更新於 2024/11/19閱讀時間約 10 分鐘









1. 每個關節的活動範圍是否足夠?

2. 活動關節時是否會產生疼痛?

3. 在活動範圍中用力,是否可以感覺到肌肉有效率的用力?

4. 你的肌肉耐力及力量大小?

5. 有沒有什麼動作做不出來,或是動作中會產生疼痛?








討論動作和慢性疼痛之間的關係,需要再花費有點篇幅,於是這邊就先把重點放在 「輪椅族應該具有怎樣能力?」




① 從彎腰駝背的坐姿,到自主挺直的坐姿。

② 從良好的坐姿,找回維持站立的基本耐力。












People in general need exercise, and people who rely on wheelchairs for mobility actually need it too.

Whether it is congenital or acquired factors (e.g. injury, illness, degeneration, etc.), wheelchair users are just standing at a different starting point from the general public, with different short-term goals, but the same progress towards health.

The general public's exercise goals are usually for slimming, toning, and athletic performance, while some are for "preventing degeneration".

The underlying logic is that no matter what your goal is, you are trying to enhance your physical fitness and continue/increase your health through exercise.

Scientifically, we can categorize health into a number of different factors, such as:

1. is the range of motion of each joint adequate?

2. is there pain when moving the joints?

3. whether you can feel your muscles exerting themselves efficiently when exerting force in the range of motion?

4. what is your muscular endurance and strength?

5. are there any movements that you cannot perform or that cause pain during the movement?

In general, the training content of people will be assessed and trained from these key points, so that the body's athletic ability can follow the increase.

"So, if we go back to the wheelchair users, will the content of the exercise be different?"

The answer is: "Basically the same, but the details are different."

Generally speaking, wheelchair users may lose most of their ability to stand up and walk on their own, and they may live with chronic pain for a long time.

Therefore, the goal of the exercise program is to "reduce pain first, and then improve the ability to exercise".

To be more specific, it should be to increase mobility through exercise and improve chronic pain by doing the movement.

It would take a bit more space to discuss the relationship between mobility and chronic pain, so let's focus on the question, "What should a wheelchair user be able to do?

"Retraining the ability to stand and walk on one's own is an important goal for wheelchair users because it affects health and socialization.

Exercise planning for wheelchair users is divided into several stages:

① From a hunched sitting posture to a straight sitting posture.

② From good sitting posture, find the basic endurance to maintain standing.

③ Muscle endurance and movement control for repeated changes in sitting and standing postures.

④Muscle strength, endurance, and sense of balance to maintain standing posture.

⑤Movement training, coordination, muscular endurance, and physical strength for walking.

(For each stage, there are many training points and details)

When wheelchair users regain the ability to walk on their own, they will be at the starting point again, no different from normal people, and continue to move forward on the road to health.

As a fitness trainer, I have a new set of goals that I hope to accomplish with them.


My name is Lai, I am a fitness trainer who specializes in exercise planning for the general population, and I have also come across a number of cases referred to me by rehabilitation clinics.

I have a lot of ideas and expertise that I would like to bring to my clients at different stages of their lives.

No matter where you are in your life, you can come to me to discuss your situation, so that we can find a way forward together.

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