2007-04-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

結束任務? Anti-cancer plan

    我在2001.09.26參加電腦運算Anti-cancer plan。
    參與癌症分析 英特爾號召600萬台個人電腦共襄盛舉
    我參加的是TAIWAN TEAM。到現在已經將近六年。沒想到昨天才去更改帳號的信箱,
    原來已經結束它的任務?不知道這個TAIWAN TEAM的人都轉到哪去了呢?
    On Friday, April 27, 2007, Grid.org announced it has
    completed its mission to demonstrate the viability and
    benefits of large-scale Internet-based grid computing,
    and will be retiring its famous efforts to support critical
    health research.
    (We are saddened to hear that grid.org is closing its doors.)

    Please support other volunteer grid projects
    We encourage member to take your valuable resources to other projects
    of this kind that are ready and willing to accept you as new members.

    Below are just a few examples:
    *World Community Grid, operated by IBM
    *Distributed.net, operated by distributed.net
    *Compute Against Cancer, operated by National Cancer Institute
    *Folding@Home, operated by Stanford University
    *climateprediciton.net, operated by a group of partners including MIT and Oxford University
    *fightAIDS@Home, operated by Olson Lab at Scripps Research Institute
    *LHC@home, operated by CERN
    *SETI@home, operated by UC Berkeley
    *Distributed Folding, operated by a group of partners including Hogue Bioinformatics Research Lab, Mount Sinai Hospital, and University of Toronto

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