臉書前營運長Sheryl Sandberg(雪柔.桑德伯格)與Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania(賓州大學華頓商學院)教授Adam Grant(亞當.格蘭特)在2017年,曾合出一本書
Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy.
而在今日the Associated Press(美聯社)news alert(新聞快報)中,美國公布
圖片擷取於The Associated Press(美聯社)News Alerts(快報)
US employers added a surprisingly strong 336,000 jobs in September in a sign of economic resilience
October 06, 2023
“The nation’s employers added 336,000 jobs in September, an unexpectedly robust gain that suggests that many companies remain confident enough to keep hiring despite high interest rates and a hazy outlook for the economy.”
圖文出處:The Associated Press(美聯社)News Alerts(新聞快報)及博客來網站。