephone number.
    *present, adj., 出席
    - How many people were present at the meeting?
    - How come Jack's not present?
    *present, noun, 禮物
    - Do you like your birthday present?
    - What can we get Jack for his birthday present?
    § 以 advertisement 為例
    1. 例句
    - She copied the job advertisements in the paper.
    - a television / newspaper advertisement for a new car / new cars
    2. 造句
    - Did you see the advertisement of BMW new 5 series in United Daily(聯合報) today? I love it. I think I'll sell my TOYOTA and get a BMW 525.
    - I'm going to put an advertisement on the Net for my ‘98 TOYOTA.
    3. 相關詞
    *advertise v.
    - We advertise our TOYOTA in the local newspaper.
    - I'm going to advertise for my TOYOTA RAV4.
    § 以 ride ( / ) 為例動詞變化 ride, rode, ridden
    1. 例句
    - I ride bicycle to work.
    - I learned to ride a bike when I was six. (注意動詞變化 learned, was)
    * bike = bicycle
    2. 造句
    - I ride bicycle to school.
    把 bicycle 換成 motorcycle:
    - I learned to ride a scooter when I was fifteen.
    bicycle 可換成 motorcycle / motorbike、scooter、electric scooter、electric bicycle 或 moped(長得像腳踏車的光陽 50)。
    ² 註 1:motorcycle / motorbike(機車/摩托車)不是光一般人所說的「檔車」,雖然到目前為止大部分 motorcycles 都不是自動換檔。例如:野狼 125、Triumph Bonneville T100。(在 Google 圖片輸入 motorcycle / motorbike 就明白了!)
    ² 註 2:motor scooter / scooter(速克達 / 小綿羊),例如:Vespa,KYMCO Racing 125。而重型速克達叫做 maxi scooter。(在 Google 圖片輸入 motor scooter / maxi scooter 就明白了!)
    - I learned to walk when I was two.
    - Steve learned to drive when he was eighteen.
    - I learned to play Mahjong when I was fourteen. (play Mahjong 打麻將)
    3. 相關詞
    *ride, noun 名詞:
    a) to give somebody a ride 載某人去...
    - Can you give me a ride to Steve's? (Steve's:Steve 家)
    - It's late. Let me give you a ride home.
    b) to go for a ride 兜風
    - It's sunny out there. Let's go for a ride.
    -I went for a ride with my family at Houfeng Bikeway on Chinese New Year holidays. (Houfeng Bikeway 后豐鐵馬道)
    上文中的 bicycle、motorcycle、scooter 或甚至 horse都可以互換,接著再用 he / she / they / we / you 或你同學、親朋好友的名字來造句。
    Have fun!
    § 發音相關的網站(大力推薦,雖然不認識站長!): 蝦米小居:http://www.sammiwago.idv.tw/
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