How to get through gangstalking soundly?

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Firstly, to settle your mind and body down.
To read Epictetus' Enchiridion. (accepting any circumstances you may encounter)
To read Dao De Ching by Laozi. (empowering your inner strength)
To read Art of War by Sun Tzi. (Weighting pros and cons, gains and losses)
This is a war against you personally, only you. No body can understand the covert malice you receive every single day. If you tell your family and friends, you'll realize the futility to convince them. Your family and friends might think you are mentally ill and will ask you to visit a psychiatrist, which is one of gangstalkers' objectives; in other words, to smear you as a mentally ill person. Remember, the psychiatrist might be one of them, a gangstalker, too.
Therefore, before you tell your family and friends about being gangstalked, you need to know gangstalkers' war strategies, operational tactics and their objectives toward you.
Secondly, dealing with your wrath against gangstalkers and having a balanced mind. (Neutralizing your emotions)
To read psychology. (positive psychology)
When you encounter 24 hours / 7 days a week harrassment bodily and mentally, the first thing you need to do is protect yourself as best as you can. To keep a routine as usual and to get to have a sound sleep evey night are your priorities. Even though gangstalkers tamper with your food, put poison on your personal objects, spray chemicals on your body, and covertly hide in cars and houses to attack you with a laser and a directed-energy weapon (DEW), always remember that you are in a warfare; therefore, keeping yourself safe and sound is your priority.
I will do great length to protect myself as possible as I can and make myself get used to that. I will overlook and let go things that are trivial.
When you encounter such a great evil and couldn't put perpetrators into justice, you'll be furiuos and want to revenge. However, you must keep in mind one of perpetraters' objectives is to cause you to commit a crime and make you end up in jail; therefore, you have to deal with your hatred toward gangstalkers.
In this warfare, gangstalkers' objectives toward you are: to make you suicide, to make you incarcerated in a mental hospital or jail, to make you jobless, to make you displaced, and finally to make you become one of them, a perp. In order to win this battle, you must not let gangstalkers acheive their objectives toward you. Never ever allow them. Stay away from crimes.
Then how do you release your burning rage toward gangstalkers? See, they use negative psychology to hurt you, you have to use positive psychology to counteract the negative impact on you. Sometimes I will use their tactics to counteract them. To read positive psychology the more the better and you'll know what to do. I can assure you.
To expose them on internet is a great way to release anger, but harassment will double down. Google, Facebook and YouTube do everything to suffocate me and they get their way.
Thirdly, they netfish victims at workplace and their dewellings (rental houses) and then use Stockholm Syndrome to assimilate victims. It's a natural precession. Victims become one of them naturally.
Google delicately manipulates internet search results. Every internet resource is completely cooked.
99.99999% targeted individuals are perps. At first, maybe those people are true victims and then they are compromised. You see, gangstalkers not only netfish T.I.s on internet, but also netfish them at workplace and their dwellings. There's no way to escape, unless you have large savings, your own house and invincible inner strength. The only true T.I. I find on internet is chuck who is my true hero (??Or Chuck is one of the perps??). Thank you, Chuck.
When I realize everything I find on internet is provided by perps, I turn to useful books and made psychology, Dao De Ching, Art of War, and Enchiridion my best friends. And I suggest you do that too.
Fourthly, money is your resource and a powerful support to this battle.
Having more than one way to make money. To diversify your earning skills. To save as much money as possible.
Lastly, I put through gangstalking all by myself financially and emotionally.
At a time, I was surrounded at workplace and dewelling, which was the worst situation for the victims and almost everyone of them was assimilated at this stage. Now I am surrounded by gangstalkers at workplace but my dewelling is safe. In gangstalkers' years long surveillance stage, before they wage a war against me bluntly, I learn everything about stock investing, which gives me huge joy and achievement in such a precarious situation.
I said I'm still surrounded by gangstalkers at workplace, and I intend to create my own carrer. Hope I can leave such a sick workplace in five years.
If you have money, your own house and family, you definitely can get through gangstalking. You surely can. Good luck to you.
Tao Te Ching Read By Wayne Dyer
The Art of War
by Sun Tzu
The Enchiridion
Beyond Good and Evil
by Friedrich Nietzsche
animal person的會員資訊 - Mobile01

第一,先安定身心。 讀 愛比克泰德《手冊》(接受現況) 讀 道德經 (強大內心) 讀 孫子兵法 (衡量利益得失) 這是一場對你個人的戰爭,只徵對你個人,其他人完全無法知曉你遇到的無聲惡意,所以你跟家人朋友說,他們無法信服你,反而會說你心裡有病,叫你去看心裡醫生,這也是團夥跟蹤的目的之一,抹黑你是神精
第一,先安定身心。 讀 愛比克泰德《手冊》(接受現況) 讀 道德經 (強大內心) 讀 孫子兵法 (衡量利益得失) 這是一場對你個人的戰爭,只徵對你個人,其他人完全無法知曉你遇到的無聲惡意,所以你跟家人朋友說,他們無法信服你,反而會說你心裡有病,叫你去看心裡醫生,這也是團夥跟蹤的目的之一,抹黑你是神精
Google News 追蹤
生活黑客 Tomato Hacker 分享如何提升專注力和減少焦慮的書單,重點推薦包括《深度工作力》、《慾望分子多巴胺》、《心流》等五本好書,幫助你在資訊爆炸的時代改善自己的生活品質。本次專訪,怪獸科技公司邀請生活黑客 Tomato Hacker,分享他如何從閱讀中找到焦慮問題的解方。
你可曾注意過,你腦袋裏有個聲音總是喋喋不休? 這是誰的聲音?認清你不是這個聲音,你無需認同他說的話,才能拿回人生的主導權。
你有沒有覺得人際關係很麻煩呢? 不管是人生、工作、學業、生活,似乎種種的困擾都與人有關,於是回家之後只想躲在房間裡,避開人群,窩在自己的小圈圈裡,想著明天又要面對現實了,好煩喔。如果你有人際關係的問題,非常推薦你來看看這本《被討厭的勇氣》
五十四、學會拒絕別人,也學會接受別人的拒絕 有時候我們會誤以為病人最大,所以周遭的人都該多體諒我們。老實說,我沒有很贊成這樣的觀點,因爲通常一味隱忍的關係是很難長久的。 如果可以回到發病前,我會告訴自己,學會拒絕別人無止境的要求。
生活黑客 Tomato Hacker 分享如何提升專注力和減少焦慮的書單,重點推薦包括《深度工作力》、《慾望分子多巴胺》、《心流》等五本好書,幫助你在資訊爆炸的時代改善自己的生活品質。本次專訪,怪獸科技公司邀請生活黑客 Tomato Hacker,分享他如何從閱讀中找到焦慮問題的解方。
你可曾注意過,你腦袋裏有個聲音總是喋喋不休? 這是誰的聲音?認清你不是這個聲音,你無需認同他說的話,才能拿回人生的主導權。
你有沒有覺得人際關係很麻煩呢? 不管是人生、工作、學業、生活,似乎種種的困擾都與人有關,於是回家之後只想躲在房間裡,避開人群,窩在自己的小圈圈裡,想著明天又要面對現實了,好煩喔。如果你有人際關係的問題,非常推薦你來看看這本《被討厭的勇氣》
五十四、學會拒絕別人,也學會接受別人的拒絕 有時候我們會誤以為病人最大,所以周遭的人都該多體諒我們。老實說,我沒有很贊成這樣的觀點,因爲通常一味隱忍的關係是很難長久的。 如果可以回到發病前,我會告訴自己,學會拒絕別人無止境的要求。