【COP28】 開幕式內容(筆者中文翻譯)

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Full content of COP28 Opening Ceremony

"COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber address at opening ceremony"

Excellencies, dear friends, colleagues, members of every delegation, it is an honor to be with you today and I am so glad that this day has finally arrived.

And as my first official act as COP president, allow me to express my gratitude to my very dear friend Shukri. Your excellency, you have led this conference with vision, purpose and integrity. We are indebted to you for your service, your accomplishments, and your commitment to climate progress.

And allow me to also extend my gratitude to every person in this room. We come from different nations, different backgrounds and different generations. Yet, we share something vital, at some point in each of our lives, we all made a choice, a choice to help carry the burden of a great responsibility, to raise our hands and bear some portion of the weight on our shoulder. That choice is why we are all here in the United Arab Emirates today.

The UAE is deeply proud and humbled to be hosting cop 28 at a pivotal time in this critical decade for climate action. We know as you know the gravity of this moment, we feel as you feel the urgency of this world, and we see as you see that the world has reached a crossroad. And yes, since Paris we have made some progress but we also know that the road we have been on with will not get us to our destination in time.

The science has spoken it has been loud and clear, it has confirmed that the moment is now to find a new road, a road wide enough for all of us, free of the obstacles and the detours of the past. That new road starts with a decision on the global stock take. A decision that is ambitious, corrects course and accelerates action to 2030.

Through the global stock take, we have a chance to unite the three core elements of the climate agenda. We can finally bring mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation which includes Finance under one umbrella. United around higher ambition giving clear direction on nationally determined contributions and connecting everything we agree here to practical action in the real world.

Every Nation, every sector, and every one of us has an urgent and an immediate role to play. For my part, I pledge that I will run an inclusive and transparent process, one that encourages free and open discussion between all the parties.

I ask you to start this COP with a different mindset. I ask you to adopt a different way of thinking. And I ask you to be flexible. We must ensure that this COP delivers the most ambitious Global stock take possible.

So let's work efficiently. Let's agree on the agenda and move to text quickly, please.

We have no time to waste. Friends, I believe that the United Arab Emirates reflects the spirit we need at this COP28. My country is only 2 years older than me and that makes it a young country. In fact, a very young country. It is a nation that rose up from the desert through the vision and foresight of our late Founding Father Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and the conviction and aspiration he passed on to the generations that followed .

And now 52 years later, just look around, we may be a young nation but we have big Ambitions and hold fast to principles like collaboration, optimism, through partnership, determination and commitment. These are the ingredients that make up the DNA of the United Arab Emirates. And it's these core values of trust purpose partnership and pragmatism that I believe must define the DNA of COP28. That means it is essential that no issue is left off the table.

And yes, as I have been saying we must look for ways and ensure the inclusion of the role of fossil fuels. I know there are strong views about the idea of including language on fossil fuels and Renewables in the negotiated text. We collectively have the power to do something unprecedented. In fact, we have no choice but to go the very unconventional way.

I ask you all to work together be flexible, find common ground, come forward with solutions, and achieve consensus. And never lose sight of our NORTH STAR of 1.5 . Cuz that is what I am going to stay laser focused on.

Excellencies, dear friends, we all know that a key success factor across climate agenda is Finance. And for too long, Finance has not been available, accessible or affordable. This presidency is committed to unlocking Finance to ensure that the Global South does not have to choose between development and climate actions.

Let this be the year that Climate Finance meets the magnitude of the moment. Let this be the COP where we deliver on our promises from the 100 billion to "Loss and Damage." And on "Loss and Damage," I know how important this issue is to the parties, particularly to the most vulnerable what began in chairmanship and what was given critical momentum and traction in Abu Dhabi earlier this month must now be delivered and actioned here in Dubai.

And allow me here to pause for a moment to honor the memory of our distinguished colleague and my dear friend Salimah. He devoted his entire career to the cause of finding a way to address loss and damage. And I personally benefited from his advice and his experience, particularly on the imperative to shift the world's Focus to the needs of Adaptation.

Excellencies, Adaptation must be at the heart of our action. We must bridge the finance gap and agree on a robust framework for the global goal. Let's put nature, lives and livelihoods at the core of our national plans. Let's finally face the issues that are critical to adaptation like water, food, agriculture and health. And that is why I am proud that this COP28 will be the first to host a Climate Health Ministerial.

Colleagues, I want this COP to be the COP that maximizes momentum on mitigation. Today, countries representing more than 85% of the world's economy are behind COP28's goal of tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030. And we are reaching critical mass on the goal to double Energy Efficiency by 2030. This is how we will transition away from Unabated Coal. Let me also encourage countries to establish Net Zero methan emission targets as part of their next round of NDCs. Zeroing out methan emissions can make a huge impact in the shortest time frame.

Colleagues, and let history reflect the fact that this is the presidency that made a Bold Choice to proactively engage with oil and gas companies. We had many hard discussions. Let me tell you that wasn't easy. But today, many of these companies are committing to zero methane emissions by 2030 for the first time and now many national oil companies have adopted Net Zero 2050 targets for the first time.

And I'm grateful that they have stepped up to join this gamechanging journey. But I must say, it is not enough. And I know that they can do much more. They can lead the way and then leading the way will ensure that others follow and catch up.

At the same time as part of this presidency's action agenda, we are engaging with other high emitting sectors like heavy transportation, aluminum, steel, and cement. All in an effort to accelerate decarbonization at scale. I'm calling on all Industries to engage to innovate, to modernize and invest in clean technologies.

Colleagues, my friends, my partners, the next two weeks will not be easy. Let's remember our task is not only about negotiating text or putting words on paper. It is about improving lives, it is about people from the students I met in Bangladesh, to the young entrepreneurs I saw in Nairobi, to indigenous communities I visited in the Amazon basin. All of us want and need the same things, clean air, clean water, healthy food, economies and opportunities for ourselves and our families.

And of course, we want a safe and a secure future.

Is that too much to ask?

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, my friends and my partners, we all made a choice to be here at this time. We understand the gravity of the situation and I know that we all respect the science. Today, we need to follow through take that new road and let's bring everyone on board with us if we want to accelerate progress across the climate agenda, we must apply a positive Can-Do vision to get a GST(global stock take) decision with the highest ambition. We must translate the negotiated outcomes and to real results in the real world.

And we must use the next two weeks wisely, take a No Nonsense approach with no delays. Let's restore faith in multilateralism, let's bring back the lost trust in multilateralism and let's deliver some good news to the world that really needs it today . And friends I'll be right there at your side every step of the way. I will roll up my own sleeves alongside you let's rise above our differences to make the difference for future generations right now, here in the United Arab Emirates. I'm calling you all to unite, to act ,and to deliver.

I thank you.



















各位領導、親愛的朋友,我們都知道在氣候綱要中的一個關鍵成功因素是財政支持。財政支持長期以來一直處於 無法獲得、無法接觸以及無法負擔。這屆主辦國承諾解開財政支持的鎖鏈,確保全球無需在發展與氣候行動之間做出抉擇。

























2023年聯合國氣候變遷大會或稱UNFCCC締約大會。是第28屆聯合國氣候變遷會議COP28, 11月30日至12月12 日在杜拜舉行。自 1992年第一份聯合國氣候協議以來,該會議每年舉行一次。COP會議的目的是讓各國政府就限制全球氣溫上升和適應氣候變遷相關影響的政策達成一致
Luffy@TW的沙龍 的其他內容
承接EU ETS上篇,其中介紹了EU ETS的起源與沿革,本篇則是針對將海運含括進入管制範圍,並於2024年1月1 日開始施行向海運企業徵收EUA的部分,而出口商除了受到CBAM以外,還要被航商轉嫁EU ETS的EUA附加費。面臨這種「綠色通膨」,大家無不感到「碳焦慮」。
EU ETS:EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme 當談到歐盟的氣候政策時,EU ETS(歐盟排放交易系統)於2005年成立,是歐盟致力於減少溫室氣體排放的一個關鍵工具。 2021年提出的Fit for 55政策則是歐盟在擴大氣候行動方面的重要舉措,導致航運面臨碳費徵收之壓力。
繼上篇提到的Poseidon Principles,本篇將把內容轉移到Sea Cargo Charter。 藉由租傭船人在海運業的定位,針對海運中的經濟活動所產生的碳密集度對標減碳淨零軌跡的程度,以評斷面對於氣候變遷的風險的控告
繼上篇提到的IMO 2023 GHG Strategy,本篇將把內容轉移至金融業相關。 於2019年6月18日由GMF(Global Maritime Forum)發布,經11間國際大型銀行聯合簽署了針對航運業碳排放量進行管制的倡議—The Poseidon Principles(簡稱PP)
航運業在ESG方面的重要性和近年來的變革趨勢 在疫情開啟的2020新時代,航運業同時正經歷一場前所未有的轉型。如今2023年,環境Envirment、社會Social和公司治理Governance(ESG)已經成為塑造全球航運業未來的發展目標核心之一。
首先, 感謝每一位來到這裡,這裡是我Luffy個人小小研究的空間 這個Blog主要針對我有興趣的議題進行資料的統整及個人看法的整理,也希望我的一點小研究可以跟大家分享! 謝謝每個路過的你/妳
承接EU ETS上篇,其中介紹了EU ETS的起源與沿革,本篇則是針對將海運含括進入管制範圍,並於2024年1月1 日開始施行向海運企業徵收EUA的部分,而出口商除了受到CBAM以外,還要被航商轉嫁EU ETS的EUA附加費。面臨這種「綠色通膨」,大家無不感到「碳焦慮」。
EU ETS:EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme 當談到歐盟的氣候政策時,EU ETS(歐盟排放交易系統)於2005年成立,是歐盟致力於減少溫室氣體排放的一個關鍵工具。 2021年提出的Fit for 55政策則是歐盟在擴大氣候行動方面的重要舉措,導致航運面臨碳費徵收之壓力。
繼上篇提到的Poseidon Principles,本篇將把內容轉移到Sea Cargo Charter。 藉由租傭船人在海運業的定位,針對海運中的經濟活動所產生的碳密集度對標減碳淨零軌跡的程度,以評斷面對於氣候變遷的風險的控告
繼上篇提到的IMO 2023 GHG Strategy,本篇將把內容轉移至金融業相關。 於2019年6月18日由GMF(Global Maritime Forum)發布,經11間國際大型銀行聯合簽署了針對航運業碳排放量進行管制的倡議—The Poseidon Principles(簡稱PP)
航運業在ESG方面的重要性和近年來的變革趨勢 在疫情開啟的2020新時代,航運業同時正經歷一場前所未有的轉型。如今2023年,環境Envirment、社會Social和公司治理Governance(ESG)已經成為塑造全球航運業未來的發展目標核心之一。
首先, 感謝每一位來到這裡,這裡是我Luffy個人小小研究的空間 這個Blog主要針對我有興趣的議題進行資料的統整及個人看法的整理,也希望我的一點小研究可以跟大家分享! 謝謝每個路過的你/妳
Google News 追蹤
現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
第29屆聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP29)於2024年在亞塞拜然巴庫舉行,全球領袖針對氣候融資和國際合作進行了密集討論,並首次在”新集體量化目標(NCQG)”上達成里程碑式的決議。 NCQG不僅設定了2035年達到每年1.3兆美元的融資目標,還為發展中國家與已開發國家之間的責任分配建立了新框架。
本篇數據分享主要是讓更多人了解人類現在面臨的全球氣候風險,不容樂觀。 但葉教授也提醒聽眾「堅持一個原則會忽略其他角度,光用環境角度解決問題是不夠的」因此高峰會議如COP28等有針對相應的問題提出因應措施會在下篇分享。
這是一場課後重點紀錄,聽完北大自然資源與環境管理研究所的李堅明教授的演講後,重點紀錄整理如下: 為什麼要碳交易
文/頤德國際 ESG Com資深顧問鍾筱敏 圖/COP28 UAE 官方   今年的聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第28次締約方會議(COP28)是簽署《巴黎協定》以來第一次的全球盤點(Global StockTake, GST),同時也是首次將推動擺脫化石燃料納入協議文本的會議。無論COP28的決議
CMS COP14是《保護野生動物遷徙物種公約》的締約國大會,於2月12日至17日在烏茲別克的撒瑪爾罕舉行,是COP第一次於中亞舉辦全球性環境公約大會。聯合國在開幕日(2/16)發布世界首份《全球遷徙物種狀況報告》,
近年來全世界各地都飽受極端氣候之苦,全球許多地區遭受高溫、暴雨、乾旱、強風或大火侵襲,極端氣候的危機已經迫在眉睫。在剛落幕COP28會議中,世界各國間又達成什麼樣的共識呢?我們究竟有沒有機會延緩極端氣候對人類的衝擊? 本集許惠菁律師將就氣候變遷法案為簡單回顧,並分析與氣候變遷相關的法律問題。
現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
第29屆聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP29)於2024年在亞塞拜然巴庫舉行,全球領袖針對氣候融資和國際合作進行了密集討論,並首次在”新集體量化目標(NCQG)”上達成里程碑式的決議。 NCQG不僅設定了2035年達到每年1.3兆美元的融資目標,還為發展中國家與已開發國家之間的責任分配建立了新框架。
本篇數據分享主要是讓更多人了解人類現在面臨的全球氣候風險,不容樂觀。 但葉教授也提醒聽眾「堅持一個原則會忽略其他角度,光用環境角度解決問題是不夠的」因此高峰會議如COP28等有針對相應的問題提出因應措施會在下篇分享。
這是一場課後重點紀錄,聽完北大自然資源與環境管理研究所的李堅明教授的演講後,重點紀錄整理如下: 為什麼要碳交易
文/頤德國際 ESG Com資深顧問鍾筱敏 圖/COP28 UAE 官方   今年的聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第28次締約方會議(COP28)是簽署《巴黎協定》以來第一次的全球盤點(Global StockTake, GST),同時也是首次將推動擺脫化石燃料納入協議文本的會議。無論COP28的決議
CMS COP14是《保護野生動物遷徙物種公約》的締約國大會,於2月12日至17日在烏茲別克的撒瑪爾罕舉行,是COP第一次於中亞舉辦全球性環境公約大會。聯合國在開幕日(2/16)發布世界首份《全球遷徙物種狀況報告》,
近年來全世界各地都飽受極端氣候之苦,全球許多地區遭受高溫、暴雨、乾旱、強風或大火侵襲,極端氣候的危機已經迫在眉睫。在剛落幕COP28會議中,世界各國間又達成什麼樣的共識呢?我們究竟有沒有機會延緩極端氣候對人類的衝擊? 本集許惠菁律師將就氣候變遷法案為簡單回顧,並分析與氣候變遷相關的法律問題。